Conference Technical Content


There are four main forms of technical content at Crypto2003:

·        Invited talks

·        Refereed papers

·        the Rump Session

·        Birds-Of-a-Feather Sessions (BOFS)

The technical sessions with refereed papers and invited talks are on Monday, Tuesday morning, Wednesday, and Thursday morning. The Rump Session is on Tuesday evening. The BOFS are on Tuesday Afternoon, which is otherwise free for social and tourist activities.

Invited Talks

There will be two invited talks, from:

See the program for details.


Refereed papers

There are 34 papers to be presented. See the program for details.


Birds-Of-a-Feather Sessions

The idea of BOFS is for people with similar interests to get together informally on the spare Tuesday afternoon. There’s already a Soccer BOF and a Baseball BOF, and an IEEE BOF, if you want to think of them that way. This year we’re going to support them a bit more. We have three more rooms available in Anacapa for a few hours. To get the ball rolling, we have two BOFS pre-arranged. If you have a proposal for a BOF, send it to the General Chair. There will be sign-up sheets on a noticeboard in Anacapa.


Like me, you may have had the opportunity to teach a course in cryptography at your institution. Because it is such a new subject, there does not exist the large body of collective experience that exists for other well-established topics. I've certainly felt that absence as I've taught my course.


For that reason, I'm exploring the possibility of organizing some kind of discussion session or workshop during the upcoming CRYPTO meeting in Santa Barbara. There are numerous things to talk about. The syllabus is an obvious one. Developing a good selection of homework and test questions is another. For me, "theory vs. implementation" is a thorny issue. (I want to discuss theory, the students want to write programs.) I'm sure other people have other ideas about what to discuss.


In a recent research paper, we describe weaknesses in most master-keyed lock systems, such as those used by offices, schools, and businesses as well as by some residential facilities (particularly apartment complexes, dormitories, and condominiums). These weaknesses allow anyone with access to the key to a single lock to create easily the "master" key that opens every lock in the entire system. Creating such a key requires no special skill, leaves behind no evidence, and does not require engaging in recognizably suspicious behavior. The only materials required are a metal file and a small number of blank keys, which are often easy to obtain.


Last year at Crypto, I showed a few people how locks and lockpicks work, and will do some more.


I'm an auther of OpenPGP public keyserver, a.k.a OpenPKSD. Sometime, I'd like to ask to PGP, GPG and other public keyserver developers

about their activities because keyserver have to work with other keyserver implementations, PGP/GPG tools and etc.  Also I'd like to discuss ideas about OpenPGP and keyserver.  Informal face-to-face meeting of OpenPGP in CRYPTO 2003 is a good change to know what is going on around OpenPGP.  If you have idea or/and proposal for OpenPGP BOF, feel free to contact to <>.


After the OpenPGP BOF, in the same room, will be a PGP keysigning gathering, where PGP users can identify themselves and take away verified PGP key fingerprints for subsequent signing, enhancing the PGP Web of Trust.


Dave will demonstrate and describe HighFire, a communications privacy system designed for Human Rights workers. Because their work exposes human rights violations, they face unique challenges and dangers while passing extremely sensitive information over unsecure public communication networks.  To help, CRF is developing HighFire, which integrates several existing crypto projects and serves as a trusted, extensible platform for additional projects. CRF's goal is an extremely easy-to-use communications system featuring robust communications for developing infrastructures, high security and cryptographic authentication.


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