Actively Secure Two-Party
Evaluation of any Quantum Operation
Frédéric Dupuis
(ETH Zürich)
Louis Salvail (
Jesper Buus Nielsen (
We provide the first two-party protocol allowing Alice and Bob to evaluate
privately even against active adversaries a completely positive,
trace-preserving map $F \in L(A_{in} \tensor B_{in}) \rightarrow
L(A_{out} \tensor B_{out})$, given as a quantum circuit, upon their joint
quantum input state $\rho_{in} \in D(A_{in} \tensor B_{in})$. Our protocol
leaks no more to any active adversary than an ideal functionality for $F$
provided Alice and Bob have the cryptographic resources for active secure
two-party classical computation. Our protocol is constructed from the
protocol for the same task secure against specious adversaries presented by
Dupuis, Nielsen and Salvail at Crypto 2010.