Eurocrypt 2003 May 4-8, 2003, Warsaw, Poland
Palace of Culture and Science TP SA Concert Hall |
The Eurocrypt Conferences are series of annual meetings on high quality research in cryptology
which focus on the latest developments in this topic. Eurocrypt 2003 is organized by the
International Association for Cryptologic Research
(IACR) in cooperation with the Institute of Mathematics and Cryptology,
Faculty of Cybernetics of the Military University of Technology.
under honourable auspices of
Aleksander KWASNIEWSKI President of the Republic of Poland
Michal Kleiber Ministry of Science, Chairman of the State Committee for Scientific Research
Program chair: Eli Biham
Computer Science Department, Technion Israel
Institute of Technology, Technion City, Haifa 32000, Israel
phone 972 4 8294308       fax 972 4 8294308
General chair: Jerzy Gawinecki
Institute of Mathematics and Cryptology, Faculty of Cybernetics,
Military University of Technology, Kaliskiego Str. 2, 00-908 Warsaw, Poland
phone 48 22 6839556       fax 48 22 6837919
Conference proceedings (LNCS 2656) is now available online. |
You can find it at the URL: |
site 1
site 2
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Quo vadis cryptology?
International workshop following Eurocrypt 2003 |