International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


On the Public Key Replacement and Universal Forgery Attacks of Short Certificateless Signature

Mingwu Zhang
Tsuyoshi Takagi
Bo Yang
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Abstract: Certificateless cryptography eliminates the need of certificates in the PKI and solves the inherent key escrow problem in the ID-based cryptography. Recently, Du and Wen proposed a short certi¯cateless signature scheme without MapToPoint hash function, and the signature size is short enough with only half of the DSA signature. In this paper, after the detailing the formal of certificateless signature scheme, we show that the Du and Wen's short certificateless signature scheme is insecure which is broken by a type-I adversary who has the ability in replacing users' public keys and accessing to the signing oracles, and it also cannot resist on the universal forgery attack for any third user.
  title={On the Public Key Replacement and Universal Forgery Attacks of Short Certificateless Signature},
  booktitle={IACR Eprint archive},
  keywords={public-key cryptography /},
  note={ 14737 received 5 May 2010, withdrawn 8 May 2010},
  author={Mingwu Zhang and Tsuyoshi Takagi and Bo Yang},