CHES 2008
Washington, D.C., USA
Elisabeth Oswald, Pankaj Rohatg (Eds.):
Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - CHES 2008, 10th International Workshop,
Washington, D.C., USA,
August 10-13, 2008.
General Co-Chairs :
Kris Gay, George Mason University
Jens-Peter Kaps, George Mason University
Program Co-Chairs :
Elisabeth Oswald, University of Bristol
Pankaj Rohatgi, IBM Research
Program Commitee
Daniel V. Bailey | RSA Laboratories, USA | |
Lejla Batina | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium | |
Feng Bao | Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore | |
Daniel J. Bernstein | Univ. of Illinois, Chicago, USA | |
Suresh Chari | IBM Research, USA | |
Christophe Clavier | Gemalto, France | |
Jean-Sebastien Coron | University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg | |
Markus Dichtl | Siemens AG, Germany | |
Louis Goubin | Université de Versailles, France | |
Anwar Hasan | Univ. of Waterloo, Canada | |
Joshua Jaffe | Cryptography Research, USA | |
Marc Joye | Thomson R&D, France | |
Çetin Kaya Koç | Oregon State University, USA | |
Markus Kuhn | University of Cambridge, UK | |
Klaus Kursawe | Philips Research, Netherlands | |
Ruby Lee | Princeton University, USA | |
Kerstin Lemke-Rust | T-Systems, Germany | |
Arjen Lenstra | EPFL, Switzerland, and Alcatel-Lucent Bell Laboratories, USA | |
Stefan Mangard | Infineon Technologies, Germany | |
Mitsuru Matsui | Mitsubishi Electric, Japan | |
Máaire McLoone | Queens University Belfast, UK | |
David Naccache | ENS, France | |
Katsuyuki Okeya | Hitachi, Japan | |
Christof Paar | Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany | |
Dan Page | Univ. of Bristol, UK | |
Pascal Paillier | Gemalto, France | |
Emmanuel Prouff | Oberthur Card Systems, France | |
Jean-Jacques Quisquater | Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium | |
Anand Raghunathan | NEC labs, USA | |
Josyula R. Rao | IBM Research, USA | |
Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi | Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany | |
Akashi Satoh | AIST, Japan | |
Erkay Savas | Sabanci University, Turkey | |
Patrick Schaumont | Virginia Tech, USA | |
Jean-Pierre Seifert | Samsung R&D, USA | |
Berk Sunar | Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA | |
Masahiko Takenaka | Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd, Japan | |
Kris Tiri | Intel, USA | |
Elena Trichina | Spansion, France | |
Ingrid Verbauwhede | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium | |
Colin Walter | Comodo CA, UK | |
Johannes Wolkerstorfer | TU Graz, Austria |
External Reviewers
Side-Channel Analysis 1
Attack and Improvement of a Secure S-Box Calculation Based on the Fourier Transform.
, 1-14,
Jean-Sébastien Coron
Christophe Giraud
Emmanuel Prouff
Matthieu Rivain
bib info -
Collision-Based Power Analysis of Modular Exponentiation Using Chosen-Message Pairs.
, 15-29,
Adi Shamir
Akashi Satoh
Naofumi Homma
Takafumi Aoki
Atsushi Miyamoto
bib info -
Multiple-Differential Side-Channel Collision Attacks on AES.
, 30-44,
Andrey Bogdanov
bib info
Implementations 1
Time-Area Optimized Public-Key Engines: -Cryptosystems as Replacement for Elliptic Curves?.
, 45-61,
Andy Rupp
Andrey Bogdanov
Thomas Eisenbarth
Christopher Wolf
bib info -
Ultra High Performance ECC over NIST Primes on Commercial FPGAs.
, 62-78,
Christof Paar
Tim Güneysu
bib info -
Exploiting the Power of GPUs for Asymmetric Cryptography.
, 79-99,
Robert Szerwinski
Tim Güneysu
bib info
Fault Analysis 1
High-Performance Concurrent Error Detection Scheme for AES Hardware.
, 100-112,
Akashi Satoh
Naofumi Homma
Takafumi Aoki
Takeshi Sugawara
bib info -
A Lightweight Concurrent Fault Detection Scheme for the AES S-Boxes Using Normal Basis.
, 113-129,
Arash Reyhani-Masoleh
Mehran Mozaffari Kermani
bib info -
RSA with CRT: A New Cost-Effective Solution to Thwart Fault Attacks.
, 130-145,
David Vigilant
bib info
Random Number Generation
A Design for a Physical RNG with Robust Entropy Estimators.
, 146-163,
Werner Schindler
Wolfgang Killmann
bib info -
Fast Digital TRNG Based on Metastable Ring Oscillator.
, 164-180,
Ihor Vasyltsov
Eduard Hambardzumyan
Young-Sik Kim
Bohdan Karpinskyy
bib info -
Efficient Helper Data Key Extractor on FPGAs.
, 181-197,
Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi
Pim Tuyls
Jorge Guajardo
Christoph Bösch
Jamshid Shokrollahi
bib info
Side-Channel Analysis 2
The Carry Leakage on the Randomized Exponent Countermeasure.
, 198-213,
Pierre-Alain Fouque
Frédéric Valette
Denis Réal
M'hamed Drissi
bib info -
Recovering Secret Keys from Weak Side Channel Traces of Differing Lengths.
, 214-227,
Colin D. Walter
bib info -
Attacking State-of-the-Art Software Countermeasures-A Case Study for AES.
, 228-243,
Stefan Tillich
Christoph Herbst
bib info
Cryptography and Cryptanalysis
Binary Edwards Curves.
, 244-265,
Daniel J. Bernstein
Tanja Lange
Reza Rezaeian Farashahi
bib info -
A Real-World Attack Breaking A5/1 within Hours.
, 266-282,
Andy Rupp
Timo Gendrullis
Martin Novotný
bib info -
Hash Functions and RFID Tags: Mind the Gap.
, 283-299,
Gregor Leander
Matthew J. B. Robshaw
Christof Paar
Andrey Bogdanov
Axel Poschmann
Yannick Seurin
bib info
Implementations 2
A New Bit-Serial Architecture for Field Multiplication Using Polynomial Bases.
, 300-314,
Arash Reyhani-Masoleh
bib info -
A Very Compact Hardware Implementation of the MISTY1 Block Cipher.
, 315-330,
Jun Yajima
Kouichi Itoh
Dai Yamamoto
bib info -
Light-Weight Instruction Set Extensions for Bit-Sliced Cryptography.
, 331-345,
Johann Großschädl
Dan Page
Philipp Grabher
bib info
Fault Analysis 2
Power and Fault Analysis Resistance in Hardware through Dynamic Reconfiguration.
, 346-362,
Ingrid Verbauwhede
Benedikt Gierlichs
Nele Mentens
bib info -
RFID and Its Vulnerability to Faults.
, 363-379,
Michael Hutter
Jörn-Marc Schmidt
Thomas Plos
bib info -
Perturbating RSA Public Keys: An Improved Attack.
, 380-395,
Louis Goubin
Cécile Canovas
Alexandre Berzati
bib info
Side-Channel Analysis 3
Divided Backend Duplication Methodology for Balanced Dual Rail Routing.
, 396-410,
Karthik Baddam
Mark Zwolinski
bib info -
Using Subspace-Based Template Attacks to Compare and Combine Power and Electromagnetic Information Leakages.
, 411-425,
François-Xavier Standaert
Cédric Archambeau
bib info -
Mutual Information Analysis.
, 426-442,
Bart Preneel
Pim Tuyls
Lejla Batina
Benedikt Gierlichs
bib info -
A Vision for Platform Security.
, 444,
Ernie Brickell
bib info
Invited Talks
Adi Shamir
RSA-Past, Present, Future. , 443, Adi Shamir
bib info -
ion for Platform Security.
, 444,
Ernie Brickell
bib info
Author Index