December 3-7, 2000, Kyoto, Japan
Preliminary Program
Sunday, December 3, 2000
Sun 15:00--20:00 Conference registration
Sun 18:00--20:00 Evening reception
Monday, December 4, 2000
Mon 8:50-- 9:00 Opening Remarks
by: Tsutomu Matsumoto (General Chair)
Mon 9:00--10:55 Session 1: Cryptanalysis I
Mon 9:00-- 9:23 Cryptanalytic
Time/Memory/Data Tradeoffs for Stream Ciphers
Alex Biryukov (Weizmann Institute,
Israel) and Adi Shamir (Weizmann Institute, Israel)
Mon 9:23-- 9:46 Cryptanalysis
of the RSA Schemes with Short Secret Exponent from Asiacrypt '99
Glenn Durfee (Stanford University,
USA) and Phong Q. Nguyen (Ecole Normale Superieure, France)
Mon 9:46--10:09 Why Textbook
ElGamal and RSA Encryption are Insecure
Dan Boneh (Stanford University,
USA), Antoine Joux (DCSSI, France) and Phong Q. Nguyen (Ecole Normale Superieure,
Mon 10:09--10:32 Cryptanalysis
of the TTM Cryptosystem
Louis Goubin (Bull, France) and
Nicolas T. Courtois (Bull, France)
Mon 10:32--10:55 Attacking and
Repairing Batch Verification Schemes
Colin Boyd (Queensland University
of Technology, Australia) and Chris Pavlovski (Queensland University of
Technology, Australia)
Mon 10:55--11:15 Morning break
Mon 11:15--12:15 Session 2: IACR Distinguished Lecture
Mon 11:15--12:15 Cryptography
Thomas A. Berson (Anagram Labs,
Mon 12:20--13:30 Lunch
Mon 14:00--15:55 Session 3: Digital Signatures
Mon 14:00--14:23 Security of Signed
ElGamal Encryption
Claus P. Schnorr (University of
Frankfurt, Germany) and Markus Jakobsson (Bell Labs, USA)
Mon 14:23--14:46 From Fixed-Length
to Arbitrary-Length RSA Padding Schemes
Jean-Sebastien Coron (Ecole Normale
Superieure, France), Francois Koeune (UCL, Belgium) and David Naccache
(Gemplus, France)
Mon 14:46--15:09 Towards Signature-Only
Signature Schemes
Adam Young (Columbia University,
USA) and Moti Yung (CertCo, USA)
Mon 15:09--15:32 A New Forward-Secure
Digital Signature Scheme
Michel Abdalla (University of California
at San Diego, USA) and Leonid Reyzin (MIT, USA)
Mon 15:32--15:55 Unconditionally
Secure Digital Signature Schemes Admitting Transferability
Goichiro Hanaoka (University of
Tokyo, Japan), Junji Shikata (University of Tokyo, Japan), Yuliang Zheng
(Monash University, Australia) and Hideki Imai (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Mon 15:55--16:25 Afternoon break
Mon 16:25--18:20 Session 4: Protocols I
Mon 16:25--16:48 Efficient Secure
Multi-Party Computation
Martin Hirt (ETH Zurich, Switzerland),
Ueli Maurer (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) and Bartosz Przydatek (Carnegie Mellon
University, USA)
Mon 16:48--17:11 Mix and Match:
Secure Function Evaluation via Ciphertexts
Markus Jakobsson (Bell Labs, USA)
and Ari Juels (RSA Labs, USA)
Mon 17:11--17:34 A Length-Invariant
Hybrid Mix
Miyako Ohkubo (NTT East, Japan)
and Masayuki Abe (NTT Labs, Japan)
Mon 17:34--17:57 Attack for Flash
Masashi Mitomo (Tokyo Institute
of Technology, Japan) and Kaoru Kurosawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Mon 17:57--18:20 Distributed
Oblivious Transfer
Moni Naor (Weizmann Institute, Israel)
and Benny Pinkas (STAR Lab, USA)
Mon 19:00--22:00 Rump Session
Tuesday, December 5, 2000
Tue 8:30--10:02 Session 5: Number Theoretic Algorithms
Tue 8:30-- 8:53 Key Improvements
to XTR
Arjen K. Lenstra (Citibank, USA)
and Eric R. Verheul (Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Netherlands)
Tue 8:53-- 9:16 Security of Cryptosystems
based on Class Groups of Imaginary Quadratic Orders
Safuat Hamdy (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
and Bodo Moeller (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
Tue 9:16-- 9:39 Weil Descent
of Elliptic Curves over Finite Fields of Characteristic Three
Seigo Arita (NEC, Japan)
Tue 9:39--10:02 Construction
of Hyperelliptic Curves with CM and Its Application to Cryptosystems
Jinhui Chao (Chuo University, Japan),
Kazuto Matsuo (Toyo Communication, Japan), Hiroto Kawashiro (Chuo University,
Japan), and Shigeo Tsujii (Chuo University, Japan)
Tue 10:02--10:30 Morning break
Tue 10:30--12:02 Session 6: Symmetric-Key Schemes I
Tue 10:30--10:53 Provable Security
for the Skipjack-like Structure against Differential Cryptanalysis and
Linear Cryptanalysis
Jaechul Sung (Korea University,
Korea), Sangjin Lee (Korea University, Korea), Jongin Lim (Korea University,
Korea), Seokhie Hong (Korea University, Korea) and Sangjoon Park (National
Security Research Institute, Korea)
Tue 10:53--11:16 On the Pseudorandomness
of Top-Level Schemes of Block Ciphers
Shiho Moriai (NTT Labs, Japan) and
Serge Vaudenay (EPF Lausanne, Switzerland)
Tue 11:16--11:39 Exploiting Multiples
of the Connection Polynomial in Word-Oriented Stream Ciphers
Philip Hawkes (Qualcomm, Australia)
and Gregory G. Rose (Qualcomm, Australia)
Tue 11:39--12:02 Encode-Then-Encipher
Encryption: How to Exploit Nonces or Redundancy in Plaintexts for Efficient
Mihir Bellare (University of California
at San Diego, USA) and Phillip Rogaway (University of California
at Davis, USA)
Tue 12:10--13:30 Lunch
Free afternoon
Wednesday 6, 2000
Wed 8:30--10:25 Session 7: Protocols II
Wed 8:30-- 8:53 Verifiable Encryption,
Group Encryption, and their Applications to Separable Group Signatures
and Signature Sharing Schemes
Jan Camenisch (IBM Zurich, Switzerland)
and Ivan Damgaard (University of Aarhus, Denmark)
Wed 8:53-- 9:16 Addition of ElGamal
Markus Jakobsson (Bell Labs, USA)
and Ari Juels (RSA Labs, USA)
Wed 9:16-- 9:39 Improved Methods
to Perform Threshold RSA
Brian King (University of Wisconsin
at Milwaukee, USA)
Wed 9:39--10:02 Commital Deniable
Proofs and Electronic Campaign Finance
Matt Franklin (University of California
at Davis, USA) and Tomas Sander (STAR Lab, USA)
Wed 10:02--10:25 Provably Secure
Metering Scheme
Wakaha Ogata (Tokyo Institute of
Technology, Japan) and Kaoru Kurosawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Wed 10:25--10:55 Morning break
Wed 10:55--11:25 Session 8: Invited Lecture
Wed 10:55--11:25 CRYPTREC Project -- Cryptographic
Evaluation Project for the Japanese Electronic Government
Hideki Imai (University of Tokyo,
Japan) and Atsuhiro Yamagishi (Information-Technology Promotion
Agency, Japan)
Wed 11:25--12:11 Session 9: Fingerprinting
Wed 11:25--11:48 Anonymous Fingerprinting
with Direct Non-Repudiation
Birgit Pfitzmann (University of
Saarlandes, Germany) and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi (University of Saarlandes,
Wed 11:48--12:11 Efficient Anonymous
Fingerprinting with Group Signatures
Jan Camenisch (IBM Zurich, Switzerland)
Wed 12:15--13:30 Lunch
Wed 14:00--15:09 Session 10: Zero-Knowledge and Provable Security
Wed 14:00--14:23 Increasing the
Power of the Dealer in Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proof Systems
Danny Gutfreund (Hebrew University,
Israel) and Michael Ben-Or (Hebrew University, Israel)
Wed 14:23--14:46 Zero-Knowledge
and Code Obfuscation
Satoshi Hada (IBM Tokyo, Japan)
Wed 14:46--15:09 A Note on Security
Proofs in the Generic Model
Marc Fischlin (University of Frankfurt,
Wed 15:09--15:32 Session 11: Boolean Functions
Wed 15:09--15:32 On Relationships
among Avalanche, Nonlinearity and Correlation Immunity
Yuliang Zheng (Monash University,
Australia) and Xian-Mo Zhang (University of Wollongong, Australia)
Wed 15:32--16:00 Afternoon break
Wed 16:00--16:46 Session 12: Cryptanalysis II
Wed 16:00--16:23 Cryptanalysis
of the Yi-Lam hash
David Wagner (University of California
at Berkeley, USA)
Wed 16:23--16:46 Power Analysis,
What Is Now Possible...
Mehdi-Laurent Akkar (Bull, France),
Regis Bevan (Oberthur, France), Paul Dischamp (Oberthur, France) and
Didier Moyart (Oberthur, France)
Wed 16:46--17:09 Session 13: Pseudorandomness
Wed 16:46--17:09 Concrete Security
Characterizations of PRFs and PRPs: Reductions and Applications
Anand Desai (Bell Labs, USA) and
Sara Miner (University of California at San Diego, USA)
Wed 17:10--18:00 IACR General Meeting
Wed 19:00--21:30 Banquet
Thursday, December 7, 2000
Thu 8:30--10:02 Session 14: Symmetric-Key Schemes II
Thu 8:30-- 8:53 The Security of
Chaffing and Winnowing
Mihir Bellare (University of California
at San Diego, USA) and Alexandra Boldyreva (University of California
at San Diego, USA)
Thu 8:53-- 9:16 Authenticated
Encryption: Relations among Notions and Analysis of the Generic Composition
Mihir Bellare (University of California
at San Diego, USA) and Chanathip Namprempre (University of California
at San Diego, USA)
Thu 9:16-- 9:39 Increasing the
Lifetime of a Key: A Comparative Analysis of the Security of Re-Keying
Michel Abdalla (University of California
at San Diego, USA) and Mihir Bellare (University of California at
San Diego, USA)
Thu 9:39--10:02 Proofs of Security
for the Unix Password Hashing Algorithm
David Wagner (University of California
at Berkeley, USA) and Ian Goldberg (University of California at
Berkeley, USA)
Thu 10:02--10:30 Morning break
Thu 10:30--12:02 Session 15: Public-Key Encryption and Key Distribution
Thu 10:30--10:53 Trapdooring Discrete
Logarithms on Elliptic Curves over Rings
Pascal Paillier (Gemplus, France)
Thu 10:53--11:16 Strengthening
McEliece Cryptosystem
Pierre Loidreau (INRIA , France)
Thu 11:16--11:39 Password-Authenticated
Key Exchange based on RSA
Philip MacKenzie (Bell Labs, USA),
Sarvar Patel (Bell Labs, USA) and Ram Swaminathan (Hewlett-Packard,
Thu 11:39--12:02 Round-Efficient
Conference Key Agreement Protocols with Provable Security
Wen-Guey Tzeng (National Chiao Tung
University, Taiwan) and Zhi-Jia Tzeng (National Chiao Tung
University, Taiwan)