Last update: May 19, 2000See the Call for Papers for general submission guidelines.
Questions about the submission process may be sent to
The electronic submission of papers is made possible by some experimental software being developed by Sam Rebelsky ( and SIGACT's Electronic Publishing Board. A variant of this server has been used successfully for several conferences already (FOCS, STOC, CRYPTO, Eurocrypt, etc). However, because of the experimental nature of the software, because email can be at times unreliable, and because "good" PostScript files can fail to print on "good" PostScript printers, the program committee cannot assume responsibility for technical problems, although we will do our best to make sure that no such problems occur. For this reason we request that you submit your paper as early as possible.
In addition, please keep in mind the following:
If you use dvips or dvi2ps, the appropriate commands are
respectively. If you use another mechanism for generating PostScript, please contact your technical support people.
- dvips -t a4
- dvi2ps -o a4
The submissions server has a test print feature for testing papers for printability. We strongly recommend using it, especially if you have not used this software before or are using a new document preparation package. However, the submissions server cannot detect papers that are legal PostScript but violate the DSC conventions or specify the wrong paper size.
Pages begin with a line of the form%!PS-Adobe-2.0 %%Creator: dvipsk 5.66a Copyright 1986-97 Radical Eye Software ( %%Title: NISTc.dvi %%Pages: 3 %%PageOrder: Ascend %%BoundingBox: 0 0 596 842 %%DocumentFonts: cmr10 cmsy10 cmr12 cmbx12 cmmi8 cmmi7 cmti12 cmsy7 %%+ cmtt10 cmtt12 cmmi12 %%DocumentPaperSizes: a4 %%EndComments %DVIPSCommandLine: dvips -P distiller -t a4 -N0 -o JCraptology %DVIPSParameters: dpi=600, compressed %DVIPSSource: TeX output 1999.04.15:2246 ...
%%Page: ...If your paper looks like this, you are probably in good shape. To be sure, contact your systems support person. A fuller description of these conventions is given in the PostScript Language Reference Manual (second edition), Appendix G.
If your PostScript file is not DSC compliant,
do NOT attempt
to manually make it compliant by inserting lines from the example!
Ask your systems support person for help.
Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to help you by yourselves.
(If you use dvips, try -N0
All commands must be placed in the subject line of the message. A detailed description of these commands can be found in section on Server Commands.
Please note:
Before submitting a paper, it is a good idea to test early in advance the printability of the PostScript that your text formatter is generating. For this you can send a "TESTPRINT" command to the server with the PostScript file included in the message body. You will receive an acknowledgment containing the result of the test. (This is the same quick check for PostScript errors performed when you submit your paper with the submit command.)
After you have submitted your paper, and any time before the deadline, you can revise your paper by sending a "REVISE <key>" command to the server. This will have the effect of replacing your previous copy at the server with the new one. You can also withdraw your paper by sending a "WITHDRAW <key>" command.
At any time, you can ask the server for help by sending a "HELP" command, and you can ask the server for the current status of your paper in the database (i.e., registered, submitted, revised, withdrawn; NOT its reviewing status) by sending a "STATUS <key>" command.
It is possible to practice submitting a paper before doing the real submission. First you send a "TEST REGISTER" command to the server and wait for it to acknowledge the test registration and provide you with a test-key; then you send a "SUBMIT <test-key>" command containing the test PostScript file.
You must still use the REGISTER command after performing a TEST REGISTER and SUBMIT sequence. The REGISTER command will give a different key; do not use the key generated earlier by the TEST REGISTER command.
See the section on Server Commands for a detailed description of the commands available. If for some reason you need some extra help with email submission, please send email to .
Case is not significant in commands to the server. The commands available are: register, submit, revise, withdraw, status, test register, testprint, help.
The body of a REGISTER message should take the form
The contents of the authors and contact fields will be used in processing the documents, but will not be read by the program committee. The "notes" field is used to include a phone and fax number and a standard mail address, for greater redundancy.authors: list of authors separated by "and" title: title of paper contact: e-mail address of contact author notes: contact author telephone and fax number, address
For example,
Continuation lines for the "From: To: Subject: REGISTER authors: Kazumaro Aoki and Atsushi `Jun' Fujioka and Lars `Chuck' Knudsen title: Deletion Craptanalysis of the Asian Encryption Standard contact: notes: +81-468-59-1234 * +81-468-59-1357 * 1-1 Hikarinooka, Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 239-0847 Japan
" and "notes
" fields, if needed,
should start with ONE space.
The server will return a name to use to refer to your submission (called the filename or key in the sections below).
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2000 16:12:42 +0900 (JST) From: (ASIACRYPT 2000) To: Subject: Asiacrypt2000: Submission registered This letter was generated by the prototype electronic submissions server for Asiacrypt2000 in response to a letter with Subject: REGISTER Sender: <> ================================================================= Use the key '' for your submission to Asiacrypt2000 with author(s): Kazumaro Aoki and Atsushi `Jun' Fujioka and Lars `Chuck' Knudsen title: Deletion Craptanalysis of the Asian Encryption Standard contact: notes: +81-468-59-1234 * +81-468-59-1357 * 1-1 Hikarinooka, Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 239-0847 Japan ================================================================= Thank you for using the electronic submissions server for Asiacrypt2000. If you have any questions or comments about using this server, please contact <>.
For example,
The server will reply as follows.From: To: Subject: SUBMIT insert PostScript file into main body of message. You may alternatively attach your file.
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2000 16:20:20 +0900 (JST) From: (ASIACRYPT 2000) To: Subject: Asiacrypt2000: Submission received This letter was generated by the prototype electronic submissions server for Asiacrypt2000 in response to a letter with Subject: SUBMIT Sender: <> ================================================================= Verifying your file ... INFORMATION FROM THE POSTSCRIPT(TM) FILE TESTING PROCESS -------------------------------------------------------- Your PostScript file does not seem to generate any syntactic errors. RECEIPT ------- Submission '' received. The receipt for the submission with key '' is 'df6d7aa0fcbfaafff006835c99a8b640'. FILE INFORMATION ----------------------------------------------------------------- Information generated on Sat Apr 29 16:20:14 JST 2000. Your file is 127468 bytes long. Its checksum (calculated by the program below) is 26771. ----------------------------------------------------------------- CHECKSUM PROGRAM ----------------------------------------------------------------- ... ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST TEN LINES ----------------------------------------------------------------- ... ----------------------------------------------------------------- LAST TEN LINES ----------------------------------------------------------------- ... ----------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================= Thank you for using the electronic submissions server for Asiacrypt2000. If you have any questions or comments about using this server, please contact <>.
For example,
The server will reply as follows.From: To: Subject: REVISE insert PostScript file into main body of message. You may alternatively attach your file.
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2000 16:24:40 +0900 (JST) From: (ASIACRYPT 2000) To: Subject: Asiacrypt2000: Revision This letter was generated by the prototype electronic submissions server for Asiacrypt2000 in response to a letter with Subject: REVISE Sender: <> ================================================================= Verifying your file ... INFORMATION FROM THE POSTSCRIPT(TM) FILE TESTING PROCESS -------------------------------------------------------- Your PostScript file does not seem to generate any syntactic errors. Your submission with key '' was revised at the request of <>. Please send mail as soon as possible to <> if this is in error. The receipt for the submission with key '' is '50784a69b1b46ea474c3c4bc86264fb5'. FILE INFORMATION ----------------------------------------------------------------- Information generated on Sat Apr 29 16:24:36 JST 2000. Your file is 11325 bytes long. Its checksum (calculated by the program below) is 4253. ----------------------------------------------------------------- CHECKSUM PROGRAM ----------------------------------------------------------------- ... ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST TEN LINES ----------------------------------------------------------------- ... ----------------------------------------------------------------- LAST TEN LINES ----------------------------------------------------------------- ... ----------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================= Thank you for using the electronic submissions server for Asiacrypt2000. If you have any questions or comments about using this server, please contact <>.
For example,
The server will reply as follows.From: To: Subject: WITHDRAW
This letter was generated by the prototype electronic submissions server for Asiacrypt2000 in response to a letter with Subject: WITHDRAW Sender: <> ================================================================= Your submission with key '' was withdrawn at the request of <>. Please send mail as soon as possible to <> if this is in error. ================================================================= Thank you for using the electronic submissions server for Asiacrypt2000. If you have any questions or comments about using this server, please contact <>.
We have also found that some PostScript successfully passes through the testing process, but is not printable. For example, FrameMaker generates PostScript that is only printable on a particular size of paper (if generated for letter, it will not print on A4, and vice versa). All papers must be generated for A4 paper.
Here is an example of the use of TESTPRINT
The server will reply as follows.From: To: Subject: TESTPRINT insert PostScript file into main body of message. You may alternatively attach your file.
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2000 16:29:17 +0900 (JST) From: (ASIACRYPT 2000) To: Subject: Asiacrypt2000: Printing test This letter was generated by the prototype electronic submissions server for Asiacrypt2000 in response to a letter with Subject: TESTPRINT Sender: <> ================================================================= Verifying your file ... ... INFORMATION FROM THE POSTSCRIPT(TM) FILE TESTING PROCESS -------------------------------------------------------- The PostScript(tm) interpreter could not process the file you sent. The PostScript(tm) interpreter returned the following errors. FILE INFORMATION ----------------------------------------------------------------- Information generated on Sat Apr 29 16:29:15 JST 2000. Your file is 684 bytes long. Its checksum (calculated by the program below) is 22610. ----------------------------------------------------------------- CHECKSUM PROGRAM ----------------------------------------------------------------- ... ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST TEN LINES ----------------------------------------------------------------- ... ----------------------------------------------------------------- LAST TEN LINES ----------------------------------------------------------------- ... ----------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================= Thank you for using the electronic submissions server for Asiacrypt2000. If you have any questions or comments about using this server, please contact <>.
For example,
The server will reply as follows.From: To: Subject: STATUS
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2000 16:31:34 +0900 (JST) From: (ASIACRYPT 2000) To: Subject: Asiacrypt2000: Status of '' This letter was generated by the prototype electronic submissions server for Asiacrypt2000 in response to a letter with Subject: STATUS Sender: <> ================================================================= The following is our database entry for '' authors: Kazumaro Aoki and Atsushi `Jun' Fujioka and Lars `Chuck' Knudsen title: Deletion Craptanalysis of the Asian Encryption Standard contact: notes: +81-468-59-1234 * +81-468-59-1357 * 1-1 Hikarinooka, Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 239-0847 Japan receipt: 50784a69b1b46ea474c3c4bc86264fb5 status: withdrawn ================================================================= Thank you for using the electronic submissions server for Asiacrypt2000. If you have any questions or comments about using this server, please contact <>.
First, many Microsoft Windows-based programs do not seem to know how to output PostScript themselves, but allow you to do so indirectly by printing the file, and using the print options. Here is what I did to get reasonable output from Microsoft Word.
(return to the table of contents)