Crypto '95 Rump Session
List of Presentations
August 29, 1995
For those not familiar with it, the Rump Session at Crypto is
a very informal evening session in which research announcements,
product announcements, and satirical presentations are given. It is
traditionally run by Whitfield Diffie of Sun Microsystems.
- Whitfield Diffie - The Rump Next Time
Over There
- Anatoly N. Lebedev - New Regulations on Cryptography in Russia
Over Here
- Bruce Schneier - Open Source Skipjack
- Matt Blaze, Joan Feigenbaum, and Tom Leighton, Master Key Cryptosystems
Some helpful contributions
- Ian Jones - Triple DES & ANSI X9
- Jack Lacy - CryptoLib
- Dhem & Quisquater - CASCADE
- Eric Hughes - Cypherpunk Laboratories
Some unhelpful contributions
- Ron Rivest - Translucent Crypto
- Youssef, Tavares, Mister, & Adams - Linear Approximation of Injective
- Serge Vaudenay - Licensed Fugu Butcher
- Winfried Muller - PKCS Based on Factorization and Dickson Polynomials
- Franklin and Reiter - A linear protocol failure for RSA with exponent
Point Counterpoint
- Adi Shamir - Rabin for Paranoids
- Tal Rabin - Shamir for Paranoids
- David M'raihi and David Naccache - Visual Exponentiation
- Josh Benaloh and Wei Dai, Fast Modular Reduction
Free Spenders
- Douglas Barnes - Identity Agnostic Online Electronic Cash
Quantum Crypto
- Matsueda, Shibata, and Uchiyama - Quantum Cryptography modulating the
spontaneous emission rate of light
Message Authentication Codes
- Bart Preneel and Paul van Oorschot - On the security of two MAC algorithms
- Bellare, Canetti, and Krawczyk - Keyed MD5
Key exchange
- Carl Ellison - If S1 is Skipjack then K1 is KEA
- Hugo Krawczyk - SKEME
- Jean-Jacques Quisquater - Fingerprinting a table of logarithms
On rejected Papers
- Statement by Whit Diffie:
- Forty papers were submitted to the rump session. Through ruthlessness,
arbitraryness, and malevolence, I have cut this to a little over twenty.
Anyone whose paper was rejected is welcome to present it during the final hour
(or maybe two). Just get together at the beginning of the rump and divide up
the time.
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