August 20--24, 2000
Santa Barbara, California, USA


Original papers on all technical aspects of cryptology are solicited for submission to Crypto 2000, the Twentieth Annual IACR Crypto Conference. Crypto 2000 is organized by the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR), in cooperation with the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Security and Privacy, and the Computer Science Department of the University of California, Santa Barbara. Important Dates are:

Conference August 20 -- 24, 2000
(Electronic) Submission Deadline February 10, 2000, 17:00 EST
Notification of decision April 26, 2000
Proceedings version deadline May 30, 2000

Instructions for authors

Submissions must not substantially duplicate work that any of the authors has published elsewhere or has submitted in parallel to any other conference or workshop that has proceedings.

Submission Format: The paper must be anonymous, with no author names, affiliations, acknowledgments, or obvious references. It should begin with a title, a short abstract, and a list of keywords. The length of the paper should be at most 12 pages excluding bibliography and appendices, and at most 26 pages total. It should use at least 11-point fonts and have reasonable sized margins. The Introduction should summarize the contributions of the paper at a level appropriate for a non-specialist reader. Committee members are not required to read appendices; the paper should be intelligible without them. Submissions not meeting these guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their merits.

Electronic submission: This is strongly encouraged. A detailed description of the electronic submission procedure will appear by January 21, 2000 at Electronic submissions must conform to this procedure and be received by February 10, 2000, 17:00 EST in order to be considered.

Hardcopy submission: Authors unable to submit electronically are invited to send a cover letter and 20 hardcopies of their submission (double-sided) to the Program Chair at the postal address below. Submissions must be received by the Program Chair on or before February 02, 2000 (or postmarked by January 28, 2000, and sent via airmail or courier). Late submissions and submissions by fax will not be considered. The cover letter should contain the paper's title and the names and affiliations of the authors, and should identify the contact author including e-mail and postal addresses.

Decisions and presentation: Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to authors by April 26, 2000. Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their paper will be presented at the conference.

Conference Proceedings: Proceedings will be published in Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in Computer Science and will be available at the conference. Clear instructions about the preparation of a final proceedings version will be sent to the authors of accepted papers. The final copies of the accepted papers will be due on May 30, 2000.

Program Committee

Mihir Bellare University of California, San Diego Program Chair
Alex Biryukov Weizmann Institute of Science
Dan Boneh Stanford University
Christian Cachin IBM Zurich
Ran Canetti IBM T.J. Watson
Ronald Cramer ETH Zurich
Yair Frankel CertCo
Shai Halevi IBM T.J. Watson
Arjen Lenstra Citibank
Mitsuru Matsui Mitsubishi
Paul Van Oorschot Entrust
Bart Preneel Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Phillip Rogaway University of California, Davis
Victor Shoup IBM Zurich
Jessica Staddon Bell Labs, Palo Alto
Jacques Stern Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris
Doug Stinson University of Waterloo
Salil Vadhan Massachusetts Institute of Technology
David Wagner University of California, Berkeley
Rebecca Wright AT&T Laboratories

Advisory members: Michael Wiener (Entrust, Crypto 1999 program chair) and Joe Kilian (NEC, Crypto 2001 program chair)

Contact Information for Program Chair

Mihir Bellare
Program Chair, Crypto 2000
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, 0114
AP&M Bldg, Room 4230
University of California at San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0114

Phone: 858-534-4544
FAX: 858-534-7029

Other Information

For other information contact

Mathew Franklin
General Chair, Crypto 2000
Xerox Parc
3333 Coyote Hill Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304

Phone: 650-812-4228
FAX: 650-812-4471

Stipends: A limited number of stipends are available to those unable to obtain funding to attend the conference. Students whose papers are accepted and who will present the paper themselves are encouraged to apply if such assistance is needed. Requests for stipends should be addressed to the General Chair.