August 20--24, 2000
Santa Barbara, California, USA

Registration Information

The registration form can be obtained in html or ascii. To register for Crypto 2000, send the completed registration form with payment to:

Crypto 2000 Conference
Campus Conference Services
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-6120

If paying by credit card, the completed form can be faxed to (805) 893-7287 . We cannot accept registration by email.

IACR members: Current IACR members will be mailed registration forms already containing information on file for them.

Information about the conference can be obtained in the General Information. (This is also available in pdf or doc.) Here you will find information about registration, travel, and hotels, with links to associated resources.

Important Dates are:

Conference August 20 -- 24, 2000
Early registration deadline June 30, 2000

Registration after June 30 will cost an extra $80, so register early!