The proceedings of Crypto 2000 will, as usual, be published by Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. This requires the authors to send a hard-copy camera-ready version of their paper as well as a few electronic files needed for the electronic publication. Full instructions on preparing your paper and electronic supplementary material can be downloaded (in postscript or pdf form) from the URL .
Even if you have published many papers in this series, you will notice that these guidelines have been updated. Authors MUST follow these instructions in order for their paper to be included in the final proceedings. Please, READ the instructions well in advance of the submission deadline. Let me know of any questions you may have. The only point you can ignore is the Springer copyright form (as there is an IACR copyright form, see below).
The use of LaTeX is mandated. The Springer guidelines allow for Word and provide a template for it, but advise against this. Based on experience of previous program chairs with editing LNCS proceedings which contained a few Word documents, I can only support this; the problems caused by Word documents are too large to allow them to be accepted.
PAGE LIMIT: Final proceedings versions are limited to 19 pages all inclusive, that is, including ALL references, appendices, figures, etc.
COPYRIGHT FORM: The IACR now requires a signed copyright form as a condition for publication. The form can be obtained via . The form needs to be signed and submitted (in hard-copy form) together with the final hard-copy version of the paper. (You can ignore the Springer instructions for the Springer copyright form.)
WHAT TO SEND: The above-mentioned URL has the full instructions and you should look at it, but here are the highlights:
DEADLINES: Important Dates are:
NO TRICKS: A latex master-file will be compiled from the latex files you submit. Accordingly, please do not make any modifications to the llncs.cls or llncs.sty files, or redefine any standard commands (such as sectioning commands or commands defined in the style files) in your document. (These changes will have to be reversed by us, a painful process, and might lead to the paper exceeding the page limit.) Note the page limit (19 pages) is more generous than in most recent Crypto/Eurocrypt conferences, an inducement to not attempt to squeeze in more material via latex hacks.
USE TEMPLATES: Look at the example files provided by Springer and make sure you format the title, author names and institutions according to their instructions. Your paper should be using all the following commands appropriately. (If you are not using these, something is missing):
In particular, institutions for authors are not footnotes to the author names but must appear in the \institute command as indicated in the examples. Support acknowledgments go in the acknowledgment at the back, not in footnotes to author names. Please provide full emails and addresses for all authors.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Springer-Verlag's policy is to have IDENTICAL versions of electronic and hard-copy proceedings. The reason is that if somebody references your work giving a page number in the electronic proceedings, then it should also correspond to the same page number in your hard-copy. As a result you must send the electronic files that you used for the preparation of the camera-ready version. This also implies that the page limit holds for both hard-copy and electronic versions.
ADDRESSES AND CONTACT INFORMATION: For all your email communications related to the preparation of the proceedings version, use the following:
This is also the address where you will send the final electronic files. Send the files by attachment since otherwise they can get garbled by email. (Those inverted question marks we sometimes see in text arise from this.) Final camera-ready versions and copyright form need to be mailed to:
Mihir Bellare
Program Chair, Crypto 2000
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, 0114
AP&M Bldg, Room 4230
University of California at San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0114
Phone: 858-534-4544