CRYPTO 2009: Program
Some of the presentation slides
and videos
are available off this page.
(The videos were recorded and made available by
Georg Lippold.)
Sunday, August 16 2009
17:00 - 20:00 Registration in Anacapa Formal Lounge
17:30 - 21:30 Reception Dinner in Anacapa/Santa Cruz Ocean Lawn
Monday, August 17 2009
07:30 - 08:45 Breakfast in De La Guerra Dining Commons
08:45 - 09:00 Opening Remarks by John Black - General Chair
09:00 - 10:15 Key-Leakage (chair: Jonathan Katz)
- Reconstructing RSA Private Keys from Random Key Bits
- Nadia Heninger (Princeton) and Hovav Shacham (UCSD)
Slides in PDF
- Public-Key Cryptosystems Resilient to Key Leakage
- Moni Naor and Gil Segev (Weizmann Institute)
Slides in PDF
- Leakage-Resilient Public-Key Cryptography in the Bounded-Retrieval Model
- Joel Alwen and Yevgeniy Dodis and Daniel Wichs (NYU)
Slides in PDF
and PPSX
10:15 - 10:45 Morning break
10:45 - 11:35 Hash-Function Cryptanalysis (chair: Bart Preneel)
- Best-paper award for
Short Chosen-Prefix Collisions for MD5 and the Creation of a Rogue CA Certificate
- Marc Stevens (CWI Amsterdam) and Alexander Sotirov (http://www.phreedom.org) and Jacob Appelbaum (http://www.appelbaum.net) and Arjen Lenstra (EPFL and Alcatel-Lucent) and David Molnar (UC Berkeley) and Dag Arne Osvik (EPFL) and Benne de Weger (TU Eindhoven)
Slides in PDF
and PPT
- Meet-in-the-Middle Preimage Attacks Against Reduced SHA-0 and SHA-1
- Kazumaro Aoki and Yu Sasaki (NTT)
Slides in PDF
11:35 - 12:35 Invited Talk (chair: Shai Halevi)
- Alice and Bob Go To Washington: A Cryptographic Theory of Politics and Policy
- Edward W. Felten (Princeton)
12:15 - 13:45 Lunch in De La Guerra Dining Commons
14:15 - 15:30 Privacy and Anonymity (chair: Anna Lysyanskaya)
- Private Mutual Authentication and Conditional Oblivious Transfer
- Stanislaw Jarecki and Xiaomin Liu (UC Irvine)
- Randomizable Proofs and Delegatable Anonymous Credentials
- Mira Belenkiy (Microsoft) and Jan Camenisch (IBM) and Melissa Chase (Microsoft) and Markulf Kohlweiss (K.U.Leuven) and Anna Lysyanskaya (Brown University) and Hovav Shacham (UCSD)
Slides in PDF
- Computational Differential Privacy
- Ilya Mironov (Microsoft) and Omkant Pandey (UCLA) and Omer Reingold (Weizmann Institute) and Salil Vadhan (Harvard)
Slides in PDF
and PPTX
15:30 - 16:00 Afternoon break
16:00 - 17:40 Interactive Proofs and Zero-Knowledge (chair: Yuval Ishai)
- Probabilistically Checkable Arguments
- Yael Tauman Kalai (Microsoft) and Ran Raz (Weizmann Institute)
Slides in PDF and
- On the Composition of Public-Coin Zero Knowledge Protocols
- Rafael Pass and Wei-Lung Dustin Tseng (Cornell University) and Douglas Wikström (KTH)
Slides in PDF
and PPTX
- On the Amortized Complexity of Zero-knowledge Protocols
- Ronald Cramer (CWI Amsterdam & Leiden University) and Ivan Damgård (Univ. of Aarhus)
Slides in PDF
and PPT
- Linear Algebra with Sub-linear Zero-Knowledge Arguments
- Jens Groth (University College London)
Slides in PDF
and PPT
19:00 - 21:00 Dinner in Anacapa/Santa Cruz Ocean Lawn
Tuesday, August 18 2009
07:30 - 08:45 Breakfast in De La Guerra Dining Commons
09:00 - 10:15 Block-Cipher Cryptanalysis (chair: Eran Tromer)
- New Birthday Attacks on Some MACs Based on Block Ciphers
- Zheng Yuan and Wei Wang and Keting Jia and Guangwu Xu and Xiaoyun Wang (Shandong University)
Slides in PDF
- Distinguisher and Related-Key Attack on the Full AES-256
- Alex Biryukov and Dmitry Khovratovich and Ivica Nikolic (Univ. of Luxembourg)
Slides in PDF
- Cryptanalysis of C2
- Julia Borghoff and Lars Knudsen and Gregor Leander and Krystian Matusiewicz (DTU Denmark)
Slides in PDF
10:15 - 10:45 Morning break
10:45 - 11:35 Modes-of-Operation (chair: Moti Yung)
- Message Authentication Codes from Unpredictable Block Ciphers
- Yevgeniy Dodis (NYU) and John Steinberger (Univ. of British Columbia)
Slides in PDF
- How to Encipher Messages on a Small Domain: Deterministic Encryption and the Thorp Shuffle
- Ben Morris and Phillip Rogaway and Till Stegers (UC Davis)
Slides in PDF
and PPTX
11:35 - 12:25 Elliptic Curves (chair: Moti Yung)
- How to Hash onto Elliptic Curves
- Thomas Icart (Sagem Securité, Univ. of Luxembourg)
Slides in PDF
- Batch Binary Edwards
- Daniel J. Bernstein (Univ. of Illinois at Chicago)
Slides in PDF
12:15 - 13.45 Lunch in De La Guerra Dining Commons
14:15 - 15:05 Cryptographic Hardness (chair: Iftach Haitner)
- Solving Hidden Number Problem with One Bit Oracle and Advice
- Adi Akavia (IAS and DIMACS)
- Computational Indistinguishability Amplification: Tight Product Theorems for System Composition
- Ueli Maurer and Stefano Tessaro (ETH Zurich)
Slides in PDF
19:30 - 23:00 Rump Session (chair: Daniel J. Bernstein)
Part 1 Video
Part 2 Video
Part 3 Video
Wednesday, Aug 19 2009
07:30 - 08:45 Breakfast in De La Guerra Dining Commons
09:00 - 09:25 Merkle Puzzles (chair: Krzysztof Pietrzak)
- Merkle Puzzles are Optimal - an O(n^2)-Query Attack on Key-Exchange from a Random Oracle
- Boaz Barak and Mohammad Mahmoody-Ghidary (Princeton)
Slides in PDF
and PPTX (with corrections)
09:25 - 10:15 Cryptography in the Physical World (chair: Krzysztof Pietrzak)
- Position Based Cryptography
- Nishanth Chandran and Vipul Goyal and Ryan Moriarty and Rafail Ostrovsky (UCLA)
Slides in PDF
and PPT
- Improving the Security of Quantum Protocols
- Ivan Damgård (Univ. of Aarhus) and Serge Fehr (CWI Amsterdam) and Carolin Lunemann (Univ. of Aarhus) and Louis Salvail (Montreal University) and Christian Schaffner (CWI Amsterdam)
Slides in PDF
10:15 - 10:45 Morning break
10:45 - 11:35 Attacks on Signature Schemes (chair: Marc Fischlin)
- Practical Cryptanalysis of ISO 9796-2 and Europay-Mastercard-Visa Signatures
- Jean-Sebastien Coron (Univ. of Luxembourg) and David Naccache (ENS) and Mehdi Tibouchi (ENS) and Ralf-Philipp Weinmann (Univ. of Luxembourg)
Slides in PDF
- How Risky is the Random-Oracle Model
- Gaetan Leurent (DGA/ENS) and Phong Q. Nguyen (INRIA/ENS)
11:35 - 12:35 Invited Talk (chair: Tal Rabin)
- Abstraction in Cryptography
- Ueli Maurer (ETH Zurich)
Slides in PDF
12:15 - 13.45 Lunch in De La Guerra Dining Commons
14:15 - 15:30 Secret-Sharing and Secure Computation (chair: Jesper Buus Nielsen)
- Asymptotically Good Ideal Linear Secret Sharing with Strong Multiplication over Any Fixed Finite Field
- Ignacio Cascudo (University of Oviedo, Spain) and Hao Chen (East China Normal University) and Ronald Cramer (CWI Amsterdam & Leiden University) and Chaoping Xing (NTU Singapore)
Slides in PDF
- The Round Complexity of Verifiable Secret Sharing Revisted
- Arpita Patra and Ashish Choudhary (IIT Madras) and Tal Rabin (IBM) and Pandu Rangan (IIT Madras)
Slides in PDF
and PPTX
- Somewhat Non-Committing Encryption and Efficient Adaptively Secure Oblivious Transfer
- Juan Garay (AT&T Labs) and Daniel Wichs (NYU) and Hong-Sheng Zhou (Univ. of Connecticut)
Slides in PDF
15:30 - 16:00 Afternoon break
16:00 - 17:15 Cryptography and Game-Theory (chair: Rafael Pass)
- Collusion-Free Multiparty Computation in the Mediated Model
- Joel Alwen (NYU) and Jonathan Katz (Univ. of MD) and Yehuda Lindell (Bar-Ilan University) and Giuseppe Persiano (Univ. of Salerno) and abhi shelat (Univ. of VA) and Ivan Visconti (Univ. of Salerno)
Slides in PDF
and PPT
- Privacy-Enhancing Auctions Using Rational Cryptography
- Peter Bro Miltersen and Jesper Buus Nielsen (Univ. of Aarhus) and Nikos Triandopoulos (Brown University)
Slides in PDF
- Utility Dependence in Correct and Fair Rational Secret Sharing
- Gilad Asharov and Yehuda Lindell (Bar-Ilan University)
Slides in PDF
and PPT
17:15 - 18:00 IACR Membership Meeting in Campbell Hall
18:00 - 20:15 Beach Barbecue at Goleta Beach
20:00 - 22:30 Crypto Café in Anacapa Formal Lounge
Thursday, Aug 20 2009
07:30 - 08:45 Breakfast in De La Guerra Dining Commons
09:00 - 09:55 Cryptography and Lattices (chair: Phong Q. Nguyen)
- On Bounded Distance Decoding, Unique Shortest Vectors, and the Minimum Distance Problem
- Vadim Lyubashevsky (Tel-Aviv University) and Daniele Micciancio (UCSD)
Slides in PDF
and PPT
- Fast Cryptographic Primitives and
Circular-Secure Encryption Based on Hard Learning Problems
- Benny Applebaum (Princeton) and David Cash (Georgia Tech) and Chris Peikert (SRI International) and Amit Sahai (UCLA)
Slides in PDF
and PPS
09:55 - 10:20 Identity-Based Encryption (chair: Phong Q. Nguyen)
- Dual System Encryption: Realizing Fully Secure IBE and HIBE under Simple Assumptions
- Brent Waters (Univ. of Texas Austin)
Slides in PDF
and PPT
10:20 - 10:50 Morning break
10:50 - 12:05 Cryptographers' Toolbox (chair: Jens Groth)
- The Group of Signed Quadratic Residues and Applications
- Dennis Hofheinz and Eike Kiltz (CWI Amsterdam)
Slides in PDF
- Short and Stateless Signatures from the RSA Assumption
- Susan Hohenberger (Johns Hopkins) and Brent Waters (Univ. of Texas Austin)
Slides in PDF
- Smooth Projective Hashing for Conditionally Extractable Commitments
- Michel Abdalla and Celine Chevalier and David Pointcheval (ENS)
Slides in PDF
12:05 Conference Adjourns
12:15 - 13.45 Lunch in De La Guerra Dining Commons