International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Hash Function Balance and its Impact on Birthday Attacks

Mihir Bellare
Tadayoshi Kohno
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Abstract: Textbooks tell us that a birthday attack on a hash function $h$ with range size $r$ requires $r^{1/2}$ trials (hash computations) to find a collision. But this is misleading, being true only if $h$ is regular, meaning all points in the range have the same number of pre-images under $h$; if $h$ is not regular, \textit{fewer} trials may be required. But how much fewer? This paper addresses this question by introducing a measure of the ``amount of regularity'' of a hash function that we call its balance, and then providing estimates of the success-rate of the birthday attack as a function of the balance of the hash function being attacked. In particular, we will see that the number of trials to find a collision can be significantly less than $r^{1/2}$ for hash functions of low balance. This leads us to examine popular design principles, such as the MD (Merkle-Damg{\aa}rd) transform, from the point of view of balance preservation, and to mount experiments to determine the balance of popular hash functions.
  title={Hash Function Balance and its Impact on Birthday Attacks},
  booktitle={IACR Eprint archive},
  keywords={hash functions, birthday attacks},
  note={A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Eurocrypt 2004. This is a significantly revised and expanded full version. 12749 received 8 Apr 2003, last revised 27 Nov 2004},
  author={Mihir Bellare and Tadayoshi Kohno},