International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


A DPA Attack on the Improved Ha-Moon Algorithm

Dong Jin PARK
Pil Joong LEE
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Abstract: The algorithm proposed by Ha and Moon [HM02] is a countermeasure against power analysis. The Ha-Moon algorithm has two drawbacks in that it requires an inversion and has a right-to-left approach. Recently, Yen, Chen, Moon and Ha improved the algorithm by removing these drawbacks [YCMH04]. Their new algorithm is inversion-free, has a left-to-right approach and employs a window method. They insisted that their algorithm leads to a more secure countermeasure in computing modular exponentiation against side-channel attacks. This algorithm, however, still has a similar weakness observed in [FMPV04,SPL04]. This paper shows that the improved Ha-Moon algorithm is vulnerable to differential power analysis even if we employ their method in selecting $s_i$.
  title={A DPA Attack on the Improved Ha-Moon Algorithm},
  booktitle={IACR Eprint archive},
  keywords={implementation / Ha-Moon algorithm, randomized exponentiation, side-channel attack},
  note={ 12767 received 8 Dec 2004, last revised 14 Dec 2004},
  author={Dong Jin PARK and Pil Joong LEE},