International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


On the (Im)Possibility of Key Dependent Encryption

Iftach Haitner
Thomas Holenstein
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Abstract: We study the possibility of constructing encryption schemes secure under messages that are chosen depending on the key k of the encryption scheme itself. We give the following separation results: 1. Let H be the family of poly(n)-wise independent hash-functions. There exists no fully-black-box reduction from an encryption scheme secure against key-dependent inputs to one-way permutations (and also to families of trapdoor permutations) if the adversary can obtain encryptions of h(k) for h \in H. 2. Let G be the family of polynomial sized circuits. There exists no reduction from an encryption scheme secure against key-dependent inputs to, seemingly, any cryptographic assumption, if the adversary can obtain an encryption of g(k) for g \in G, as long as the reduction's proof of security treats both the adversary and the function g as black box.
  title={On the (Im)Possibility of Key Dependent Encryption},
  booktitle={IACR Eprint archive},
  keywords={foundations / Key-dependent input security, black-box separation},
  note={ 13980 received 11 Apr 2008},
  author={Iftach Haitner and Thomas Holenstein},