International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


A Tamper-Evident Voting Machine Resistant to Covert Channels

Wei Han
Tao Hao
Dong Zheng
Ke-fei Chen
Xiaofeng Chen
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Abstract: To provide a high level of security guarantee cryptography is introduced into the design of the voting machine. The voting machine based on cryptography is vulnerable to attacks through covert channels. An adversary may inject malicious codes into the voting machine and make it leak vote information unnoticeably by exploiting the randomness used in encryptions and zero-knowledge proofs. In this paper a voting machine resistant to covert channels is designed. It has the following properties: Firstly, it is tamper-evident. The randomness used by the voting machine is generated by the election authority. The inconsistent use of the randomness can be detected by the voter from examining a destroyable verification code. Even if malicious codes are run in the voting machine attacks through subliminal channels are thwarted. Next, it is voter-verifiable. The voter has the ability to verify if the ballot cast by the machine is consistent with her intent without doing complicated cryptographic computation. Finally, the voting system is receipt-free. Vote-buying and coercion are prevented.
  title={A Tamper-Evident Voting Machine Resistant to Covert Channels},
  booktitle={IACR Eprint archive},
  keywords={applications / electronic voting, covert channel, tamper-evident, receipt-free},
  note={ 14120 received 29 Apr 2008, last revised 29 Aug 2008},
  author={Wei Han and Tao Hao and Dong Zheng and Ke-fei Chen and Xiaofeng Chen},