International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Cryptanalysis of Two Efficient HIBE Schemes in the Standard Model

Xu An Wang
Xiaoyuan Yang
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Abstract: In Informatica 32 (2008), Ren and Gu proposed an anonymous hierarchical identity based encryption scheme based on the q-ABDHE problem with full security in the standard model. Later in Indocrypt'08, they proposed another secure hierarchical identity based encryption scheme based on the q-TBDHE problem with full security in the standard model. They claimed that their schemes have short parameters, high efficiency and tight reduction. However, in this paper we give attacks to show their schemes are insecure at all. Concretely, from any first level private key, the adversary can easily derive a proper ``private key'' which can decrypt any ciphertexts for the target identity. That is to say, one key generation query on any first level identity excluding the target's first level identity, is enough to break their schemes.
  title={Cryptanalysis of Two Efficient HIBE Schemes in the Standard Model},
  booktitle={IACR Eprint archive},
  keywords={public-key cryptography /},
  note={ 14700 received 1 Mar 2010, last revised 1 Apr 2010},
  author={Xu An Wang and Xiaoyuan Yang},