Crypto 2011 rump session

The Crypto 2011 rump session took place Tuesday 16 August 2011 from 19:30 PDT to 23:00 PDT. Daniel J. Bernstein and Tanja Lange served as chairs. Jim Hughes provided assistance in program selection. Christiane Peters served as horn-blower. Nadia Heninger prepared slides for the panel discussion. The rump session was broadcast live via .

The call for submissions has been archived on a separate page . Slides are now available from all presenters who agreed to have their slides officially online.

Authors Speaker Title Slides Video
Session 1
19:30 Bart Preneel Bart Preneel The 2011 IACR Fellowship Induction Ceremony slides Video
19:55 Andy Clark, Whit Diffie, David Naccache, Jean-Jacques Quisquater, Peter Ryan Jean-Jacques Quisquater An historical call for papers ... slides Video
19:57 Christiane Peters Christiane Peters Playing \"Spot the Difference\" with Springer slides Video
20:00 Eli Biham, Nathan Keller, Orr Dunkelman, Adi Shamir Orr Dunkelman Rethinking IDEA slides Video
20:04 Andrey Bogdanov, Dmitry Khovratovich, Christian Rechberger Andrey Bogdanov, Dmitry Khovratovich, Christian Rechberger Biclique cryptanalysis of the full AES slides Video
20:10 Niels Ferguson Niels Ferguson Observations on H-PRESENT-128 slides Video
20:14 Faith Chaza and Ian Goldberg Faith Chaza and Ian Goldberg An Application Of Frequency Shift Keying To Communication Resynchronisation slides Video
20:16 Itai Dinur, Orr Dunkelman, Adi Shamir Adi Shamir GOSTBUSTERS 2 slides Video
20:20 Danilo Gligoroski Danilo Gligoroski Practical demonstration of Bananb Target Collisions for Skein with NIST KAT files slides Video
20:23 Dustin Moody and Souradyuti Paul Souradyuti Paul Improving the Indifferentiability Security Bounds for the Fast Wide-pipe and the JH Modes slides Video
20:27 Yuji Suga Yuji Suga Variants of Sponge-like Construction slides Video
20:30 Break
Session 2
20:50 Danilo Gligoroski Danilo Gligoroski A silent competition for ultra-fast public key cryptography slides Video
20:53 Damien Robert, Adi Shamir Adi Shamir Extracting Discrete Logs in Edwards Curves From a Single Unknown Message slides Video
20:58 Jon Callas, Tamzen Cannoy and Nicko van Someren Brian LaMacchia Secure Verification of Delegated Presentation Delivery slides Video
21:01 Gene Kopp, John Wiltshire-Gordon Gene Kopp, John Wiltshire-Gordon Robust Coin Flipping slides Video
21:06 Peter Schmidt-Nielsen Peter Schmidt-Nielsen FlipIt and the Cramér-Rao bound slides Video
21:09 Moses Liskov and Orr Dunkelman Moses Liskov Illegitimi Non Irritatum (aut Lorem Ipsum Deserti Omnium) slides Video
21:14 Eric Demaine, Martin Demaine, Jean-Jacques Quisquater, Michaël Quisquater Jean-Jacques Quisquater An update about HiDalgo: slides Video
21:17 Ian Goldberg, Kevin McCurley, and Moti Yung Daniel J. Bernstein (panel moderator) Panel discussion on leakage slides Video
21:20 Abhishek Banerjee, Chris Peikert, Alon Rosen Chris Peikert Pseudorandom Functions and Lattices slides Video
21:24 Shweta Agrawal, David Freeman, Vinod Vaikuntanathan Shweta Agrawal Predicate Encryption for Inner Products from LWE slides Video
21:28 Nadia Heninger and Henry Cohn Nadia Heninger A brief chat about approximate GCDs slides Video
21:32 Daniele Micciancio and Chris Peikert Chris Peikert Trapdoors for Lattices: Simpler, Tighter, Faster, Smaller slides Video
21:36 Tom Roeder Tom Roeder Bounds on Cloud File Retrievability slides Video
21:40 Break
Session 3
22:00 Victor Miller Victor Miller Feel Safe at Last! slides
22:01 Yvo Desmedt and Pyrros I. P. Chaidos Yvo Desmedt Blinding ballot copying in Helios: from Condorcet to IACR slides Video
22:06 David Chaum, Jeremy Clark, Aleks Essex, Ronald Rivest, Alan Sherman, Poorvi Vora, Filip Zagorski Filip Zagorski Remotegrity slides Video
22:11 Nir Bitansky, Ran Canetti, Alessandro Chiesa, Eran Tromer Eran Tromer The Hunting of the SNARK slides Video
22:16 Tatsuaki Okamoto, Katsuyuki Takashima Katsuyuki Takashima Adaptively Attribute-Hiding (Hierarchical) Inner Product Encryption slides Video
22:20 Stefan Dziembowski and Tomasz Kazana and Maciej Obremski Stefan Dziembowski Non-Malleable Codes in the Split-State Model slides Video
22:24 NIST Computer Security Division Rene Peralta NIST Announcements slides Video
22:28 Yan Huang, David Evans, Jonathan Katz, Lior Malka Yan Huang (More) Efficient Secure Computation from Garbled Circuits slides Video
22:33 Harry Buhrman, Serge Fehr, Christian Schaffner, Florian Speelman Christian Schaffner The Garden-Hose Model slides Video
22:37 Benoit Libert and Moti Yung Moti Yung \"Extreme\" Threshold Cryptosystems slides Video
22:42 Megumi Ando and Moses Liskov Moses Liskov Consensus in the Asynchronous Hybrid Byzantine Model with Optimal Resilience slides Video
22:47 Carl Bosley, Kristiyan Haralambiev, and Antonio Nicolosi Carl Bosley HB^N: An HB-like protocol secure against Man-in-the-Middle attacks slides Video
22:51 Dov Gordon, Jonathan Katz, Vladimir Kolesnikov, Tal Malkin, Mariana Raykova, Yevgeniy Vahlis Mariana Raykova Secure Computation with Sublinear Amortized Work slides Video
22:55 Tom Berson, Nigel Smart, Raphael C.-W. Phan, Orr Dunkelman, Dan Page Orr Dunkelman Computer-Aided Search Heuristic for Blind Revocable Identity Based Encryption Schemes slides Video