Copyright and Publication Policy (2013)
At the end of 2012, the IACR has signed a new publication contract with Springer Verlag covering the conference and workshop proceedings for a 4-year period; this document outlines the rights and obligations of the authors and describes the main changes with respect to access to the IACR publications.
The main goal of the IACR for publications is to make the scientific results in the area of cryptology as widely available as possible at the lowest possible cost. For many authors, it is important that their work is published by a well-reputed publisher and that it is pushed towards indexing services such as ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index (included in Web of Science), Engineering Index EI (Compendex and Inspect databases), ACM Portal, DBLP, Google Scholar, and Scopus. IACR has opted for a model in which wider availability is favored over giving benefits to members only.
In order to achieve these goals the IACR has decided to extend its long-term collaboration with Springer Verlag and to continue to publish the proceedings of our conferences and workshops in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. In the context of this contract and in order to guarantee long-term availability of our scientific work, it is imposed that the copyright of the papers is assigned to the IACR.
IACR has moved towards a policy that printed copies of proceedings are available at an additional cost; this has resulted in a reduction of the registration fees.
Section Authors summarizes the rights and obligations of the authors; these are also reflected in the new copyright form available at . Section Readers explains how the IACR distributes scientific articles.
While the world would be simpler if there would be only a single final version of each paper, there are good reasons why authors write a submission version, a proceedings version, and a full version of their work; the latter one is typically published in the Cryptology ePrint Archive or in a journal.
The current contract distinguishes between several versions; authors should identify these versions clearly with a footnote on the first page as specified below.
Publisher Version.
This is the definitive version of an article that is stored by Springer in its digital library that is accessible to all IACR members and to paying subscribers to the library. Four years after publication, the article will be freely available in this library. Springer inserts a footnote on the first page with the
bibliographical data (e.g., LNCS volume number and editors, page numbers) and the IACR copyright notice.
IACR Version.
This is the version that the authors submit to the program chair for the final version of the proceedings. The IACR version can be made freely available on the homepages of authors (for this reason, this version is sometimes called the `Author version'), on their employer's institutional page, and in non-commercial archival repositories such as the Cryptology ePrint Archive, ArXiv/CoRR, HAL, etc. Authors are strongly encouraged to upload the IACR version immediately in the Cryptology ePrint Archive (
). This version must contain a footnote on the first page:
©IACR <year>. This article is the final version submitted by the author(s) to the IACR and to Springer-Verlag on <date>. The version published by Springer-Verlag is available at <DOI>.
Here <year> is the year of publication, <date> is the date on which the final version has been submitted to the program chair and <DOI> is the Digital Object Identifier that is assigned by the publisher; it can be found at the website If the DOI is not yet known, a placeholder can be inserted and updated as soon as the DOI is available. In the case of severe formatting deviations between the IACR version and the publisher version in the proceedings (e.g. changed page breaks or total number of pages), the typesetting of the IACR version may be modified to mimic the publisher version, but the bibliographical data must not be added in the footnote on the first page. If authors fail to upload the IACR version of an article to the Cryptology ePrint Archive, the IACR can do this on behalf of the authors. Two years after publication, the IACR will make the IACR version of the article available in the IACR Archive.
Subsequent Revisions.
If authors make minor revisions
(less than 25% new content) to an article, the IACR copyright still
applies and the following copyright notice must be inserted as a footnote on the first page:
© IACR <year>. This article is a minor revision of the version published by Springer-Verlag available at < DOI>.
For major revisions it is recommended that the following reference to the original version is inserted:This article is based on an earlier article: <bibliographic data>, © IACR <year>, <DOI>.
Authors no longer need to ask the IACR for permission to reuse part of their articles (e.g. tables or figures) in future work or to reuse an article in their dissertations or doctoral thesis. It is of course essential that in this case the source is properly cited and acknowledged.
The new copyright and consent form also requests an optional license to distribute the slides, the talk, and auxiliary material (e.g., software).
The contract distinguishes between three types of audiences:- IACR members and paying subscribers to the Springer digital library have full access to the proceedings of conferences and workshops and to the Journal of Cryptology on the Springer website (this is of course the Springer version). IACR members can access on the IACR website via the Springer-access page .
- Conference and workshop participants can access the proceedings about one week before the event on the Springer website; in addition the event organizers can distribute to participants a single pdf file with the complete proceedings via a USB stick and/or via a website (behind a password). Printed books can still be ordered by the attendees at a discounted rate.
- Non-members of the IACR have free access to the Springer version of all proceedings of Asiacrypt, Crypto, Eurocrypt, CHES, FSE, PKC, TCC that are at least four years old. In addition, they have free access to the IACR version of all recent papers on the Cryptology ePrint Archive. Two years after publication, the IACR version will also be included in the IACR Archive (currently known as CryptoDB).
In open access terminology, during the first four years of a paper the access corresponds to Green Open-Access or Open-Access Self-Archiving . After four years, the publication switches to Gold Open-Access .
As a consequence of these changes, the Cryptology ePrint Archive has updated its policy. For papers published at IACR events, the ePrint Archive will show the IACR version and subsequent revisions. Papers published at other events, where the publisher allows for self-archiving (e.g., events with proceedings in LNCS), the `author version' can now be uploaded to the Cryptology ePrint Archive.
Overall, the new contract ensures that our scientific results are more widely available than they were before.