IACR 2020 Election
The 2020 election is being held to fill three of nine Director positions. The members of the board whose positions are expiring in 2020 are:
Position | Incumbent |
Director | Masayuki Abe |
Director | Tancrède Lepoint |
Director | Moti Yung |
The election will again be run electronically and further information will be available on the IACR website.
Nominations Are Now Open
Nominations are due by
September 24, 2020
. If you have any questions regarding the nominations, please contact the Election Committee
A nomination form is available here ( PDF )
The election will be conducted electronically using the Helios cryptographically-verifiable election system. If you are interested, you can read an overview of how the Helios system works .
Election Committee
- Anna Lysyanskaya (chair)
- Bart Preneel
- Marc Fischlin