Welcome to the sixth electronic issue of the IACR Newsletter!

This issue marks the installment of a new permanent listing of open positions in cryptology on the IACR Website at http://www.iacr.org/jobs/ . I had been asked to post several announcements for past issues of the Newsletter and decided to do this as a service to IACR members. Questions of scope and format then led me to adopt a new format (150 words in ASCII) and policy (we don't charge anything, it's a free service for IACR members and for companies who support IACR).

The Cryptology ePrint Archive ( http://eprint.iacr.org ) has already received a considerable number of submissions since its opening three months ago (see the list in this Newsletter). The ePrint Archive provides rapid access to recent research in cryptology. Papers can be placed there by the authors and do not undergo any refereeing process other than verifying that the work seems to be within the scope of cryptology.

If you have not received the IACR Newsletter by email and would like to receive it in the future, then check out your email address in the IACR member list that is mailed yearly (last in early 2000).

Please send your input to the Newsletter to


The next issue of the IACR Newsletter is scheduled for publication in October. However, announcements will be posted on the IACR Website as soon as possible.

Christian Cachin
IACR Newsletter Editor

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