IACR Test-of-Time Award Nominations

The IACR Test-of-Time Award is given annually for each one of the three IACR general conferences (Eurocrypt, Crypto, and Asiacrypt). An award will be given at a conference for a paper which has had a lasting impact on the field and was published 15 years prior. More information about the Test-of-Time Award can be found in the policy guidelines document.

The individual conferences CHES, TCC, and PKC each have their own Test-of-Time Award for papers published at these conferences. These follow slightly different policies.

The selection committee welcomes nominations, although a paper need not be nominated to win an award. The 2025 award will be for papers published in 2010. Papers published in the three IACR general conferences of 2010 will be eligible for the 2025 award.

Nominations for the 2025 award will be accepted until February 28, 2025.

Nomination Process

To nominate a paper send an email to containing the following information.

The reason for nomination should be at most 300 words explaining why the paper has stood the test of time, what influence it has had on the field, and the impact the paper has had. The impact or influence can be either on the field, on another field, theoretical concerns, or for applications in the real world.

Award Committee (2025)

The selection committee in any year includes two members appointed by the IACR Board of Directors, and three program chairs of the current year's IACR general conferences as ex-officio members.

Previous Committee Members


The chair of the selection committee can be reached via email at .