Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems 2001 (CHES 2001)

Paris, France
Sunday May 13th - Wednesday May 16th, 2001

[Sunday, May 13] [Monday, May 14] [Tuesday, May 15 ] [Wednesday, May 16 ]


Sunday, May 13th
Time Event
16:00 - 20:00 Evening Registration and Reception at Espace Saint Martin

Monday, May 14th
8:00 - 9:15 Registration at Espace Saint Martin
9:15 - 9:30 Welcome Remarks by Cetin Koc, David Naccache, and Christof Paar
 SessionAuthorsTalk's Title
9:30 - 10:30 Invited Speaker R. Anderson,
University of Cambridge, U.K.
Protecting embedded systems - the next ten years.
10:30 - 10:50break
10:50 - 12:10 Side Channel Attacks I L. Goubin. A sound method for switching between boolean and arithmetic masking.
E. Brier, H. Handschuh, and C. Tymen. Fast primitives for internal data scrambling in tamper resistant hardware.
D. May, H. L. Muller, and N. P. Smart. Random register renaming to foil DPA.
E. Oswald and M. Aigner. Randomized addition-subtraction chains as a countermeasure against power attacks.
12:10 - 13:30lunch break
13:30 - 14:30 Rijndael Hardware Implementations H. Kuo and I. Verbauwhede. Architectural optimization for a 1.82Gbits/sec VLSI implementation of the AES Rijndael algorithm.
M. McLoone and J. V. McCanny. High performance single-chip FPGA Rijndael algorithm implementations.
V. Fischer and M. Drutarovsky. Two methods of Rijndael implementation in reconfigurable Hardware.
14:30 - 15:10 Random Number Generators N. Howgrave-Graham, J. Dyer, and R. Gennaro. Pseudo-random number generation on the IBM 4758 secure crypto coprocessor.
W. Schindler. Efficient online tests for true random number generators.
15:10 - 15:40break
15:40 - 16:40 Elliptic Curve Algorithms N. P. Smart. The Hessian form of an elliptic curve.
K. Okeya and K. Sakurai. Efficient elliptic curve cryptosystems from a scalar multiplication algorithm with recovery of the y-coordinate on a Montgomery-form elliptic curve.
E. Savas, T. A. Schmidt, and C. K. Koc. Generating elliptic curves of prime order.

Tuesday, May 15th
 SessionAuthorsTalk's Title
9:30 - 10:30 Invited Speaker A. Shamir, The Weizmann Institute, Israel New directions in croptography (no typo)
10:30 - 10:50break
10:50 - 12:10 Arithmetic Architectures M. Leone. A new low complexity parallel multiplier for a class of finite fields.
A. Rudra, P. K. Dubey, C. S. Jutla, V. Kumar, J. R. Rao, and P. Rohatgi. Efficient Rijndael encryption implementation with composite field arithmetic.
A. F. Tenca, G. Todorov, and C. K. Koc. High-radix design of a scalable modular multiplier.
J. Groszschaedl. A bit-serial unified multiplier architecture for finite fields GF(p) and GF(2^m).
12:10 - 13:30 pmlunch break
13:30 - 14:30 Cryptanalysis M. Bond. Attacks on cryptoprocessor transaction sets.
A. Young and M. Yung. Bandwidth-optimal kleptographic attacks.
K. Gandolfi, C. Mourtel, and F. Olivier. Electromagnetic analysis: Concrete results.
14:30 - 15:10 Embedded Implementations and New Ciphers D. V. Bailey, D. Coffin, A. Elbirt, J. H. Silverman, and A. D. Woodbury. NTRU in constrained devices.
T. Pornin. Transparent harddisk encryption.
15:10 - 15:40break
15:40 - 16:40 Side Channel Attacks II C. D. Walter. Sliding windows succumbs to big mac attack.
C. Clavier and M. Joye. Universal exponentiation algorithm: A first step towards provable SPA-resistance.
M. Akkar and C. Giraud. An implementation of DES and AES, secure against some attacks.
  CHES Banquet

Wednesday, May 16th
 SessionAuthorsTalk's Title
9:30 - 10:50 Hardware Implementations of Ciphers P. Sarkar and S. Maitra. Efficient implementation of "large" stream cipher systems.
O. Y. H. Cheung, K. H. Tsoi, P. H. W. Leong, and M. P. Leong. Tradeoffs in parallel and serial implementations of the International Data Encryption Algorithm IDEA.
Gerardo Orlando and Christof Paar. A scalable GF(p) elliptic curve processor architecture for programmable hardware.
H. Nozaki, M. Motoyama, A. Shimbo, and S. Kawamura. Implementation of RSA algorithm based on RNS Montgomery multiplication.
10:50 - 11:20break
11:20 - 12:20 Side Channel Attacks on Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems M. Joye and C. Tymen. Protections against differential analysis for elliptic curve cryptography: An algebraic approach.
P.-Y. Liardet and N. P. Smart. Preventing SPA/DPA in ECC systems using the Jacobi form.
M. Joye and J.-J. Quisquater. Hessian elliptic curves and side-channel attacks.
12:20 Concluding Remarks
