List of accepted papers
- Inoculating Multivariate Schemes Against Differential Attacks, Jintai Ding and Jason E. Gower (University of Cincinnati)
- Curve25519: new Diffie-Hellman speed records, Daniel J. Bernstein (University of Illinois at Chicago)
- An Attack on a Modified Niederreiter Encryption Scheme, Christian Wieschebrink (Federal Office for Information Security (BSI))
- Random subgroups of braid groups: an approach to cryptanalysis of a braid group based cryptographic protocol, Alexei Myasnikov and Vladimir Shpilrain and Alexander Ushakov (McGill University, The City College of New York, Stevens Institute of Technology)
- High-order Attacks against the Exponent Splitting Protection, F. Muller and F. Valette (HSBC-France and CELAR)
- SAS-Based Authenticated Key Agreement, Sylvain Pasini and Serge Vaudenay (EPFL)
- The Twist-Augmented Technique for Key Exchange, Olivier Chevassut and Pierre-Alain Fouque and Pierrick Gaudry and David Pointcheval (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. and Ecole normale superieure, and INRIA)
- Efficiency Tradeoffs for Malicious Two-Party Computation, Payman Mohassel and Matthew Franklin (University of California, Davis)
- Efficient Polynomial Operations in the Shared-Coefficients Setting, Payman Mohassel and Matthew Franklin (University of California Davis)
- Parallel Key-Insulated Public Key Encryption, Goichiro Hanoaka and Yumiko Hanaoka and Hideki Imai (AIST and NTT DoCoMo and U. of Tokyo)
- An Algorithm to Solve the Discrete Logarithm Problem with the Number Field Sieve, An Commeine and Igor Semaev (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and Universitetet i Bergen)
- Generalization of the Selective-ID Security Model for HIBE Protocols, Sanjit Chatterjee and Palash Sarkar (Indian Statistical Institute and Indian Statistical Institute)
- Linear Integer Secret Sharing and Distributed Exponentiation, Ivan Damgard and Rune Thorbek (BRICS, Aarhus University)
- Conditional Oblivious Cast, Cheng-Kang Chu and Wen-Guey Tzeng (Department of Computer Science, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 30050)
- Building Better Signcryption Schemes with Tag-KEMs, Tor E. Bjorstad and Alexander W. Dent (Information Security Group, Royal Holloway, University of London.)
- Security Analysis of KEA Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol, Kristin Lauter and Anton Mityagin (Microsoft Research and University of California, San Diego)
- The Power of Identification Schemes, Kaoru Kurosawa and Swee-Huay Heng (Ibaraki University and Multimedia University)
- Collision-resistant no more: Hash-and-sign paradigm revisited, Ilya Mironov (Microsoft Research)
- k-times Anonymous Authentication with a Constant Proving Cost, Isamu Teranishi and Kazue Sako (NEC)
- Cryptanalysis of an Efficient Proof of Knowledge of Discrete Logarithm, Sebastien Kunz-Jacques and Gwenalle Martinet and Guillaume Poupard and Jacques Stern (DCSSI Crypto lab and ENS)
- Efficient Scalar Multiplication by Isogeny Decompositions, C. Doche and T. Icart, and D. R. Kohel (Macquarie University, Ecole Polytechnique
and University of Sydney)
- On the Limitations of the Spread of an IBE-to-PKE Transformation, Eike Kiltz (CWI Amsterdam)
- Higher Order Universal One-Way Hash Functions from the Subset Sum Assumption, Ron Steinfeld and Josef Pieprzyk and Huaxiong Wang (Macquarie University)
- Anonymous Signature Schemes, Guomin Yang and Duncan S. Wong and Xiaotie Deng (City University of Hong Kong) Huaxiong Wang (Macquarie University)
- Strongly Unforgeable Signatures Based on Computational Diffie-Hellman, Dan Boneh and Emily Shen and Brent Waters (Stanford University and SRI International)
- Password-based Group Key Exchange in a Constant Number of Rounds, Michel Abdalla and Emmanuel Bresson and Olivier Chevassut and David Pointcheval (Ecole normale superieure and CELAR and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Ecole normale superieure)
- On Constructing Certificateless Cryptosystems from Identity Based Encryption, Benoit Libert and Jean-Jacques Quisquater (UCL Louvain-la-Neuve)
- Security-Mediated Certificateless Cryptography, Sherman S.M. Chow and Colin Boyd and Juan Manuel Gonzalez Nieto (New York University and Queensland University of Technology)
- New Attacks on RSA with Small Secret CRT-Exponents, Daniel Bleichenbacher and Alex May (TU Darmstadt)
- Provably Secure Steganography with Imperfect Sampling, Anna Lysyanskaya and Mira Meyerovich (Brown University)
- Generic On-line/Off-line Threshold Signatures, Chris Crutchfield and David Molnar and David Turner and David Wagner (UC Berkeley)
- New Online/Offline Signature Schemes Without Random Oracles, Kaoru Kurosawa and Katja Schmidt-Samoa (Ibaraki University, Japan and Darmstadt, University of Technology, Germany)
- Identity-Based Aggregate Signatures, Craig Gentry and Zulfikar Ramzan (Stanford University and DoCoMo USA Labs)
- Encoding-Free ElGamal Encryption Without Random Oracles, Benoit Chevallier-Mames and Pascal Paillier and David Pointcheval (Gemplus, ENS)