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TCC 2006

March 4-7 2006, Columbia University
New York, NY USA


We reserved a block of rooms at the On The Ave hotel, located at 2178 Broadway at the intersection with 77th Street. (Note that this is not in the vicinity of Columbia University, see map). The discounted rates for these rooms are $169/night for a standard room and $179/night for a double room. These rates are subject to additional tax, which is currently 13.625% plus $3.50 per night. (Thus the total rates are $195.53/night for a standard room and $206.89/night for a double room.)

To get these rates, you must call the hotel at 1.800.497.6028 or 212.362.1100 to make your reservation by Friday, February-17, 2006. When you call, say that you are with TCC 2006 in order to get the negotiated rates.

You can get much more information on the hotel via Google Search or MSN Search or Yahoo Search. If you are looking to share a room with someone and would like us to help you find a roommate, contact us a long time in advance.

Other Options

Other accommodation options (in the vicinity of Columbia University) may be available on a first-come first-serve basis. TCC does not have any special arrangements with the places below. This information is only provided for your convenience.
  • Teachers College at Columbia University has a very limited number of guest rooms in their residence hall at 517 West 121 street (on Amsterdam Avenue). Room rates range from $85-$125/night, depending on the length of stay. Note that to reserve a room for any part of the weekend, you must reserve it for the entire weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday), and that the cancellation policy is 48 hours in advance. For more information, refer to their brochure. To reserve a room, call them at 212.678.3235 between 9am and 5pm EST, Monday through Friday.

  • Rooms are also available at the Landmark Guest Rooms at Union Theological Seminary, which is located at 3041 Broadway (at 121 street). Rates begin at $125/single, $145/double per night, plus tax. The cancellation policy is 7 days in advance. For more details click here. To reserve a room, call them at 212.280.1313.

  • For dormitary-style rooms you can try the International House on 500 Riverside Drive (at 122nd Street). The rate for dormitory-style rooms is $50 per night (but their policy for these rooms is that you can only reserve them 10 days in advance). They may also have some guest rooms available (and those can be reserved ahead of time). To request a room, call them at 212.316.8436 between 8am and 5pm, Monday through Friday. You can also send your request by email to guestrooms@ihouse-nyc.org.

  • You can find yet other options on this page.