Book Reviews
The following reviews shall help the IACR members and the community to buy books in cryptology and related areas.
If you have any questions regarding the IACR book reviewing system, or would like to volunteer a review, please contact Edoardo Persichetti (Dakota State University, USA) via books at iacr.org . You can check the list of reviewable books to see if your favourite book is still available. At the moment, this list contains books of Cambridge University Press , CRC Press/Taylor & Francis , Elsevier , Presses Polytechnique Et Universitaires Romandes , Springer and Wiley , whose support we hereby gratefully acknowledge.
The reviews are organized by publishing house. If you search for a specific topic or author, you can use <CTRL>+F (or likewise) in your browser.
Cambridge University Press
T. Alpcan, T. Basar: Network Security - A Decision and Game-Theoretic Approach
"Cyber Security is a complex field that draws applications from variety of theoretical areas. This book is a Decision and Game theoretic book first with few hypothetical examples from Network Security. This is in contrary to the title highlighting that it is Network Security book. Over all the book is for graduate students and researchers who want learn applications of highly theoretical concepts like game theory, decision theory, machine learning etc in the field of cyber security."
Year: 2010
ISBN: 0-521-11932-0
Review by Sashank Dara (Cisco Systems, India). (Date: 2015-09-01)
I. Blake, G. Seroussi, N. Smart: Elliptic Curves in Cryptography
"This is a dense and small book. Only within about two hundred pages it covers almost everything about elliptic curve cryptography. Due to that reason, at times it almost feels like a survey paper, rather than a book. In most of the chapters, the authors nicely captured the high level ideas and mentioned various pitfalls important for implementation. However, in many cases they skipped the detailed mathematical proofs and referred the readers to original papers. This is not a self-sustaining book that one can read from start to end, but it could be useful as a starting reference for elliptic curve cryptography."
Year: 1999
ISBN: 0-521-65374-6
Review by Avradip Mandal (Microsoft Corporation, USA). (Date: 2013-09-16)
R. Churchhouse: Codes and Ciphers
"In Codes and Ciphers, the author has provided a very readable amount of information for the cryptanalysis in the various cryptographic cipher systems. The key points for the readers (especially researchers) are as follows: (i) the formal model and discussion of each ciphers (ii) the cryptanalysis of respective ciphers that were used in past and as in present. The key concept (and that to be explained nicely) is to how to find the attacks in these ciphers. Thus, this book is a best-in-deal package for undergrads and every novice readers to learn various ciphers (from Julius Caesar to present) and its security analysis. For instructors, a useful first hand book for getting nut-n-shell in information security. For experts/researchers, to familiar with history as well as findings in the various ciphers."
Year: 2002
ISBN: 978-0-521-00890-7
Review by Nishant Doshi (MEFGI, India). (Date: 2015-05-04)
I. Csiszar, J. Koerner: Information Theory: Coding Theorems for Discrete Memoryless Systems
"The book is written very rigorously in theorem/proof fashion with motivation mostly relegated to the historical discussions at the end of each chapter. It will be a useful reference for the researcher, as well as a very good textbook for a rigorous graduate level course in the area. I recommend the book heartily to specialists and beginning researchers in the area who want to make their mark by learning the strongest techniques available."
Year: 2011
ISBN: 978-0-521-19681-9
Review by Serdar Boztas (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia). (Date: 2013-08-21)
E. Desurvire: Classical and Quantum Information Theory
"This is an introductory book that tries to appeal to as broad an audience base as possible. The trade-off is that the treatment covers only the very basic materials in each topic. The most delightful feature of the book is how the illustrations and examples provided really fit into the author's discussions of the topics."
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-521-88171-5
Review by M. Frederic Ezerman (Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore). (Date: 2013-08-21)
O. Goldreich: Foundations of Cryptography, Volumes I and II
"Foundations of Cryptography by Oded Goldreich is a technical book that provides a rigorous and systematic treatment of the subject. The two volumes that compose the book give an extensive description of both basic cryptographic tools and their applications. I recommend the book as a reference for expert readers, or as a text book for a graduate cryptography course that has a computer science perspective."
Year: 2001 and 2004
ISBN: 978-0-521-79172-3 and 978-0-521-83084-2
Review by Edoardo Persichetti (Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland). (Date: 2013-07-03)
S. W. Golomb, G. Gong: Signal Design for Good Correlation For Wireless Communication, Cryptography, and Radar
"This well-written technical book offers a comprehensive coverage of signal design for communication, cryptography and radar. It tries to achieve a balance between theory and practice. The book is an invaluable resource for researchers and professionals working in the area."
Year: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-521-82104-9
Review by Sonmez Meltem Turan (National Institute of Standards and Technology). (Date: 2014-10-06)
M. Hendry: Multi-application Smart Cards Technology and Applications
"Written in condensed form to cover various aspects of smart cards and their use in various business sectors, the book is for readers with some background in communication technologies. It is a great resource to learn about the technology behind smart cards, how they work in practice, and the concerns in their implementation and management."
Year: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-521-87384-0
Review by Yesem Kurt Peker (Columbus State University, Columbus, Georgia, USA). (Date: 2013-06-13)
R. Lidl, H. Niederreiter: Finite Fields (2nd Edition)
"This volume gives a comprehensive coverage of the theory of finite fields and its most important applications such as combinatorics and coding theory. Its simple and reader-friendly style, and the inclusion of many worked examples and exercises make it suitable not only as a reference volume for the topic, but also as a textbook for a dedicated course. I highly recommend the book to any person interested in the theory of finite fields and its applications."
Year: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-521-06567-2
Review by Edoardo Persichetti (Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland). (Date: 2014-01-30)
S. Loepp, W. Wootters: Protecting Information: From Classical Error Correction to Quantum Cryptography
"This book provides an elementary introduction to the basics of error correction and quantum cryptography. Suitable for upper-level undergraduates in mathematics, physics and computer science, this book is unusual amongst undergraduate texts on coding or cryptography in that it includes quantum physics and the emerging technology of quantum information. It is self-contained, providing students with a diverse exposure to the theory and applications of groups, finite fields as well as quantum physics. Numerous exercises are sprinkled throughout the text to aid the diligent student in better understanding concepts introduced in the text."
Year: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-52153-476-3
Review by Fan Junjie, Bertrand (National University of Singapore). (Date: 2012-04-16)
J. H. Loxton: Number Theory and Cryptography
"A book that left me bitter and sweet tastes. The lack of homogeneity in every aspect just mixed me. Several articles are of very high quality and impact, however they are lost in the mixture and the problem is not that the mixture is 23 years old. Even if several articles can be read easily by undergraduates, they may find excellent textbooks in cryptography. The target audience of this book is only academia, especially researchers who are looking for specific results that had been presented in the workshop or the meeting."
Year: 1990
ISBN: 978-0-521-39877-0
Review by Constantinos Patsakis (Trinity Colege Dublin, Ireland). (Date: 2013-06-14)
R. J. McEliece: The Theory of Information and Coding (2nd Edition)
"The Theory of Information and Coding by R. J. McEliece is a foundational book for Design Theory, serving as a reference for an independent reader or as a complement textbook for a related course. The second edition is enriched with additional content and exercises, providing a vast introduction to the study of the area. I strongly recommend the book to any reader interested in acquiring the basics of information theory and coding theory."
Year: 2002
ISBN: 978-0-521-00095-6
Review by Edoardo Persichetti (Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland). (Date: 2013-06-14)
N. D. Mermin: Quantum Computer Science
"Quantum Computer Science is a well written text book covering the theoretical aspects of quantum computer science. The monumental algorithms from Shor and Grover are discussed in detail as are a number of other interesting algorithms including those for error correction and quantum cryptography. As a text book it is aimed at the advanced undergraduate or graduate student, but will also be of interest to professionals looking for a clear, concise introduction to this fascinating subject matter. This book is highly recommendable for anyone who wants to learn the theoretical foundations behind quantum computing."
Year: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-521-87658-2
Review by Gregory Kohring (Inversik Laboratories, Germany). (Date: 2012-01-09)
M. A. Nielsen, I. L. Chuang: Quantum Computation and Quantum Information
"Though quite a comprehensive guide to quantum information and computation, this book is written in an accessible style, with numerous explanations and exercises. One of the book's best qualities is the remarkably logical and systematic style in which the authors present quantum information and computation systems. I would heartily recommend this book to anyone who is interested in quantum information and quantum computation."
Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-1-107-00217-3
Review by Cristina Onete (IRISA/INRIA, Rennes, France). (Date: 2013-08-21)
M. Obaidat, N. Boudriga: Security of e-Systems and Computer Networks
"In Security of e-Systems and Computer Networks, the authors have provided a very readable amount of information for the E-security from its basics to model development. This is first of its kind of book which discuss about E-security and its assessment model from begging to ready in industry standard . The key points for the readers (especially researchers) are as follows, (i) First unit discuss about the introduction of the E-security (ii) Second Unit discuss about the various tools in the E-security. (iii) Third unit discuss about the various applications of E-security. (iv) Forth unit discuss about the present protecting mechanisms in E-systems. Thus, this book is a best-in-deal package for every novice readers to learn the development of E-security assessment model. For instructors, a useful first hand book for getting depth of E-security model developing in view of various security dimension. For experts/researchers, to carried out further research in E-security model checking and analysis."
Year: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-521-83764-4
Review by Nishant Doshi (PDPU, Gujarat, India). (Date: 2017-09-27)
J. Talbot, D. Welsh: Complexity and Cryptography: An Introduction
"A good introductory book for cryptography with an complexity theoretic approach, ideally suited for beginners of cryptography to get a bird's eye view from a complexity theoretical perspective. Also ideal for researchers and students of applications of complexity theory."
Year: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-521-61771-0
Review by Sashank Dara (Cisco Systems, India). (Date: 2012-03-13)
J. C. A. Van Der Lubbe: Basic Methods of Cryptography
"In Basic Methods of Cryptography, the author provides a very readable amount of information for various cryptographic protocols. The key points for the readers is as follows, (i) every chapter gives the detailed explanation with real time application of the protocols mentioned in it. (ii) the appendix gives the useful information of shannon theory and image encipherment. Thus, this book is a best-in-deal package for undergrads and every novice readers to learn cryptographic algorithms with not only utilize but with the cryptanalysis of it. For instructors, a useful first hand book in cryptology. For experts/researchers, to familiar with history as well as further findings in the topic."
Year: 1998
ISBN: 978-0-521-55559-3
Review by Nishant Doshi (MEFGI, India). (Date: 2014-10-06)
CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group
S. A. Ahson, M. Ilyas: Cloud Computing and Software Services - Theory and Techniques
"This book tries to bring clarity into the emerging field of cloud computing by presenting accurate, up-to-date information in a comprehensive manner - unfortunately it does not achieve this goal completely. Not written for beginners, this book discusses general architecture issues coming up with the development of cloud systems and provides technical background knowledge, but security is merely touched. Hence, this book is recommended to readers interested in the deep technical basics of cloud infrastructures and systems."
Year: 2011
ISBN: 978-1-4398-0315-8
Review by Dominik Birk (Horst Görtz Institute, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany). (Date: 2011-07-06)
F. Bonchi, E. Ferrari (Editors): Privacy-Aware Knowledge Discovery
"This book presents the latest researches in privacy aware knowledge discovery for different application domains such as transportation, medical records and social networks. It is neither an introduction to privacy for data mining, nor a textbook on the subject. The book demonstrates that anonymizing data is context dependent, extremely difficult, and still a domain in its infancy. If the reader is looking for a glimpse to this diversity, then this is a good book."
Year: 2011
ISBN: 978-1-4398-0365-3
Review by Eric Diehl (Technicolor, Paris, France). (Date: 2013-09-23)
N. Boudriga: Security of Mobile Communications
"This book explores security features related to IP-mobility, mobile payments, multimedia applications, VoIP, and SIM-like cards. It includes information about various attacks and architectures capable of providing security features such as authentication, authorization, and access control in mobile communication systems. For this reason I recommend the book as a good resource for those interested in identifying and solving security issues in mobile communication systems and as a starting point for research in secure mobile communication."
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-8493-7941-3
Review by S.V. Nagaraj, (Hadhramout University, Yemen). (Date: 2010-06-07)
W. J. Buchanan: Introduction to Security and Network Forensics
"This book offers an excellent practical introduction to important issues concerning network security and forensics. It will be a boon for novices, students and researchers. I strongly recommend this book as a useful introductory text on network security."
Year: 2011
ISBN: 978-0-8493-3568-6
Review by S.V. Nagaraj (RMK Engineering College, Kavaraipettai, Tamil Nadu, India). (Date: 2012-04-16)
Z. Cao: New Directions of Modern Cryptography
"This is a book for graduate, advanced undergraduate students and researchers in computer science, information security, mathematics and engineering, who are interested in learning about network security and related issues. A background in abstract algebra would be very helpful. The focus is on theoretical aspects, abstract models, security mechanisms and applications of modern network security."
Year: 2013
ISBN: 978-1-4665-0138-6
Review by Jorge Nakahara Jr. (Independent Researcher, Brazil). (Date: 2014-12-15)
G. Chartrand, P. Zhang: Chromatic Graph Theory
"In Chromatic Graph Theory, the self-contained book provides fundamentals of graph theory that will allow any reader to pick up the basics after which they will be able to learn advanced and emerging topics of graph coloring. This carefully written book is suitable for anyone who is interested in a solid introduction to graph coloring and also suitable as a follow up course to an elementary graph theory course with an emphasis on graph coloring."
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-1-58488-800-0
Review by Yong Hao Ng (Center for Strategic Infocomm Technologies, Singapore). (Date: 2012-03-13)
H. Cohen, G. Frey: Handbook of Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography
"This book could have been titled "Mathematics and Mathematical Algorithms for Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curves, with a Focus on Cryptography." With this clarification, it offers a very comprehensive coverage of this vast subject area, by a total of 16 authors and contributors. Overall a useful and essential treaty for anyone involved in elliptic curve algorithms, except if someone looks for definitive technical guidance as in a cookbook."
Year: 2006
ISBN: 978-1-58488-518-4
Review by Thierry Moreau (CONNOTECH Experts-conseils Inc., Montreal, Canada). (Date: 2011-06-15)
A. Das: Computational Number Theory
"This is a textbook for a one- or two-semester course on algorithmic and computational number theory, written for students and practitioners in engineering, maths and computer science. The focus is on practical, implementational aspects of number theory, rather than on the theory itself. As such, most proofs are ommitted, but lots of examples and exercises complement and reinforce the theory presented, by providing step-by-step computation of practical instances of theorems and algorithms."
Year: 2013
ISBN: 978-1-4398-6615-3
Review by Jorge Nakahara Jr. (Independent Researcher, Brazil). (Date: 2014-08-25)
S. N. Elaydi: Discrete Chaos, second edition
"This book offers a good self-contained, clear and readable coverage of discrete dynamical systems and difference equations. The author has a gift for making the more difficult concepts accessible to students with varying backgrounds and interests The reader following the book would have attained a comprehensive view of the basics of these topics. I recommend this book to advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students interested in discrete dynamical systems and difference equations and wishing to read more advanced texts on this topic."
Year: 2008
ISBN: 978-1-58488-592-4
Review by Fan Junjie, Bertrand (National University of Singapore). (Date: 2015-04-26)
A. J. Elbirt: Understanding and Applying Cryptography and Data Security
"And now how do I implement that? If you have some day wondered how to implement your cryptographic result, this book is here to help you... From symmetric-key to public-key cryptography, from signatures to MAC, you'll may find the answer you are looking for in there."
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-1-4200-6160-4
Review by Olivier Blazy (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France). (Date: 2009-11-01)
M. Erickson, A. Vazzana: Introduction to Number Theory
"Introduction to Number Theory is a well-written book on this important branch of mathematics, and the clear, almost story-like structure makes it easy to follow. As a plus, every chapter is correlated with interesting anecdotes about famous mathematicians from the past that gave important contributions to number theory, such as Euler, Gauss, or Euclid. The book is suitable for a wide range of readers, and I strongly recommend it to anyone interested in number theory."
Year: 2008
ISBN: 978-1-58488-937-3
Review by Edoardo Persichetti (University of Auckland, New Zealand). (Date: 2011-05-24)
B. Furht, D. Kirovski: Multimedia Watermarking Techniques and Applications
"An excellent collection of 14 articles from the experts of multimedia watermarking! It includes survey articles that speak to any reader interested in the subject as well as articles that introduce new techniques and applications of digital watermarking appealing to researchers and practitioners in the field."
Year: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-84937-213-1
Review by Yesem Kurt Peker (Randolph College, Lynchburg, Virginia, USA). (Date: 2011-06-20)
R. Garnier, G. Taylor: Discrete Mathematics
"In its third edition, Discrete Mathematics, is a mature textbook providing an introduction to those aspects of university level mathematics needed by computer science majors. For the most part, it provides an excellent pedagogical treatment of its subject matter, along with numerous worked exercises. The newly introduced chapter on public key cryptography is exemplary in this respect. Discrete Mathematics is also suitable as a reference book; however, the treatment of most topics is probably too basic to be of immediate use to the practicing professional."
Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-1-4398-1280-8
Review by Gregory Kohring (Inversik Laboratories, Germany). (Date: 2011-07-01)
R. J. Gould: Mathematics in Games, Sports, and Gambling
"The text covers elementary discrete probability and statistics plus some combinatorics. Motivating illustrations and examples are taken from sports and games. The exposition is fluid and engaging. It comes replete with descriptions, illustrations, and examples to bring points across. Reading it, one might become a more successful bettor at sports and a winner at the local pub debates on who's the best player or which is the best team. Mind, however, that one should not state that F.C. Barcelona is the best when having a pint in Madrid."
Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-1-4398-0163-5
Review by F. Ezerman, (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore). (Date: 2015-09-17)
J. Graham, R. Howard, R. Olson: Cyber Security Essentials
"Reading the title of the book, one might expect that it would focus on past, today and future of cyber security and cyber wars as well as its social aspects. But this book is a typical security book explaining mainly some network security issues with technical details. I would recommend this book only to network security experts who need to understand the technical details of certain topics like malicious code and network exploitation techniques. Otherwise, this book is suitable neither for application security experts nor for students."
Year: 2011
ISBN: 978-1-4398-5123-4
Review by Emin Islam Tatli (Daimler TSS, Germany). (Date: 2013-06-14)
D. W. Hardy, F. Richman, C. L. Walker: Applied Algebra - Codes, Ciphers, And Discrete Algorithms
"The book introduces algebraical concepts which are used in cryptography and coding and shows their applications in these fields. The strength of the book is clearly the number of examples which on the other side in some case unfortunately leads to a lack of general definitions and theorems. Therefore this book is suitable for student who prefer learning by doing (the book provides many exercise) but is not suitable as a handbook. I would also not recommend the book for mathematics student or students which already have a good mathematical background or a strong background in cryptography or coding as they would know already large parts of the book."
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-1-4200-7142-9
Review by Julia Borghoff (DTU Mathematics, Technical University of Denmark). (Date: 2010-01-05)
S. Heubach, T. Mansour: Combinatorics of Compositions and Words
"The book is written in an accessible style, and it is quite easy to use for the non-specialist in the area, given a basic computer science and/or mathematical background. It will be a useful reference for the researcher, as well as a very good textbook for a graduate level course in the area. I recommend the book heartily to both the specialists and the beginning researchers in the area."
Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-1-4200-7267-9
Review by Serdar Boztas (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia). (Date: 2011-06-21)
M. J. Hinek: Cryptanalysis of RSA and its Variants
"This book sums up traditional attacks on RSA and gives a lot of information about the newer lattice-based attacks. It uses a lot of mathematics, but explains it pretty well. It seems like a very good book to get an overview over attacks on RSA."
Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-1-4200-7512-2
Review by Jannik Pewny (Horst Görtz Institute, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany). (Date: 2010-01-08)
F. Hu, X. Cao: Wireless Sensor Networks: Principles and Practice
"This book offers a very good introduction to issues related to wireless sensor networks. It will be useful for researchers, students, and professionals. However, those interested in security aspects of such networks must look elsewhere."
Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-1-4200-9215-8
Review by S.V. Nagaraj (RMK Engineering College, Kavaraipettai, Tamil Nadu, India). (Date: 2012-02-02)
D. Jacobson: Introduction to Network Security
"This book gives a good overview on Network Security. It starts from the lower layer and shows how each other layer can contribute to the overall security of the system. On the one hand students in Computer Science / Network Security might be interested in this book and on the other hand security professionals can use it as a convenient reference book. It won't get dusty on my shelf, as it contains so many precious information, and is enjoyable to read."
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-1-58488-543-6
Review by Olivier Blazy (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France). (Date: 2010-02-01)
R. C. Joshi, A. Sardana: Honeypots: A New Paradigm to Information Security
"In Honeypots: A New Paradigm to Information Security , the authors have provided a very readable amount of information for the honeypot from origin to present day. The key points for the readers (especially researchers and attackers) are as follows, (i) each chapter contains various case studies that to be useful for understanding the depths (ii) various tools available to be used as honeypot and anti-honeypot technologies. (iii) the bridge between study and research. Thus, this book is a best-in-deal package for undergrads and every novice readers to learn various honeypots (from static to dynamic) and tools to use with its security analysis. For instructors, a useful first hand book for getting nut-n-shell in honeypots. For experts/researchers, to familiar with history as well as findings in the various honeypots technologies."
Year: 2011
ISBN: 978-1-578-08708-2
Review by Nishant Doshi (MEFGI, India). (Date: 2015-09-01)
A. Joux: Algorithmic Cryptanalysis
"Algorithmic Cryptanalysis is a high level book that covers many interesting topics, so it is impossible to go into all details of the different topics. However, for each topic the reader can find several references, which is a convenient extra of the book. I would recommend this book for graduate students with a strong mathematical background, a cryptographic background, knowledge in C-programming and an interest in implementing cryptanalytic attacks."
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-1-4200-7002-6
Review by Julia Borghoff (DTU Mathematics, Technical University of Denmark). (Date: 2010-10-07)
A. Joux: Algorithmic Cryptanalysis
"This book covers a wide range of popular and efficient algorithms used in cryptanalysis in an easy to follow manner. The techniques are explained from a practical and applied point of view, detailed pseudo-code of the algorithms are presented. “Algorithmic Cryptanalysis” can perfectly serve as a textbook for (under)graduate students or as a reference work for the professional cryptologist interested in algorithmic methods. I would highly recommended this book."
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-1-4200-7002-6
Review by Joppe Bos (NXP Semiconductors). (Date: 2015-02-13)
J. Katz, Y. Lindell: Introduction to Modern Cryptography
"This book is a comprehensive, rigorous introduction to what the authors name ''Modern'' Cryptography. One of the book's best qualities is the remarkably logical and systematic style in which the authors present several cryptographic primitives and constructions. A disadvantage of this book in my opinion is that it does not delve deeper into cryptographic methods such as authentication with limited resources, such as RFID, or PUF-based authentication. The reader must be familiar with some basic mathematical concepts and the science of proving statements, thus this book is not suited for the industry but rather for graduate students. However, even a versed cryptographer will benefit from the rigorous and complete treatment of the mentioned topics. I would heartily recommend this book to anyone who is interested in cryptography."
"Introduction to Modern Cryptography provides a very well-balanced and thorough introduction to cryptography. This it book highlights precise definitions and rigorous proofs that have shaped cryptography into its current mathematically enriched form. It covers fundamental notions of modern cryptography ranging from public, private key encryption to data integrity and signatures. This is a must-read for researchers in cryptography."
Year: 2008
ISBN: 978-1-58488-551-1
Review by Cristina Onete (CASED - Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt, Germany). (Date: 2010-01-13)
Review by Ladan Mahabadi (McGill University, Melbourne, Canada). (Date: 2011-03-01)
J. Koolen, J. Ho Kwak, M.-Y. Xu (Editors): Applications of Group Theory to Combinatorics
"A book written for an advanced audience, in the style of a "handbook", it is a good reference text for an expert in graph or design theory, who is looking for tools from group theory, particularly combinatorial group theory."
Year: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-415-47184-8
Review by Asha Rao (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia). (Date: 2011-04-13)
J. S. Kraft, L. C. Washington: An Introduction to Number Theory with Cryptography
"This book offers an excellent introduction to number theory and some of its applications to cryptography. It will be helpful for novices and students."
Year: 2014
ISBN: 978-1-4822-1441-3
Review by S.V. Nagaraj (freelance cryptographer, Chennai, India). (Date: 2014-09-20)
D. J. Landoll: The Security Risk Assessment Handbook - A Complete Guide for Performing Security Risk Assessments
"Written by an expert in the area, the book is an invaluable resource for those who want to step into the profession of security risk assessment. It covers almost all practical matters in security risk assessment in great detail from the manners in interacting with the customer to technical aspects along with useful charts, tables and sample reports."
Year: 2011
ISBN: 978-1-4398-2148-0
Review by Yesem Kurt Peker (Columbus State University, Columbus, Georgia, USA). (Date: 2013-06-13)
S. Lian: Multimedia Content Encryption: Techniques and Applications
"This book gives a good starting point for research concerning the special requirements multimedia content has of cryptography. It takes various types of encryption, compression, watermarking and fingerprinting into account. Readers with background in cryptography and interest in the topic of multimedia encryption should be satisfied."
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-1-4200-6527-5
Review by Jannik Pewny (Horst Görtz Institute, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany). (Date: 2009-10-20)
N. A. Loehr: Bijective Combinatorics
"This very recent book (590 pages) aims to be an introductory text on bijective combinatorics. I like this book because it covers topics that I had longed to learn. It might seem hard to plough through at first. but if one is patient, one can work through the book and gain great insights into the fertile field of algebraic combinatorics."
Year: 2011
ISBN: 978-1-4398-4884-5
Review by Kian Tay (Center for Strategic Infocomm Technologies, Singapore). (Date: 2011-11-22)
A. Lozano-Nieto: RFID Design Fundamentals and Applications
"This book is aimed at professionals with a background in eletronics, such as electrical engineers and (under)graduate students in related fields interested in the design, deployment and maintenance of RFID systems. There is a plentora of technical details, schematic diagrams of circuits, listings of several electrical parameters such as impedance, voltage, inductance, and so on. This book may be of interest to people working on side-channel analysis dedicated to RFID tags, although such attacks are not mentioned in the book."
Year: 2011
ISBN: 978-1-4200-9125-0
Review by Jorge Nakahara Jr. (Independent Researcher, Brazil). (Date: 2011-06-07)
A. McAndrew: Introduction to Cryptography with Open-Source Software
"This very well written book is recommended to graduate or final year undergraduate students intended to start research work on both theoretical and experimental cryptography. Most of the cryptographic protocols are illustrated by various examples and implemented using the open-source algebra software Sage. The book provides a rigorous introduction to the mathematics used in cryptographic and covers almost all modern practical cryptosystems. Also, the book is certainly a valuable resource for practitioners looking for experimental cryptography with a computer algebra system."
Year: 2011
ISBN: 978-1-4398-2570-9
Review by Abderrahmane Nitaj (LMNO, Université de Caen Basse Normandie, France). (Date: 2014-02-13)
M. S. Merkow, L. Raghavan: Secure and Resilient Software Development
"This book is a "must read" resource for security experts focusing on application security and for application designers and developers who need to integrate security into their systems. The authors have practical experience in application security and wrote a practice-oriented book. The chapters are well-structured and arranged in a good logical order. I would strongly recommend this book to security architects, security trainers, application designers and developers. But I would not recommend the book for students who might have less security and development knowledge due to missing real-life project experience. The broad content of the book could be quite complicated for students to follow."
Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-1-4398-2696-6
Review by Emin Islam Tatli (Daimler TSS, Germany). (Date: 2011-08-02)
R. A. Mollin: Advanced Number Theory with Applications
""Advanced Number Theory with Applications" is a wonderful book which covers a huge variety of contemporary number theory topics pitched at an advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate level. Indeed, the book starts off with algebraic number theory and quadratic forms, builds up to Dirichlet's theorems on primes in arithmetic progressions and Diophantine equations, and has for a climatic ending elliptic curves and modular forms. Furthermore, this book is clearly written, and has many exercises (half of them with solutions) for the enthusiast to obtain further understanding of the material presented. I would strongly recommend this book to the keen student interested in advanced number theory!"
Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-1-4200-8328-6
Review by Bertrand Junjie Fan (Center for Strategic Infocomm Technologies, Singapore). (Date: 2011-06-01)
R. A. Mollin: Algebraic Number Theory (2nd Edition)
"This is the second edition of an introductory text in algebraic number theory written by a well-known leader in algebra and number theory. This new edition is completely reorganized and rewritten from the first edition. Suitable for advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students in mathematics, this text offers a good introduction to the fundamentals of algebraic number theory. But unlike standard texts of this level, this text also touches on some applications of algebraic number theory, such as its use in the number field sieve algorithm as well as in primality testing. Numerous extensive biographical sketches of relevant mathematicians are also scattered throughout the book."
Year: 2011
ISBN: 978-1-4398-4598-1
Review by Fan Junjie, Bertrand (National University of Singapore). (Date: 2011-12-05)
R. A. Mollin: Codes: The Guide to Secrecy from Ancient to Modern Times
"This book is an encyclopedic work of a very high standard covering the most widely known and used cryptographic codes throughout history up until 2004 (book published in 2005). As well as describing cryptographic codes, there are pictures and biographies of key personnel in the field, as well as exercises and problems which may be used for creating courses that will reference this book."
Year: 2005
ISBN: 978-1-584-884-705
Review by Kenneth J. Radke (Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia). (Date: 2010-05-27)
R. A. Mollin: Fundamental Number Theory with Applications (2nd Edition)
"This book, written by a well-known Canadian number theorist, is intended for a one-semester undergraduate introductory course in number theory. Therefore, only undergraduates and the occasional dilettante (which may include professionals from affine branches of science who need this or that elementary result) will find it useful. The presentation flows smoothly and the main results can be perused quickly, although, to gain a deeper understanding, more time has to be devoted to their study. I have found the biographical sketches, with their anecdotical flavor, to be very interesting (it is the lesson I got from this book)."
Year: 2008
ISBN: 978-1-4200-6659-3
Review by Francesco Sica (University of Calgary, Canada). (Date: 2010-04-12)
G. L. Mullen, D. Panario: Handbook of Finite Fields
"This single-volume handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the history and theory of finite fields, from the point-of-view of 88 co-authors. It is a reference work comprising 17 chapters, divided into three parts. This book contains an extensive collection of results, theorems and lemmas, but no proofs. Rather, a list of more than 3000 bibliographic entries is provided for the interested readers. This handbook will be most useful to researchers and PhD students, looking for open and challenging problems related to finite field theory."
Year: 2013
ISBN: 978-1-4398-7378-6
Review by Jorge Nakahara Jr. (Independent Researcher, Brazil). (Date: 2014-06-05)
R. C. Newman: Computer Forensics - Evidence Collection and Management
"This book gives an overview of the topics and necessities in computer forensics, but it does not cover technical details. While it gives broad information on computer forensics, the content of each chapter is often too shallow to be of specific use. The what-to-do can be learned from this book, but the how-to-do-it is not covered. Thus, it might be useful for those in charge of a department of computer forensics or a technician, who wants to learn something about the widespread surroundings of computer forensics."
Year: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-8493-0561-0
Review by Jannik Pewny (Horst Görtz Institute, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany). (Date: 2013-06-14)
A. S. K. Pathan: Security of Self-Organizing Networks
"This book offers a good introduction to the security aspects of self-organizing networks, s.a. MANETs, VANETs, WMNs, and WSNs. Though it is written as a collection of self-contained articles, including contributions of over fifty researchers from several countries, this book maintains a uniform style of presentation. I strongly recommend this book as a useful reference work on the security of self-organizing networks for students, professionals, and researchers."
Year: 2011
ISBN: 978-1-4398-1919-7
Review by S.V. Nagaraj (RMK Engineering College, Kavaraipettai, Tamil Nadu, India). (Date: 2011-08-16)
F. Roberts, B. Tesman: Applied Combinatorics (2nd Edition)
"This book is the second edition of a well known textbook, and the new edition (200 pages more) covers all the major topics in combinatorics in a single accessible volume. Many new examples are given. Hence it is useful to undergraduates and graduate students in computer science, math and engineering. The presentation flows very smoothly and the proofs are carefully written. There is a large number of exercises to test one's understanding. There is also an extensive index of authors and subjects and a long list of references. This book is a gem. Get it!"
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-1-4200-9982-9
Review by Kian Tay (Center for Strategic Infocomm Technologies, Singapore). (Date: 2011-05-27)
F. Roberts, B. Tesman: Applied Combinatorics (2nd Edition)
"Combinatorics is an interesting branch of mathematics that studies combinations of objects. This book on applied combinatorics contains many exercises emphasizing applications of combinatorics to subjects as varied as computer science, biology, and social science. I strongly recommend this book as a useful text cum reference book on combinatorics and its practical applications."
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-1-4200-9982-9
Review by S.V. Nagaraj (freelance cryptographer, Chennai, India). (Date: 2016-06-12)
K. Rosen: Handbook of Discrete & Combinatorial Mathematics (2nd Edition)
"The Handbook of Discrete and combinatorial mathematics is THE handbook of discrete mathematics. Edited by a superb team of industry leaders, headed by Kenneth Rosen from AT&T Bell labs, ably assisted by a team of editors which includes Andrew Odlyzko, Ron Gaham etc, one can rest assured that the topics chosen in the handbook is not just academic but also highly practical. it is certainly a valuable resource for mathematicians, scientists and engineers now and in the years to come."
Year: 1999
ISBN: 978-0849301490
Review by Kian Boon Tay (Center for Strategic Infocomm Technologies, Singapore). (Date: 2012-03-13)
B. Rosenberg: Handbook of Financial Cryptography and Security
"This review is about a handbook on financial cryptography and security. The handbook offers an excellent introduction to many issues related to financial cryptography. I strongly recommend it for those interested in learning the techniques and challenges in financial cryptography and security."
Year: 2011
ISBN: 978-1-4200-5981-6
Review by S.V. Nagaraj (RMK Engineering College, Kavaraipettai, Tamil Nadu, India). (Date: 2014-11-22)
J. Smith: Introduction to Abstract Algebra
"This is a careful treatment of the principal topics of Abstract Algebra in 327 pages. Taking a different approach from several books, it helps the reader to have a solid introduction to abstract algebra and establishes the link between it and the cryptographic world in many "Study projects". This is an attractive book which could be read by everybody because the author supposes not so much knowledge from the reader and gives all the necessary information to continue the reading from a chapter to the next. I believe that the readers, students and even experienced researchers may benefit strongly from this book."
Year: 2008
ISBN: 978-1-4200-6371-4
Review by Frederic A.B. Edoukou (CCRG, Nanyang Technical University, Singapore). (Date: 2010-10-11)
J.J. Stapleton: Security without Obscurity
"Having said how disjointed the book can be, it is a treasure trove, full of useful details and insightful observations. Coming from a seasoned practitioner, it offers valuable lessons not usually spelled out in more theoretical works. The approach is unlike that of many other books available to our community. This one focuses on how to understand and implement various cryptography primitives in actual situations to satisfy evolving business and compliance requirements."
Year: 2014
ISBN: 978-1-4665-9214-8
Review by F. Ezerman, (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore). (Date: 2016-08-17)
A. Stanoyevitch: Discrete Structures with Contemporary Applications
"The book is a heavy tome. The size can be intimidating at first glance yet this textbook is excellent. The author clearly had put a lot of effort in presenting the topics clearly and as engaging as possible. His many years of teaching and mentoring clearly show. The more I read it through the more I like the book, especially how the exercises are so carefully selected and presented. For this reason alone, this book is worth keeping and using."
Year: 2011
ISBN: 978-1-4398-1768-1
Review by M. Frederic Ezerman (Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore). (Date: 2014-09-02)
A. Stanoyevitch: Introduction to Cryptography
"This book is a very comprehensible introduction to cryptography. It will be very suitable for undergraduate students. The author has provided numerous mathematically oriented as well as computer-based exercises. I strongly recommend this book as an introductory book on cryptography for undergraduates."
Year: 2011
ISBN: 978-1-4398-1763-6
Review by S.V. Nagaraj (RMK Engineering College, Kavaraipettai, Tamil Nadu, India). (Date: 2011-05-12)
A. K. Talukder, M. Chaitanya: Architecting Secure Software Systems
"This book focuses on both theoretical and practical aspects of designing secure software systems. While its theory part is quite well-written, its practical part is not well-structured. I would strongly recommend it to people who need to get only an overview of secure software design, but not for security experts who want to study a specific topic in detail."
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-1-4200-8784-0
Review by Emin Islam Tatli (IBM Germany). (Date: 2011-04-13)
G. Valiente: Combinatorial Pattern Matching Algorithms in Computational Biology using Perl and R
"The book holds what its cover promises: It is a well-sorted collection of pattern matching algorithms that are used to work with problems in computational biology. Only shortcoming is the missing runtime-analysis. All in all, it is recommended, in particular for students of computational biology or bioinformatics."
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-1-4200-6973-0
Review by Jannik Pewny (Horst Görtz Institute, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany). (Date: 2009-10-07)
L. C. Washington: Elliptic Curves - Number Theory and Cryptography (2nd Edition)
"This book presents the theory of elliptic curves from the ground up leading to advanced topics of that area, including several parts on number theory. It is written in a dense style and is most suited for cryptographers and mathematicians. The book is a very valuable reference and qualifies for self-study. After digesting the book, the reader will have a thorough knowledge on elliptic curves as well as number theory. Half of the book will already be enough for most students and engineers."
Year: 2008
ISBN: 978-1-4200-7146-7
Review by Vincent C. Immler (Horst Görtz Institute, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany). (Date: 2010-04-12)
Y. Zhang, P. Kitsos: Security in RFID and Sensor Networks
"This 24-chapter long book consists of disjointed scientific papers that focus more towards implementation and feasibility, and thus the presented topics refer mostly to improvements that are scalable and implementable. The editors did a great job of putting these chapters together in a more-or-less logical order, and such that the topics share some common ground. I particularly liked the good amount of detail regarding RFID hardware and the feasibility of the constructions. A disadvantage of this book -- and a natural one in my opinion, given the diversity of the topics -- is the lack of depth and the somewhat implementation-based approach taken by most chapters. I was also surprised to see that very few chapters actually contain any formal definitions or models. Nevertheless, I would certainly recommend this book, particularly to those who are already familiar with theoretical definitions and models related to the cryptographic primitives and security notions that are paramount in RFID and sensor networks."
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-1-4200-6839-9
Review by Cristina Onete (CASED - Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt, Germany). (Date: 2010-07-21)
Y. Zhang, J. Zheng, H. Hu: Security in Wireless Mesh Networks
"The book provides a comprehensive guide to security-related issues in wireless mesh networks with focus on system architectures. It is a good reference text for practitioners and researchers in identify deployment scenarios and future directions in network security. I strongly recommend this book as a handbook of security technologies for wireless networks."
Year: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-8493-8250-5
Review by Gloria Tuquerres (Freelance Analyst, The Netherlands). (Date: 2011-06-02)
K. de Leeuw, J. Bergstra (Editors): The History of Information Security - A Comprehensive Handbook
"This magisterial book, of almost 900 pages, has joined Kahn, Yardley and Welchmann on my shelf of serious reference works. Yet it contains much that I found new, surprising and even delightful, despite a quarter century of working in the field."
Year: 2007
ISBN: 978-0444516084
Review by Ross Anderson (University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory). (Date: 2009-10-27)
Presses Polytechnique Et Universitaires Romandes
G. Avoine, P. Oechslin, P. Junod: Computer System Security: Basic Concepts and Solved Exercises
" This book presents about 100 solved exercises on 8 main topics of Computer System Security. Each topic is briefly introduced before proposing the exercises. The exercises test your theoretical knowledge and your ability to solve more pragmatic problems through a few complex exercises."
Year: 2007
ISBN: 978-1-420-04620-5
Review by Eric Diehl (Security Competence Center, Thomson, Rennes, France). (Date: 2010-03-19)
B. Martin: Codage, Cryptologie et Applications [French]
"This French book succinctly describes the mathematical principles of cryptography and error correcting codes. Once these principles are introduced, the book presents their use in some telecommunication applications (at the state of the art in 2004). The book does not define its target audience. It is probably not enough detailed for a skilled audience, nor particularly suitable for beginners and students, since it requires mathematical background that they would have to find elsewhere."
Year: 2006
ISBN: 978-2-88074-569-1
Review by Eric Diehl (Technicolor, Paris, France). (Date: 2014-02-12)
M. H. Sherif: Paiements \'electroniques s\'ecuris\'es [French]
"This book presents technological and strategical aspects around e-commerce and highlights which factor inluence the choice of particular solutions. The description are precise, and helpful. A word of warning though: the book was written in 2007, and some of the recent developments are missing."
Year: 2007
ISBN: 2-88074-694-0
Review by Olivier Blazy (Universit\'e de Limoges, France). (Date: 2018-08-18)
I. Tashi, S. Ghernaouti Helie: Information Security Evaluation: A holistic Approach
"In Information Security Evaluation: A holistic Approach, the authors have provided a very readable amount of information for the information security from its basics to model development. This is first of its kind of book which discuss about information security assurance assessment model from begging to ready in industry standard . The key points for the readers (especially researchers) are as follows, (i) Chapter 1 to 3 is gives the outline of information security, risk security and ISAAM components. (ii) Chapter 4 to 7 gives the applicability of ISAAM in four pre-defined information security dimension. Thus, this book is a best-in-deal package for every novice readers to learn the development of security assurance assessment model. For instructors, a useful first hand book for getting depth of model developing in view of various security dimension. For experts/researchers, to carried out further research in model checking and analysis."
Year: 2011
ISBN: 978-2-940222-53-7
Review by Nishant Doshi (MEFGI, India). (Date: 2016-05-07)
S. Vaudenay: La Fracture Cryptographique [French]
"This is an introductory book, trying to convey the importance of privacy in our modern world and the gap between cryptography theory, real world application, and security expectancy. The book presents a quite gloomy view of modern technology but with a light-hearted approach which makes it an interesting read. The last chapters are really useful for everyone, and ask important questions. Be careful though, the book is written in French."
Year: 2011
ISBN: 978-2-88074-830-2
Review by Olivier Blazy (XLIM, France). (Date: 2014-10-29)
M. Aigner, G. M. Ziegler: Proofs from THE BOOK (4th Edition)
""The Book", as promulgated by Paul Erdős, is God's collection of the most elegant proofs of any and all mathematical theorems, including those still to be discovered. In "Proofs from THE BOOK" Martin Aigner and Günter M. Ziegler attempt to gather together a collection of proofs which, in their opinion, should be included in "The Book". Browsing through the proofs one gets a sense of the rich creative process involved in proving theorems. "Proofs from THE BOOK" is written in a relaxed style which can be best described as a blend between a university level textbook and an article from Scientific American. It is highly recommendable, for unlike many popularizations of science and mathematics, it delves into real theorems not muddy metaphors or inconsistent analogies."
Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-3-642-00855-9
Review by Gregory Kohring (Freelance Analyst, Germany). (Date: 2010-03-09)
T. Baignères, P. Junod, Y. Lu, J. Monnerat, S. Vaudenay: A Classical Introduction To Cryptography Exercise Book
"The book's main goal is to show how some mathematical notions of calculus, algebra, and computer science are used to study the security of various cryptosystems. The volume is a collection of exercises, including hints and solutions, and is suitable for advanced undergraduate and graduate students as well as students in computer science and engineering and practitioners who want to understand the mathematical techniques behind cryptography."
Year: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-387-27934-3
Review by Abdelhak Azhari (Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco). (Date: 2014-02-12)
M.W. Baldoni, C. Ciliberto, G.M. Piacentini Cattaneo: Elementary Number Theory, Cryptography and Codes
"The book is an almost classical treatment of number theory and its applications to cryptography and coding theory. It involves more abstract notions than a classical elementary number theory book does and requires the reader to be familiar with certain algebraic structures. A prerequisite to fully benefit from this book would be a course in abstract algebra. I would recommend the book to various readers though the book speaks more to a mathematically mature reader who has a good understanding of abstraction."
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-3-540-69199-0
Review by Yesem Kurt Peker (Randolph College, Lynchburg, Virginia, USA). (Date: 2010-06-07)
G. V. Bard: Algebraic Cryptanalysis
"This book introduces the predominant topics in multivariate-base cryptanalysis. It can be described to be a complementary text book in the field of algebraic attack as a result of the author's experience and knowledge. For a person who did not know much about algebraic cryptanalysis, this book is a good starting point."
"This book is highly recommended for graduate or final year undergraduate students intended to start research work on algebraic cryptanalysis. It is an excellent starting point and covers most of the important topics required to study and apply algebraic attack on modern ciphers."
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-387-88756-2
Review by Wael Said Abdel mageed Mohamed (Cryptography and Computeralgebra, Informatik, TU Darmstadt, Germany). (Date: 2010-01-13)
F. L. Bauer: Historische Notizen zur Informatik [German]
"This book is a collection of trivia about the history of computer science and mathematics. You can learn this and that from it, but it is nevertheless a book to enjoy reading. Maybe a nice gift to everybody from this field who likes to read."
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-3-540-85789-1
Review by Jannik Pewny (Horst Görtz Institute, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany). (Date: 2010-01-12)
F. L. Bauer: Decrypted Secrets - Methods and Maxims of Cryptology
"As the subtitle reveals, the book discusses different methods and maxims of cryptology. This book can be recommended to everyone who has mathematical, informatical, historical or linguistic interests in cryptography. There are different ways of approaching this book. Due to its vivid style, it can be read linear as a novel, but it can also be used as reference work for specific topics."
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-3-540-24502-5
Review by Denise Reinert (ISEB---Institute for Security in E-Business, Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany). (Date: 2009-11-22)
F. L. Bauer: Entzifferte Geheimnisse - Methoden und Maximen der Kryptologie [German]
"Wie der Untertitel bereits verrät, behandelt das Buch Entzifferte Geheimnisse verschiedene Methoden und Maximen der Kryptologie. Dieses Buch ist für jeden empfehlenswert, der sich aus mathematischer, informationstechnischer, historischer oder sprachlicher Sicht für Kryptographie interessiert. Dabei gibt es verschiedene Herangehensweisen, das Buch zu lesen. Durch den lebhaften Stil kann es durchaus linear als Roman gelesen werden, jedoch ist es auch als Nachschlagewerk für einzelne Bereiche geeignet."
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-3-540-67931-8
Review by Denise Reinert (ISEB---Institute for Security in E-Business, Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany). (Date: 2009-11-22)
G. Bella: Formal Correctness of Security Protocols
"This book gives a good introduction into proofs of formal correctness for security protocols. You'll learn the approaches and implications of such proofs. Especially the modeling of the use of smartcards is nicely done and explained. However, this book is neither a general introduction into security protocols, nor one into the main-tool, the formal theorem prover Isabelle. All in all, it is a nice book to read, and the ideas, models and proofs will be of great use for anybody, who specifically looks for formal proofs of security protocols."
Year: 2007
ISBN: 978-3-540-68134-2
Review by Jannik Pewny (Horst Görtz Institute, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany). (Date: 2011-06-07)
D. J. Bernstein, J. Buchmann, E. Dahmen (Editors): Post-Quantum Cryptography
"A very technical and detailed book, containing an extended survey of this fundamental research area that is post-quantum cryptography. Due to its particular nature, it is not fully suitable to beginners, but rather more valuable for experts looking for references in the area, and a state of the art description of the subject."
Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-3-642-10019-2
Review by Edoardo Persichetti (University of Warsaw, Poland). (Date: 2014-06-13)
N. L. Biggs: Codes: An Introduction to Information, Communication and Cryptography
"This book introduces the recurring themes in coding: economy, reliability, and security in an integrated and even-paced way. Each theme is well motivated and the transition from one to the other feels smooth. The motivation and practical concerns behind the development of the theory are usually presented concisely and clearly. Biggs has given us an inviting first course textbook which hopefully whets the students' appetite to go deeper and wider into the wonderful world of codes."
Year: 2008
ISBN: 978-1-84800-273-9
Review by M. Frederic Ezerman (Laboratoire d'Information Quantique, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium). (Date: 2011-11-25)
J. Biskup: Security in Computing Systems
"The book tries to focus on the essentials of secure computing and aims to provide a collection of the most promising security mechanisms. To a large extent the book achieves this objective and this is one reason why I recommend this book. It is best suited for readers with a strong background in various aspects of securing computer systems."
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-3-540-78441-8
Review by S.V. Nagaraj, (Hadhramout University, Yemen). (Date: 2010-04-12)
C. Boyd, A. Mathuria: Protocols for Authentication and Key Establishment
"This book gives an overview about 172 well-chosen cryptographic protocols. This includes descriptions of all their related classic attack types (and 36 protocol-specific attack types), too. As a comprehensive reference it is suitable for (under-)graduates, post-graduates and even professionals."
Year: 2003
ISBN: 978-354-043-1077
Review by Kilian David (IT Auditor, Germany). (Date: 2013-06-14)
J. Buchmann: Introduction to Cryptography
"As the title states the book by Johannes Buchmann provides an introduction to cryptography. It gives a general mathematical background in the beginning and particular mathematical preliminaries are provided at the time they are needed to understand some specific cryptographic method. This text is recommended for undergraduate students or readers who want to get an overview of some modern cryptographic methods and their mathematical preliminaries, like for example RSA and DES."
Year: 2004
ISBN: 0-387-21156-X
Review by Mohamed Saied Emam Mohamed (Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany). (Date: 2010-01-05)
J. Buchmann, E. Karatsiolis, A. Wiesmaier: Introduction to Public Key Infrastructures
"Public key infrastructures are crucial for the successful implementation of public key cryptography which allows for secure communication over open networks such as the Internet. This book is a very good primer on public key infrastructures suitable for students, researchers, and practitioners."
Year: 2013
ISBN: 978-3-642-40656-0
Review by S. V. Nagaraj (freelance cryptographer, Chennai, India). (Date: 2015-07-31)
J. Buchmann, U. Vollmer: Binary Quadratic Forms
"The theory of binary quadratic forms is important in algebraic number theory. This book offers a good introduction to binary quadratic forms by following an algorithmic approach. It will be useful for students and teachers interested in binary quadratic forms and their cryptographic applications."
Year: 2007
ISBN: 978-3-540-46367-2
Review by S.V. Nagaraj (RMK Engineering College, Kavaraipettai, Tamil Nadu, India). (Date: 2014-05-19)
J. Calmet, W. Geiselmann, J. Mueller-Quade: Mathematical Methods in Computer Science
"This book is mostly a short proceedings of a conference. I find that while most of the papers are really interesting, it is hard to reflect properly on the chosen selection. The choice of papers covers a wide range of the field, so on the one hand, specialists (scientific, experts) can find useful information, on the other hand, the book is really accessible to students."
Year: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-540-89993-8
Review by Olivier Blazy (Horst Görtz Institute, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany). (Date: 2013-09-16)
S. Chatterjee, P. Sarkar: Identity-Based Encryption
"This book provides a survey of the most relevant (Hierarchical) Identity-Based Encryption schemes existing in the literature up to the year of publication of the book, 2011. It is written for researchers or anyone having already a solid background in cryptography and basic algebra. It presents the information in a comprehensive manner and succeeds in giving a whole picture on what IBE cryptography is, what has been achieved, and what the remaining open problems are."
Year: 2011
ISBN: 978-1-4419-9382-3
Review by Lorena Ronquillo (IT University, Copenhagen, Denmark). (Date: 2014-10-23)
H. Chen, E. Reid, J. Sinai, A. Silke, B. Ganor: Terrorism Informatics
"The book gives a good state of the art of the Terrorism Informatics field, focusing mainly on methodological issues in the first part and on how to handle suspicious data on the second. Its audience is very broad: on the one hand, specialists (scientific, experts, policy makers) can find useful information, on the other hand, the book is really accessible to students."
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-387-71612-1
Review by Olivier Blazy (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France). (Date: 2010-01-21)
K.-K. R. Choo: Secure Key Establishment
"This book is targeted for researchers interested in designing secure cryptographic protocols. It begins with analysing and criticising previous security models for protocols and ends with tools to design better protocols. I would recommend this book, since it is a very valuable reference for me."
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-387-87968-0
Review by Lakshmi Kuppusamy (Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia). (Date: 2010-06-07)
C. Cid, S. Murphy, M. Robshaw: Algebraic Aspects of the Advanced Encryption Standard
"In their book the authors give an algebraic perspective of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). The way the book is written is overall pleasant. The reader who is ok with mathematical language should have no problem reading it. The material is not overwhelmed with heavy mathematical results/proofs/notions. Considering that the book contains also necessary mathematical background overview, it is readable for engineers and cryptographers without a particular pre-knowledge of algebra."
Year: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-387-24363-4
Review by Stanislav Bulygin (CASED - Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt, Germany). (Date: 2009-11-02)
P. H. Cole, D. C. Ranasinghe: Networked RFID Systems and Lightweight Cryptography
"This book is a comprehensive guide to networks of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) based Electronic Product Codes (EPCs) in supply chains. Written in a fluent, but not overworded fashion, this work represents both a good starting point for students beginning to work in the area of RFID, and a reference for those who are rather more advanced in this field. It provides a great background for those interested in the topic of RFID in general and supply-chain-RFID in particular. A preferred target audience would be researchers in this field, rather than those working in the industry. Further study of the various references quoted in the book is not only recommendable, but necessary, as the authors present only succinctly the topic of other papers or books."
Year: 2008
ISBN: 978-3-540-71640-2
Review by Cristina Onete (CASED - Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt, Germany). (Date: 2009-12-04)
R. Crandall, C. Pomerance: Prime Numbers: A Computational Perspective
"One can hardly find a better duo to write such a book: Carl Pomerance and Richard Crandall. Pomerance was the discoverer of the quadratic sieve factoring algorithm, and he has won many awards on expository writing from MAA. Crandall (now deceased) was former chief cryptographer, Distinguished Scientist of Apple, Chief Scientist at NeXT and he had PhD in both math and physics! The book is painstakingly well written (it is enough just to take a look at how they explain the deepest math in computational number theory, which is the fastest factoring algorithm, aka Number Field Sieve) , and along the way interesting authoritative remarks are given at the appropriate places (see for example, page 37, where they stated the equivalence of PNT and the growth of Mertens Function. The academic community has to really thank them for taking their precious time off their scientific research to educate us by writing this magnificent opus on number theory."
Year: 2005
ISBN: 978-0387-25282-7
Review by Kian Boon Tay (Center for Strategic Infocomm Technologies, Singapore). (Date: 2014-12-08)
C. Cremers, S. Mauw: Operational Semantics and Verification of Security Protocols
"A short but comprehensive book for serious researchers of this subject. This is a textbook style self-contained book written extensively by the authors who have excellent command over the subject. If you are researcher in security analysis of protocols this is one stop book for you!"
Year: 2012
ISBN: 978-3540-78636-8
Review by Sashank Dara (Cisco Systems, India). (Date: 2015-01-01)
E. Damiani, C. A. Ardagna, N. El Ioini: Open Source Systems Security Certification
"I recommend this book to everyone who is interested in the topic of security certification applied to open source systems. The authors provide detailed descriptions on the merits and pitfalls of the security certification process (e.g. Common Criteria, ICSA, etc.) in the context of dynamically changing open source software systems (e.g. the Linux kernel), as well as some in-depth case studies and open research challenges. The book is very well-structured and provides a good overview with lots of additional readings on all areas involved in this red-hot topic."
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-387-77323-0
Review by Meiko Jensen (Horst Görtz Institute, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany). (Date: 2010-08-06)
H. Delfs, H. Knebl: Introduction to Cryptography, Principles and Applications (2nd Edition)
" I really enjoyed reading this book and I recommend it for students who have very basic understanding of cryptography and want to know more about mathematical basis and deeper concepts underlying cryptography. People who are focused more on topics like security management, system security, and network security are suggested to look for other books for introduction to cryptography."
Year: 2007
ISBN: 978-3-540-49243-6
Review by Hasan Mirjalili, (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland). (Date: 2010-05-27)
A. W. Dent, Y. Zheng: Practical Signcryption
"This book starts from the root of signcryption and covers the latest developments including details of security analyses. It is comprised of chapters written by world-renowned cryptographers and might well serve as a handbook on signcryption. I would certainly recommend this book, for it is not only a valuable source for researchers, but also for practitioners who can benefit from this book as a reference."
Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-3-540-89409-4
Review by Amit K. Awasthi (Gautam Buddha University, Gr Noida, India). (Date: 2011-11-16)
M. Dietzfelbinger: Primality Testing in Polynomial Time
"This book is a very comprehensible introduction to Primality Testing. The book is suitable for a wide range of readers, and I strongly recommend it to anyone interested in basic algorithmic number theory and cryptography based on large prime numbers."
Year: 2004
ISBN: 978-3-540-40344-9
Review by Abderrahmane Nitaj (LMNO, Université de Caen Basse Normandie, France). (Date: 2012-01-04)
J. Ding, J. E. Gower, D. S. Schmidt: Multivariate Public Key Cryptosystems
"This book gives an overview of multivariate cryptography. It presents both multivariate schemes and attacks against them in great detail and contains many toy examples for them. The book is suitable both for master students and as a starting point for young researchers who want to start their own work in this new field of cryptography. Unfortunately, some of the more recent developments in multivariate cryptography are not contained in the book."
Year: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-387-32229-2
Review by Albrecht Petzold (TU Darmstadt, Germany). (Date: 2010-04-12)
S. Foresti: Preserving Privacy in Data Outsourcing
"This book presents the author's collective research publications on methods to securely outsource data. It is clearly written and focuses on proposing a model for access control enforcement, a system for privacy protection and a solution for integrating data from different sources safely."
Year: 2011
ISBN: 978-0-387-87968-0
Review by Jothi Rangasami (Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia). (Date: 2013-08-21)
A. A. Ghorbani, W. Lu, M. Tavallaee: Network Intrusion Detection and Prevention
"The book provides an academic overview of numerous topics related to the theory of network intrusion detection systems. Researchers in the field may find it useful as an annotated guide through the research literature. Others are likely to find it to be less valuable."
Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-0-387-88770-8
Review by Mark Daniel (Envieta LLC, USA). (Date: 2011-11-16)
J. L. Gomez Pardo: Introduction to Cryptography with Maple
"In Introduction to Cryptography with Maple, the authors have provided a very readable amount of information for the cryptography from origin to present day with evaluation in MAPLE. This is first of its kind of book which uses single tool MAPLE to describe and analysis all the ciphers from the book. The key points for the readers (especially researchers and attackers) are as follows, (i) each chapter contains MAPLE codes that to be useful for understanding the working of given cipher (ii) various cryptanalysis technique and procedure to do it using MAPLE (iii) the bridge between study and practical research. Thus, this book is a best-in-deal package for undergrads and every novice readers to learn various ciphers and MAPLE tool to use to perform security analysis. For instructors, a useful first hand book for getting nut-n-shell in ciphers using MAPLE tool. For experts/researchers, to familiar with history as well as findings in the ciphers from ancient private key cryptography to today's elliptic curve cryptography."
Year: 2012
ISBN: 978-3-642-32166-5
Review by Nishant Doshi (MEFGI, India). (Date: 2015-11-13)
M. Hafner, R. Breu: Security Engineering for Service-Oriented Architectures
"The book by Hafner and Breu gives an overview on how to systematically design and realize security-critical service-based applications following the model-driven development methodology. Whenever the book talks about SOA or services, it is talking about the technical realisation of SOA using SOAP and related technologies and standards. Currently the audience mainly benefiting from this book is regarded students and researchers."
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-3-540-79538-4
Review by Luigi Lo Iacono (NEC Laboratories Europe, Heidelberg, Germany). (Date: 2009-12-04)
C. Hazay, Y. Lindell: Efficient Secure Two-Party Protocols
"This book provides a rigorous introduction to a smaller example of general secure multiparty computation (SMC), namely the case of two-party protocols. It is rather technical without being too dense, and with a constructive its structure, in the sense that it strives to construct a basic knowledge of provable security in two-party protocols. I would heartily recommend this book to anyone who is interested in provable security and secure multiparty computation, especially students just starting on the topic of cryptography. However, I would not recommend this book for the reader purely interested in recent protocols and applications of two-party protocols."
Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-3-642-14303-8
Review by Cristina Onete (CASED - Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt, Germany). (Date: 2013-06-14)
D. Henrici: RFID Security and Privacy
"This book presents the topic of RFID Security and Privacy in the framework of pervasive computing. Written in a dense style, which requires careful digestion and analysis, this book presents a novel and very useful picture of an outspread RFID system with many tag owners and tags, interacting in a standardised infrastructure. I would strongly recommend this book to anyone interested in an in-depth study of the potential uses and constraints of large-scale RFID authentication. A preferred target would be academic researchers in this field, although the practical considerations included in this work may interest industry research labs as well."
Year: 2008
ISBN: 978-3-540-79075-4
Review by Cristina Onete (CASED - Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt, Germany). (Date: 2010-03-09)
M. Higgins: Number Story: From Counting to Cryptography
"Numbers are a fascinating and interesting subject, and what an interesting book Higgins has written about them! Mainly aimed at the non-technical reader, but also suitable for those more familiar with mathematics, the text is a grand overview of numbers and their history. Every chapter is filled with facts, anecdotes, examples and tricks that will keep the curiosity of the reader alive till the very last page."
Year: 2008
ISBN: 978-1-84800-000-1
Review by Paolo Palmieri (UCL Crypto Group, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium). (Date: 2010-09-29)
J. Hoffstein, J. Pipher, J. Silverman: An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography
"This volume provides an excellent introduction to the mathematics of cryptography. Its simple style make it accessible even to readers without a consistent mathematical background. I highly recommend this book to anyone, in particular non-specialists that are interested in the topic, and students that want to approach cryptography from a mathematical point of view. It is also very useful for instructors in the same context - I personally found it an an invaluable tool for preparing my graduate cryptography course."
Year: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-387-77993-5
Review by Edoardo Persichetti (University of Warsaw, Poland). (Date: 2014-03-27)
J. Hromkovic: Algorithmic Adventures
"In Algorithmic Adventures Juraj Hromkovic provides a very readable account of some of the most beautiful results in theoretical computer science. I recommend this book without reservation to anyone with an interest in theoretical computer science. Neophytes will find in it an outstanding introduction to the subject. Experts will appreciate its distillation of the fundamental ideas of computer science to their most essential forms."
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-3-540-85985-7
Review by Mark Daniel (Envieta LLC, USA). (Date: 2012-04-16)
J. Hromkovic: Theoretical Computer Science
"I heartily recommend the book to computer science students that are interested in the theoretical frameworks of the science. It is relatively lightweight compared other theoretical computer science books I have seen---this makes the text more of a companion tome to more detailed texts, or even to details that can be investigated using online sources. It serves as a good starting point, and a decent survey for those that are interested in the topics, or those interested in the context of topics such as automata and Turing machines, the halting problem, the basics of Kolmogorov complexity, complexity classes and P versus NP, languages in the computer-scientific context, even public-key cryptography and randomized algorithms. Unlike other theoretical computer science books, it does not have a dedicated portion for algorithm design, and is not meant to be used for that purpose. It also does not cover lambda calculus, parallel computation, Petri nets, genetic algorithms, and so on, which can be found in some other theoretical computer science books."
Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-3-642-05729-8
Review by Michael Daniel Samson (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore). (Date: 2014-11-10)
J. Katz: Digital Signatures
"This book contains a complete and self-contained monograph on digital signatures, one of the major protocols in cryptography. Digital signatures are a digital analogue of traditional signatures used in everyday life and can be used for signing documents over the internet or for more complex protocols. This treatise presents the descriptions of the most famous signature schemes as well as the theoretical principles and foundations used in their design. The book is intended for students, both at an undergraduate or graduate level, or practitioners with a previous background in the basics of modern cryptography. Likewise, it can benefit researchers in the field looking for an extended treatment of "folklore" results that are spread out over a vast literature."
Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-0-387-27711-0
Review by Vincenzo Iovino (University of Luxembourg). (Date: 2015-09-10)
J. M. Kizza: Guide to Computer Network Security
"This book gives a limited overview about ``Computer Network Security''. Although it gives a good historic overview about the topics mentioned it lacks a bit of up-to-dateness. Since most of the relevant topics are covered but only reviewed superficially the book is adequate for practitioners or undergraduates but not suitable for researchers. As a nice feature, the author offers additional comprehensive documents on his homepage (like a syllabus and complete set of Powerpoint slides covering a 15-week course). An additional benefit is also given through the advanced exercises and complex projects at the end of each chapter."
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-1-84800-916-5
Review by Kilian David (IT Auditor, Germany). (Date: 2010-03-19)
L. R. Knudsen and M. J. B. Robshaw: The Block Cipher Companion
"This book is a must read for anyone interested in block cipher cryptanalysis and design. It summarizes the results of the last decades and provides a very good and comprehensible introduction to the topic. The book does not expect any high-level prior knowledge and is well suited for both students and post graduates. Lecturers can use this book as reading material and to copy the clear and simple presentation style with many toy examples for lectures introducing the same topics."
Year: 2011
ISBN: 978-3-642-17341-7
Review by Markus KAsper (HGI Bochum, Germany). (Date: 2014-09-16)
Ç. K. Koç: Cryptographic Engineering
"This book is the first complete introduction to a Cryptographic Engineering. It addresses cryptanalysis of security systems for the purpose of checking their robustness and their strength against attacks, and building countermeasures in order to thwart such attacks by reducing their probability of success. I really recommend Cryptographic Engineering to students and engineers working on implementations of cryptography in real life. As a cryptographic hardware level (ASIC and FPGA) designer, I am going to use this book as a reference in my daily work."
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-387-71816-3
Review by Azzeddine Ramrami (CryptoDisk, France). (Date: 2010-03-12)
L. Kocarev, S. Lian: Chaos-Based Cryptography
"This book on chaos-based cryptography has eleven chapters contributed by experts working on chaotic systems and their applications to cryptography. It is the first such book on chaos-based cryptography and a good introduction to theory, algorithms, and applications. I strongly recommend this book as a valuable reference on applications of chaos theory to cryptography."
Year: 2011
ISBN: 978-3-642-20541-5
Review by S.V. Nagaraj (RMK Engineering College, Kavaraipettai, Tamil Nadu, India). (Date: 2013-08-21)
C. Koscielny, M. Kurkowski, and M. Srebrny: Modern Cryptography Primer
"Cryptography is indispensable now-a-days due to the everyday requirement of secure communication and storage of data. This introductory textbook provides an overview of modern cryptography and some of its applications to daily life. The book is written so that even novices to cryptography without much mathematical background can easily understand the concepts discussed in the book. I strongly recommend this primer on modern cryptography for students, researchers, and practitioners."
Year: 2013
ISBN: 978-3-642-41385-8
Review by S.V. Nagaraj (Chennai, India). (Date: 2017-08-10)
L. C. Larson: Problem-Solving Through Problems
"Solving interesting math problems brings a kind of euphoria and satisfaction to our soul. This book contains many such problems, mainly taken from math olympiads, Putnam exams and math journals. Many important topics are covered and they are done in detail. More than 700 interesting examples with solutions to about 33% of them). This book is contagious. Have fun!"
Year: 1983
ISBN: 978-0-387-96171-2
Review by Kian Tay (Center for Strategic Infocomm Technologies, Singapore). (Date: 2012-06-01)
W. Lee, C. Wand, D. Dagon: Botnet Detection
"''Botnet Detection - Countering the largest Security Threat'' is a collection of eight excellent research papers. It is not a textbook on botnet detection where the reader is led from the basics to advanced topics. So the book can be only recommended to a reader with some background on botnets and their behavior."
Year: 2008
ISBN: 978-1-387-68766-7
Review by Joerg Gerschuetz (International School of IT Security, Bochum, Germany). (Date: 2011-03-07)
K. Lemke, C. Paar, M. Wolf (Editors): Embedded Security in Cars
" Although this book was published around four years ago, it remains a very timely summary of security considerations in automotive electronics specification, design and use. Much of the material can be applied generically to embedded electronics, but there are also specific problems in vehicle electronics that need special attention. In any case, this book is an excellent security primer for those working in automotive electronics, and its lessons can be applied to many areas of embedded design beyond that. I recommend it."
Year: 2006
ISBN: 978-3-540-28384-6
Review by Andrew Waterhouse, (Pacific Research, Sydney, Australia). (Date: 2010-04-13)
M. Li, P. Vitanyi: An Introduction to Kolmogorov Complexity and Its Applications
"This is an excellent introductory book on Kolmogorov complexity written by two experts in the field. The book aims at providing a unified and comprehensive introduction to the central ideas and applications of Kolmogorov complexity theory. It is self-contained and has plenty of examples, from which readers can understand the main ideas better and check how good they can understand. I would recommend it as a textbook for lectures on Kolmogorov complexity."
Year: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-387-33998-6
Review by Jiaxin Pan (Horst Görtz Institute, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany). (Date: 2015-10-09)
R. J. Lipton: The P=NP Question and Gödel’s Lost Letter
"If you are a computer scientist working in another field, looking for a concise account covering the current status of one of the most important questions in the field of computational complexity, this book will almost certainly disappoint you, because apart from a glibly prose, little attempt has been made to reach out to the non-expert. Domain experts on the other hand will probably find this book too superficial to be of much use."
Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-1-4419-7154-8
Review by Gregory Kohring (Inversik Laboratories, Germany). (Date: 2011-09-05)
S. Mangard, E. Oswald, T. Popp: Power Analysis Attacks: Revealing the Secrets of Smart Cards
"This book provides a very clear, complete and highly illustrated presentation of power analysis methods used to extract secret information from cryptosystems such as smart cards. All concepts are progressively introduced, mathematically analyzed and illustrated using many real attacks results. The main attack methods and some variants as well as standard countermeasures are presented and their limitations and efficiency aspects are discussed. Both software and hardware implementations on smart cards are targeted. I highly recommend this very nice book."
Year: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-387-30857-9
Review by Arnaud Tisserand (CNRS, IRISA Laboratory, Lannion, France). (Date: 2010-10-07)
K. Mayes, K. Markantonakis (Editors): Secure Smart Embedded Devices, Platforms and Applications
"Embedded systems are becoming widely used today. This book provides an overview of the security and practical issues related to embedded systems, platforms, and applications. The book will be useful for students, researchers, and practitioners."
Year: 2014
ISBN: 978-1-4614-7914-7
Review by S. V. Nagaraj (freelance cryptographer, Chennai, India). (Date: 2015-11-02)
K. Mayes, K. Markantonakis (Editors): Smart Cards, Tokens, Security and Applications
"This book is an introduction to the world of smart cards and secure components. It describes some of the main applications using smart cards: mobile phone, banking, Pay TV and ID cards. It briefly explores advanced topics such as life cycle management, development environments (Java card, MultOS, SIM toolkit, ...) or Common Criteria. If you're looking for a quick tour about smart cards, then this may be your book."
Year: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-387-72197-2
Review by Eric Diehl (Security Competence Center, Thomson, Rennes, France). (Date: 2009-11-10)
K. Mehlhorn, P. Sanders: Algorithms and Data Structures: The Basic Toolbox
"In Algorithms and Data Structures: The Basic Toolbox, the authors provide a very readable amount of information for various algorithms and data structures. The key points for the readers are as follows: (i) every chapter begins with the real time application of the algorithms mentioned in it. (ii) every chapter ends with how to implement the mentioned algorithms as well as further reading with historical findings on the topic. (iii) the appendix gives the useful background on maths that can be helpful to digest the depths of the topic. Thus, this book is a best-in-deal package for undergrads to learn algorithms with not only use but vital implementations. For instructors, a useful handbook in algorithms and data structures. For experts/researchers, it helps to familiarize with history as well as further findings in the topic."
Year: 2008
ISBN: 978-3-540-77978-0
Review by Nishant Doshi (MEFGI, India). (Date: 2014-07-29)
P. Nguyen, Vallee: The LLL Algorithm
"There has long been a need for a comprehensive and advanced text on lattices, the LLL algorithm, and applications. This book, comprising independent chapters written by a number of different people, authoritatively fills the gap in the literature. It is strongly recommended for students and researchers in lattices or lattice-cryptography. The book is not written for novices, and most chapters assume a solid background in mathematics. But I believe that, with a small amount of additional background reading, it will be valuable even for Masters or beginning PhD students."
Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-3-642-02294-4
Review by Steven Galbraith (University of Auckland, New Zealand). (Date: 2011-07-01)
F. Nielsen: A Concise and Practical Introduction to Programming Algorithms in Java
"The book at hand by Frank Nielsen is a textbook mainly targeted to undergraduate students as a very first course in programming. Following the demands of the targeted audience, the book introduces the topics programming and algorithms without requiring prior knowledge. More advanced topics and concepts such as for example object orientation are intentionally omitted in order to stay focused with the book’s goal. This book is not only a valuable source for undergraduate students but also for lecturer who can benefit from this book in terms of a source for many programming examples and exercises."
Year: 2005
ISBN: 978-1-84882-338-9
Review by Luigi Lo Iacono (NEC Laboratories Europe, Heidelberg, Germany). (Date: 2010-03-09)
C. Paar, J. Pelzl: Understanding Cryptography
"This book does not make any assumptions on prior knowledge in neither mathematics nor computer science. It is therefore not only suited for undergraduate students in mathe- matics or in the computer science field, but rather also for students from other domains requiring crypto skills such as legal people for example. I would certainly recommend this book for the audience it is targeting."
Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-3-642-04100-6
Review by Luigi Lo Iacono (European University of Applied Sciences). (Date: 2010-10-07)
H. Riesel: Prime Numbers and Computer Methods for Factorization
"This book is a reprint of a classic on prime numbers and computer methods for factorization of integers. It includes many results from the theory of primes and highlights well-known integer factorization methods such as the elliptic curve method. The reprint will be very helpful for enthusiasts of number theory and cryptography including novices and experts."
Year: 2012
ISBN: 978-0-8176-8297-2
Review by S. V. Nagaraj (freelance cryptographer, Chennai, India). (Date: 2015-04-01)
J. Rothe: Complexity Theory and Cryptology - An Introduction to Cryptocomplexity
"This book about complexity theory and its application in modern cryptology is interesting and highly valuable for educational purposes, mainly because it yields a new and ingenious way to access modern cryptographic research results. The target audience comprises undergraduate and graduate students in computer science, mathematics, and engineering, but the book is also recommended reading (and a valuable source of information) for researchers, university teachers, and practitioners working in the field. Furthermore, it is exceptionally well suited for self-study. This makes the book so unique that it should be part of any library on cryptology or complexity theory."
Year: 2005
ISBN: 978-3-540-22147-0
Review by Rolf Oppliger (eSECURITY Technologies and University of Zurich, Switzerland). (Date: 2010-03-09)
J. Rothe: Komplexitätstheorie und Kryptologie - Eine Einführung in die Kryptokomplexität [German]
"Das zur Diskussion stehende Buch ist die deutschsprachige Übersetzung des Buches Complexity Theory and Cryptology - An Introduction to Cryptocomplexity (s.o.). Es behandelt die Komplexitätstheorie bzw. deren Anwendung in der Kryptologie und ist aus didaktischer Sicht wertvoll, weil es insbesondere einen neuen und in seiner Art auch einzigartigen Zugang zu Forschungsresultaten der modernen Kryptografie verschafft. Das Buch wendet sich an Studenten und Studentinnen der Informatik, der Mathematik und des Ingenieurwesens. Natürlich kann das Buch auch Forschern, Dozierenden und Praktikern empfohlen werden. Schliesslich eignet sich das Buch auch zum Selbststudium. Vom Thema und Aufbau her ist das Buch so einzigartig, dass es in jede Bibliothek über Kryptologie oder Komplexitätstheorie gehört."
Year: 2008
ISBN: 978-3-540-79744-9
Review by Rolf Oppliger (eSECURITY Technologies and University of Zurich, Switzerland). (Date: 2010-03-09)
C. Rousseau, Y. Saint Aubin: Mathematics and Technology
"This book explains how technologies make use of different mathematical fields. It explores technologies such as robotic arms, cryptography, Google's PageRank or DNA computing. Each chapter introduces some dedicated field. I would recommend this book to mathematics teachers who want to shed some lights on practical use of mathematics. Students may find a source of new exercises (but without proposed solutions)."
Year: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-387-69215-9
Review by Eric Diehl (Security & Content Protection Labs, Technicolor, Rennes, France). (Date: 2011-05-12)
A.-R. Sadeghi, D. Naccache (Editors): Towards Hardware-Intrinsic Security: Foundations and Practice
"This book offers a useful introduction to research issues related to hardware-intrinsic security which is a new and growing field. Students, researchers and practitioners will find this book interesting and utilitarian. I recommend this book for those interested in various aspects of hardware security and in particular hardware-intrinsic security."
Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-3-642-14451-6
Review by S.V. Nagaraj (RMK Engineering College, Kavaraipettai, Tamil Nadu, India). (Date: 2012-08-31)
M. Sala, T. Mora, L. Perret, S. Sakata, C. Traverso (Editors): Gröbner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography
"The book edited by Max Sala and other renowned experts is a collection of chapters and small notes devoted to the topic of application of Gröbner bases in coding and cryptography. Gröbner bases appeared in 1960s and nowadays is an established tool in computational algebra. Quite recently applications of this technique have been found in coding theory (decoding, fining minimum distance) and cryptology (multivariate-based cryptography, algebraic cryptanalysis). This book has all the material needed to get an overview of the exciting area."
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-3-540-93806-7
Review by Stanislav Bulygin (CASED - Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt, Germany). (Date: 2009-11-22)
D. Salomon: Elements of Computer Security
"An excellent book on the essential topic of computer security and privacy for anyone who uses computers and the Internet for computation, communication, or leisurely purposes. It provides the reader with a very good understanding of what the vulnerabilities are, how threats and attacks work as well as tools to prevent and defend against them."
Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-0-85729-005-2
Review by Yesem Kurt Peker (Randolph College, Lynchburg, Virginia, USA). (Date: 2011-06-20)
A. J. Sammes, B. Jenkinson: Forensic Computing: A Practitioner's Guide
"In Forensic Computing: A Practitioner's Guide , the authors have provided a very readable amount of information for the forensic computing from origin to present day. The key points for the readers (especially researchers and attackers) are as follows, (i) each chapter contains analysis of various case studies that to be useful for understanding the depths (ii) various tools available to be used during forensic analysis. (iii) the bridge between study and research. Thus, this book is a best-in-deal package for undergrads and every novice readers to learn various forensic analysis techniques and tools to do the tasks effectively. For instructors, a useful first hand book for getting nut-n-shell in forensics. For experts/researchers, to familiar with history as well as findings in the various forensic technologies."
Year: 2007
ISBN: 978-1-84628-732-9
Review by Nishant Doshi (MEFGI, India). (Date: 2015-09-01)
B. Schneier: Beyond Fear
"This book is about security in general. In contrast to many other books, Schneier explains how security works in the most general case, starting from protecting the diary of your sister to protecting the nation from global terrorism. Schneiers book does not focus on cryptography or network security, instead it uses examples of systems everyone is expected to be familiar with, e.g. airport security. The book entertains the reader and encourages him thinking rational about security threads and security solutions. I would recommend the book to everybody who starts working in the security business, but not for readers who are searching for technical details about any kind of security systems."
Year: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-387-02620-6
Review by Erik Tews (TU Darmstadt, Germany). (Date: 2010-11-03)
A. Singh, B. Singh: Identifying Malicious Code Through Reverse Engineering
"This book gives a little introduction into assembly, shows how a PE looks like, how vulnerabilities look like in assembly code and shows you some stumbling blocks when reverse-engineering code. It is full of spelling mistakes and does not cover the topic the title promises."
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-387-09824-1
Review by Jannik Pewny (Horst Görtz Institute, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany). (Date: 2009-11-03)
P. Stavroulakis, M. Stamp: Handbook of Information and Communication Security
"Having researchers, graduate students and university instructors as audience in mind, this book aims at providing a structured guide to access the huge field of information and communication security and its topics. However, it achieves this goal only partly, as its strength remains in the individual strength of each chapter. A reader interested in purchasing a copy is therefore recommended to inspect the most targeted chapters in order to evaluate whether this handbook provides the desired content."
Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-3-642-04116-7
Review by Kilian David (IT Auditor, Germany) and Luigi Lo Iacono (Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany). (Date: 2011-06-24)
H. Stichtenoth: Algebraic Function Fields and Codes (2nd Edition)
"Stichtenoth’s book is the canonical modern textbook for the field-theoretic formulation of the theory of curves over finite fields. The book is carefully written, develops the theory rigorously from first principles, and contains elegant algebraic proofs of a number of very important facts. The reader is required to have a solid background in algebra, hence the book is appropriate for beginning PhD students, or Masters students doing projects in the subject. The book is an excellent companion for students learning the theory of curves. For researchers in the field it is a convenient reference for proofs and definitions. I consult my copy of the first edition regularly."
Year: 2008
ISBN: 978-3-540-76877-7
Review by Steven Galbraith (University of Auckland, New Zealand). (Date: 2010-06-18)
Y. Sun, W. Trappe, K. J. R. Liu: Network-Aware Security for Group Communications
"This book gives an introduction to group key management protocols in different network settings. It can be recommended to early researchers in the areas of group key management, secure multicast and secure communication in sensor networks. The book discusses various security issues in group communications in a network-aware approach. However, it fails to show how to rigorously analyze group key management protocols with respect to these identified security issues."
Year: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-387-68846-6
Review by Choudary Gorantla (Information Security Institute, Queensland University of Technology, Australia). (Date: 2010-01-06)
P. Traynor, P. McDaniel, T. La Porta: Security for Telecommunications Networks
"In Security for Telecommunications Networks, the authors have provided a very readable amount of information for the vulnerabilities in the various telecommunication systems. The key points for the readers (especially researchers ) are as follows, (i) the first part shows the basics that to be required to understand the depths of research and study in telecommunication networks. (ii) the second part follows the vulnerabilities in various telecommunication networks (viz. SMS, Telephony,CDN and VoIP). The key concept (and that to be explained nicely) is to how to do analysis of security vulnerabilities in these networks. (iii) the final part concludes this research with further directions for the researchers. Thus, this book is a best-in-deal package for undergrads and every novice readers to learn telecommunication systems and its security vulnerabilities. For instructors, a useful first hand book for security in telecommunication network. For experts/researchers, to familiar with history as well as findings in the various telecommunication networks."
Year: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-387-72442-3
Review by Nishant Doshi (MEFGI, India). (Date: 2015-01-19)
P. Tuyls, B. Skoric, T. Kevenaar (Editors): Security with Noisy Data
"This book describes how to use biometric features such as finger prints or iris patterns to construct private keys for cryptography. Considering that the book is composed with independent chapters each at the research level I would recommend this book for senior researchers, but he audience level must be at least PhD students."
Year: 2007
ISBN: 978-1-84628-983-5
Review by Nadia El Mrabet (Université Paris 8, France). (Date: 2013-09-23)
S. Vaudenay: A Classical Introduction to Cryptography: Applications for Communications Security
"This book is aimed at bridging the gap between cryptography and its standard applications. Most of the sections are rich in theory and hence, from my point of view, this is more suitable for research than for industry purposes. For me, it is one of the most precious books that I ever had and will always be on my shelf for any quick reference."
Year: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-387-25464-1
Review by Jothi Rangasami (Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia). (Date: 2010-03-12)
S. Y. Yan: Cryptanalytic Attacks on RSA
"The book is the state of the art encyclopedia of RSA encryption algorithm. It is well-structured and can be used as lecture notes for any university cryptographic course or student research project. It is the most relevant and self-explanatory book about RSA and is very helpful for students and teachers."
Year: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-387-48741-0
Review by Yuriy R. Aydarov (Perm State University, Russia). (Date: 2009-11-02)
S. Y. Yan: Primality Testing and Integer Factorization in Public-Key Cryptography
"The author knows how to show that "the theory of numbers is one of the most beautiful and pure parts of mathematics" and how to fascinate the reader for this subject. The book can be recommended without any restrictions. It is suitable as text book and/or reference book for anybody interested in Primality Testing or Integer Factorization being student, researcher or amateur. This book will definitely not get dusty in the reviewer's book shelf!"
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-387-77267-7
Review by Joerg Gerschuetz (International School of IT Security, Bochum, Germany). (Date: 2010-01-07)
K. Yang, X. Jia: Security for Cloud Storage Systems
"In Security for Cloud Storage Systems, the authors have provided a very readable amount of information for various schemes in the cloud based storage systems. The key points for the readers (especially researchers ) are as follows, (i) the first chapter shows how to explain the topics without falling into technical details (like abstract of the paper). (ii) common methodology in subsequent chapters viz. Introduction, System Model, Security Model, Framework, Proposed Scheme, Analysis (Comprehensive, Performance, Security), Conclusion and References. Thus, this book is a best-in-deal package for undergrads and every novice readers to learn storage/access systems in the cloud computing. For instructors, a useful first hand book for security in cloud computing. For experts/researchers, to familiar with history as well as findings in the storage and access control in cloud computing."
Year: 2014
ISBN: 978-1-4614-7873-7
Review by Nishant Doshi (MEFGI, India). (Date: 2014-11-10)
R. Anderson: Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems (2nd Edition)
"This book, as a whole or the relevant chapters and sections, is morally a must-read for anyone who is involved in the design or implementation of security relevant systems, or who is responsible for the operation or the management of such systems."
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-470-06852-6
Review by Safuat Hamdy (Secorvo Security Consulting GmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany). (Date: 2010-08-12)