International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Nominative Proxy Signature Schemes

Zuo-Wen Tan
Zhuo-Jun Liu
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Abstract: In a nominative proxy signature scheme, an original singer delegates his signing power to a proxy, who generates a nominative signature on behalf of the original signer. In a nominative proxy signature scheme, only the nominee can verify the signature and if necessary, only the nominee can prove its validity to the third party. In this paper, we first classify the nominative proxy signature into two types, original-nominative proxy signature and proxy-nominative proxy signature. Then we analyze the nominative proxy scheme proposed by Park and Lee. We show that the scheme suffers from universal verification. We also point out that the scheme presented by S.-H. Seo and S.-H. Lee is insecure and the scheme cannot provide non-repudiation. Finally we present our nominative proxy signature schemes which overcome the weakness mentioned above. Compared with the scheme recently proposed by G.-L. Wang, our scheme is more efficient.
  title={Nominative Proxy Signature Schemes},
  booktitle={IACR Eprint archive},
  keywords={cryptographic protocols / digital signatures},
  note={ 12733 received 11 Nov 2004},
  author={Zuo-Wen Tan and Zhuo-Jun Liu},