Much of the information on this web page was provided courtesy of Michael Ley and the DBLP Project
Chi-Sung Laih (Ed.): Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2003, 9th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Taipei, Taiwan, November 30 - December 4, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2894 Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-20592-6 BibTeX
Preface by Chi-Sung Laih
Sponsored by the
International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR)
in cooperation with the
Chinese Cryptography and Information Security Association,
National Cheng Kung University
General Chair
Chin Chen Chang,
National Chung Cheng University, No. 160, Sanshing Tsuen, Minshiung Shiang, Chiai, Taiwan 621, TAIWAN
Program Chair
Chi Sung Laih,
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 701, TAIWAN
Program Committee
Masayuki Abe | NTT Laboratories, Japan | |
Josh Benaloh | Microsoft Research, USA | |
Colin Boyd | QUT, Australia | |
Christian Cachin | IBM Zurich, Switzerland | |
Ivan Damgaard | University of Aarhus, Denmark | |
Robert H. Deng | Mui Keng Terrace, Singapore | |
Stefan Dziembowski | University of Warsaw, Poland | |
Matthias Fitzi | U.C. Davis, USA | |
Marc Joye | Gemplus, France | |
Kwangjo Kim | ICU, Korea | |
Pil Joong Lee | POSTECH, Korea | |
Chin Laung Lei | National Taiwan University, Taiwan | |
Arjen K. Lenstra | Citibank, USA | |
Tsutomu Matsumoto | Yokohama National University, Japan | |
Phong Q. Nguyen | ENS, France | |
Eiji Okamoto | University of Tsukuba, Japan | |
Carles Padró | Technical University of Catalonia, Spain | |
Sihan Qing | Chinese Academy of Sciences, China | |
Vincent Rijmen | Ku Leuven, Belgium | |
Bimal Roy | Indian Statistical Institute, India | |
Reihaneh Safavi-Naini | University of Wollongong, Australia | |
Shiuh Pyng Shieh | National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan | |
Nigel P. Smart | University of Bristol, UK | |
Stefan Wolf | University of Montreal, Canada | |
Guozhen Xiao | Xidan University, China | |
Moti Yung | Columbia University, USA | |
Local Organizing Committee
Jinn-Ke Jan | Hsiang-Ling Chen | |
Wen-Guey Tzeng | Hui-Wen Du | |
Shiuh-Jeng Wang | Chien-Pang Kuo | |
Tzong-Chen Wu | Yi-Zhen Lin |
National Science Council, Taiwan
Ministry of Education, Taiwan
The Directorate General of Telecommunications, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Taiwan
Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd.
Institute for Information Industry
Computer & Communications Research Labs, ITRI
Public Key Cryptography I
Duong Hieu Phan
David Pointcheval
Chosen-Ciphertext Security without Redundancy. (.ps) 1-18
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Kaoru Kurosawa
Tsuyoshi Takagi
Some RSA-Based Encryption Schemes with Tight Security Reduction. (.ps) 19-36
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Emmanuel Bresson
Dario Catalano
David Pointcheval
A Simple Public-Key Cryptosystem with a Double Trapdoor Decryption Mechanism and Its Applications. (.ps) 37-54
Number Theory I
Arjen K. Lenstra
Eran Tromer
Adi Shamir
Wil Kortsmit
Bruce Dodson
James Hughes
Paul C. Leyland
Factoring Estimates for a 1024-Bit RSA Modulus. (.ps) 55-74
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Nicolas Thériault
Index Calculus Attack for Hyperelliptic Curves of Small Genus . (.ps) 75-92
Efficient Implementations
Pradeep Kumar Mishra
Palash Sarkar
Parallelizing Explicit Formula for Arithmetic in the Jacobian of Hyperelliptic Curves. (.ps) 93-110
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Iwan M. Duursma
Hyang-Sook Lee
Tate Pairing Implementation for Hyperelliptic Curves y 2 = x p -x + d. (.ps) 111-123
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David R. Kohel
The AGM-X 0 (N) Heegner Point Lifting Algorithm and Elliptic Curve Point Counting. (.ps) 124-136
Key Management and Protocols
Miodrag J. Mihaljevic
Key Management Schemes for Stateless Receivers Based on Time Varying Heterogeneous Logical Key Hierarchy. (.ps) 137-154
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SeongHan Shin
Kazukuni Kobara
Hideki Imai
Leakage-Resilient Authenticated Key Establishment Protocols. (.ps) 155-172
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Chih-Hung Wang
Untraceable Fair Network Payment Protocols with Off-Line TTP . (.ps) 173-187
Hash Functions
Dwaine E. Clarke
Srinivas Devadas
Marten van Dijk
Blaise Gassend
G. Edward Suh
Incremental Multiset Hash Functions and Their Application to Memory Integrity Checking . (.ps) 188-207
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Wonil Lee
Donghoon Chang
Sangjin Lee
Soo Hak Sung
Mridul Nandi
New Parallel Domain Extenders for UOWHF . (.ps) 208-227
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Bart Van Rompay
Alex Biryukov
Bart Preneel
Joos Vandewalle
Cryptanalysis of 3-Pass HAVAL . (.ps) 228-245
Group Signatures
Giuseppe Ateniese
Breno de Medeiros
Efficient Group Signatures without Trapdoors. (.ps) 246-268
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Gene Tsudik
Shouhuai Xu
Accumulating Composites and Improved Group Signing . (.ps) 269-286
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Tatsuaki Okamoto
Jacques Stern
Almost Uniform Density of Power Residues and the Provable Security of ESIGN . (.ps) 287-301
Number Theory II
Jason E. Gower
Rotations and Translations of Number Field Sieve Polynomials . (.ps) 302-310
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Mark L. Bauer
Safuat Hamdy
On Class Group Computations Using the Number Field Sieve . (.ps) 311-325
Invited Talk
Hong-Sen Yan
Hsing-Hui Huang
The Secret and Beauty of Ancient Chinese Padlocks . (.ps) 326-330
Block Cipher
Olivier Billet
Henri Gilbert
A Traceable Block Cipher . (.ps) 331-346
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Frédéric Muller
A New Attack against Khazad. (.ps) 347-358
Broadcast and Multicast
Chong Hee Kim
Yong Ho Hwang
Pil Joong Lee
An Efficient Public Key Trace and Revoke Scheme Secure against Adaptive Chosen Ciphertext Attack. (.ps) 359-373
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Nuttapong Attrapadung
Kazukuni Kobara
Hideki Imai
Sequential Key Derivation Patterns for Broadcast Encryption and Key Predistribution Schemes. (.ps) 374-391
Foundations and Complexity Theory
Jean-Sébastien Coron
David Naccache
Boneh et al.'s k-Element Aggregate Extraction Assumption Is Equivalent to the Diffie-Hellman Assumption. (.ps) 392-397
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Helger Lipmaa
On Diophantine Complexity and Statistical Zero-Knowledge Arguments. (.ps) 398-415
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Helger Lipmaa
Verifiable Homomorphic Oblivious Transfer and Private Equality Test. (.ps) 416-433
Public Key Cryptography II
Hisayoshi Sato
Tsuyoshi Takagi
Satoru Tezuka
Kazuo Takaragi
Generalized Powering Functions and Their Application to Digital Signatures. (.ps) 434-451
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Sattam S. Al-Riyami
Kenneth G. Paterson
Certificateless Public Key Cryptography. (.ps) 452-473
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Kaoru Kurosawa
Katja Schmidt-Samoa
Tsuyoshi Takagi
A Complete and Explicit Security Reduction Algorithm for RSA-Based Cryptosystems. (.ps) 474-491
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Pierre-Alain Fouque
Nick Howgrave-Graham
Gwenaëlle Martinet
Guillaume Poupard
The Insecurity of Esign in Practical Implementations. (.ps) 492-506
Digital Signature
Huaxiong Wang
Josef Pieprzyk
Efficient One-Time Proxy Signatures. (.ps) 507-522
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Ron Steinfeld
Laurence Bull
Huaxiong Wang
Josef Pieprzyk
Universal Designated-Verifier Signatures . (.ps) 523-542