CHES 2004:
Boston/Cambridge, MA, USA
Marc Joye and Jean-Jacques Quisquater, (Eds.):
Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - CHES 2004:
6th International Workshop
Boston/Cambridge, MA, USA,
August 11-13, 2004.
Organizational Committee
Christof Paar (Publicity chair) | Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany | |
Berk Sunar (General chair) | Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA |
Program Committee
Roberto Avanzi | Institute for Experimental Mathematics, Germany | |
Benoît Chevallier-Mames | Gemplus, France | |
Claude Crépeau | Mc Gill University, Canada | |
Marc Girault | France Telecom, France | |
Jovan Goliç | Telecom Italia, Italy | |
Marc Joye (co-chair) | Gemplus, France | |
Seungjoo Kim | Sungkyunkwan University, Korea | |
çetin Koç | Oregon State University, USA | |
Paul Kocher | Cryptography Research, USA | |
François Koeune | K2Crypt, Belgium | |
Tanja Lange | Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany | |
Ruby Lee | Princeton University, USA | |
Pierre-Yvan Liardet | ST Microelectronics, France | |
Thomas Messerges | Motorola, USA | |
Jean-Jacques Quisquater (co-chair) | Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium | |
Josyula R. Rao | IBM T.J. Watson Research, USA | |
Kouichi Sakurai | Kyushu University, Japan | |
Erkay Savaş | Sabanci University, Turkey | |
Werner Schindler | Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, Germany | |
Jean-Pierre Seifert | Infineon Technologies, Germany | |
Joseph Silverman | Brown University, USA | |
Tsuyoshi Takagi | Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany | |
Fr{é}d{é}ric Valette | DCSSI, France | |
Serge Vaudenay | EPFL, Switzerland | |
Colin Walter | Comodo Research Lab, UK | |
Sung-Ming Yen | National Central University, Taiwan |
Steering Committee
Burton Kaliski | RSA Laboratories, USA | |
Çetin Koç | Oregon State University, USA | |
Christof Paar | Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany | |
Jean-Jacques Quisquater | Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium | |
Colin Walter | Comodo Research Lab, UK |
External Referees
Side Channels I
Jason Waddle
David Wagner
Towards Efficient Second-Order Power Analysis , ( .ps ) 1-15
BibTeX -
Eric Brier
Christophe Clavier
Francis Olivier
Correlation Power Analysis with a Leakage Model , ( .ps ) 16-29
BibTeX -
François-Xavier Standaert
Siddika Berna Örs
Bart Preneel
Power Analysis of an FPGA: Implementation of Rijndael: Is Pipelining a DPA Countermeasure? , ( .ps ). 30-44
Modular Multiplication
Laszlo Hars
Long Modular Multiplication for Cryptographic Applications , ( .ps ) 45-61
BibTeX -
Jean-Claude Bajard
Laurent Imbert
Pierre-Yvan Liardet
Yannick Teglia
Leak Resistant Arithmetic , ( .ps ) 62-75
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Soonhak Kwon
Kris Gaj
Chang Hoon Kim
Chun Pyo Hong
Efficient Linear Array for Multiplication in GF(2 m ) Using a Normal Basis for Elliptic Curve Cryptography , ( .ps ) 76-91
Low Resources I
Erdinç Öztürk
Berk Sunar
Erkay Savas
Low-Power Elliptic Curve Cryptography Using Scaled Modular Arithmetic , ( .ps ) 92-106
BibTeX -
Harald Aigner
Holger Bock
Markus Hütter
Johannes Wolkerstorfer
A Low-Cost ECC Coprocessor for Smartcards , ( .ps ) 107-118
BibTeX -
Nils Gura
Arun Patel
Arvinderpal Wander
Hans Eberle
Sheueling Chang Shantz
Comparing Elliptic Curve Cryptography and RSA on 8-bit CPUs , ( .ps ) 119-132
Implementation Aspects
Johann Großschädl
Erkay Savas
Instruction Set Extensions for Fast Arithmetic in Finite Fields GF( p) and GF(2 m ) , ( .ps ) 133-147
BibTeX -
Roberto Maria Avanzi
Aspects of Hyperelliptic Curves over Large Prime Fields in Software Implementations , ( .ps ) 148-162
Collisison Attacks
Kai Schramm
Gregor Leander
Patrick Felke
Christof Paar
A Collision-Attack on AES: Combining Side Channel- and Differential-Attack , ( .ps ) 163-175
BibTeX -
Hervé Ledig
Frédéric Muller
Frédéric Valette
Enhancing Collision Attacks , ( .ps ) 176-190
Side Channels II
Colin D. Walter
Simple Power Analysis of Unified Code for ECC Double and Add , ( .ps ) 191-204
BibTeX -
Kerstin Lemke
Kai Schramm
Christof Paar
DPA on n-Bit Sized Boolean and Arithmetic Operations and Its Application to IDEA, RC6, and the HMAC-Construction , ( .ps ) 205-219
BibTeX -
Loren D. Olson
Side-Channel Attacks in ECC: A General Technique for Varying the Parametrization of the Elliptic Curve , ( .ps ) 220-229
BibTeX -
Olaf Neiße
Jürgen Pulkus
Switching Blindings with a View Towards IDEA , ( .ps ) 230-239
Falt Attacks
Jonathan J. Hoch
Adi Shamir
Fault Analysis of Stream Ciphers , ( .ps ) 240-253
BibTeX -
Ludger Hemme
A Differential Fault Attack Against Early Rounds of (Triple-)DES , ( .ps ) 254-267
Hardware Implementation I
Holger Bock
Marco Bucci
Raimondo Luzzi
An Offset-Compensated Oscillator-Based Random Bit Source for Security Applications , ( .ps ) 268-281
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Danil Sokolov
Julian Murphy
Alexandre V. Bystrov
Alexandre Yakovlev
Improving the Security of Dual-Rail Circuits , ( .ps ) 282-297
Side Channels III
Yasuyuki Sakai
Kouichi Sakurai
A New Attack with Side Channel Leakage During Exponent Recoding Computations , ( .ps ) 298-311
BibTeX -
Pierre-Alain Fouque
Frédéric Muller
Guillaume Poupard
Frédéric Valette
Defeating Countermeasures Based on Randomized BSD Representations , ( .ps ) 312-327
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Pradeep Kumar Mishra
Pipelined Computation of Scalar Multiplication in Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems , ( .ps ) 328-342
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Hideyo Mamiya
Atsuko Miyaji
Hiroaki Morimoto
Efficient Countermeasures against RPA, DPA, and SPA , ( .ps ) 343-356
Low Resources II
Martin Feldhofer
Sandra Dominikus
Johannes Wolkerstorfer
Strong Authentication for RFID Systems Using the AES Algorithm , ( .ps ) 357-370
BibTeX -
Bo-Yin Yang
Jiun-Ming Chen
Yen-Hung Chen
TTS: High-Speed Signatures on a Low-Cost Smart Card , ( .ps ) 371-385
Hardware Implementation II
Eric Peeters
Michael Neve
Mathieu Ciet
XTR Implementation on Reconfigurable Hardware , ( .ps ) 386-399
BibTeX -
Nikhil Joshi
Kaijie Wu
Ramesh Karri
Concurrent Error Detection Schemes for Involution Ciphers , ( .ps ) 400-412
Authentication and Signatures
Marc Girault
David Lefranc
Public Key Authentication with One (Online) Single Addition , ( .ps ) 413-427
BibTeX -
Peter J. Leadbitter
Dan Page
Nigel P. Smart
Attacking DSA Under a Repeated Bits Assumption , ( .ps ) 428-440
BibTeX -
Benoît Chevallier-Mames
David Naccache
Pascal Paillier
David Pointcheval
How to Disembed a Program? , ( .ps ) 441-454
Author Index