Asiacrypt 2001
9-13 December 2001
Gold Coast - Australia
Asiacrypt 2001 Home
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Rump Session
Rump Session Program
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In keeping with tradition, there will be an evening rump session at Asiacrypt 2001. The rump session is intended to be an informal session in which participants give short presentations on recent results, work in progress, and other topics of interest to the crypto community (possibly including presentations of a less technical nature - even humorous!). Bill Caelli will chair this year's rump session, which will take place on Monday December 10, beginning at 7:15 PM. Those wishing to give a talk at the rump session must submit a short abstract according to one of the following procedures:

  • Electronic submission: Send email to Colin Boyd ( before 10 AM GMT Friday, December 7 with your submission in ASCII text. If you wish, you may also send your electronic presentation and we will load it onto the computer that will be used at the conference.
  • Hardcopy submission at conference: Hand the submission to either Colin Boyd or Bill Caelli at the conference before noon on Monday, December 10.

Submissions should consist of:

  • Title
  • Speaker name and affiliation (optionally including other authors).
  • Requested amount of time for the presentation, up to ten minutes.
  • Abstract of one or more paragraphs, but definitely no more than two pages.

Depending on the submissions received, the chairs will select a program for the session. It is intended to allow rump session talks to be made available on the conference web site after the conference, at the discretion of the authors and program chair.