Indian Visa Information
It is very important that you apply for your visa as early as possible since processing of Indian visa can be a very time-consuming process. Please see http://indianvisaonline.gov.in/visa/ for general information on applying for an Indian visa. But you should also visit the web site of the consulate where you will be applying for more accurate and specific information. If at all possible, we strongly advise you apply for a visa at a consulate in the country of your citizenship.
As part of your visa application, you may need an invitation letter to attend the conference. Please write to the General Chair at asiacrypt2013@iacr.org requesting such a letter. In your request, please include
- Your name (as in passport)
- Affiliation and full postal address
- Country of citizenship.
- Consulate where you will be applying for Indian visa.
- Indicate if you have an accepted paper in Asiacrypt 2013 and if you will be presenting.
- In some cases, we might need details of your passport to expedite the process. We will contact you if this is needed.
Note: If you apply for a conference visa, note that many consulates require you to include a number of approvals from Government of India. We now received all these approvals. If you need a copy of these approvals, please write to the general chair.
We hope you will be able to attend Asiacrypt 2013 and help us make the conference a great success.