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Birds of a feather

All start at 14:00 in Anacapa Residence Hall lobby

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Grad Student Mixer
Tom Shrimpton (Portland State Univ)

Come meet fellow grad students, learn something about random oracles and broadcast encryption (to help understand talks) and learn how to find a job.

Hash functions
John Kelsey (NIST)

This is an opportunity to get together to talk about hash function design and analysis.

MultiHuman-oriented encryption: from Solitaire to Multitaire
Jean-Jacques Quisquater (UCL Crypto)

Bruce Schneier described a (secure) human-oriented encryption algorithm: Solitaire. see Bruce is also invited to participate.

Here we are asking what it is possible to do with human-only encryption when you're using only people (and simple tools like cards) and when MANY people are involved (more computing power is then available and parallel and pipe-lined computations then are possible).

The goal of this BoF is to have a brainstorming about that and making, if possible, some experiments to be shown at the rump session.

We are thus asking if it is possible to use practically several (many) people to perform encryption. Error detection is also needed. What are the possible performances? DES, triple-DES, AES are on the way? What about a living demo of one round of DES for instance ? What about RSA and elliptic curves? We hope for a lot of ideas, demos and participation from the audience.