August 14-18, 2016  
  Santa Barbara, CA, USA  

General Information


Crypto 2016 will be running dual tracks for most sessions. Track #1 will be in the University Center (UCEN) Corwin Pavilion and Track #2 will be in Lotte Lehmann hall, right across from the UCEN. All single-track sessions are in Corwin Pavilion.


Sunday, August 14, 2016

17:00 - 20:00 Registration, Anacapa Formal Lounge
17:30 - 21:30 Reception Dinner, Anacapa Lawn

Monday, August 15, 2016

7:30 - 8:45 Breakfast, De La Guerra Dining Commons
8:45 - 8:55

Opening remarks, Corwin Pavilion

Crypto 2016 General Chair, Brian LaMacchia


Track A: Corwin Pavilion

Track B: Lotte Lehmann Hall
9:00 - 9:50

Provable Security for Symmetric Cryptography
Chair: Bart Preneel

Key-alternating Ciphers and Key-length Extension: Exact Bounds and Multi-user Security
Viet Tung Hoang; Stefano Tessaro

Counter-in-Tweak: Authenticated Encryption Modes for Tweakable Block Ciphers
Thomas Peyrin; Yannick Seurin

Secure Computation and Protocols I
Chair: Sanjam Garg

Network-Hiding Communication and Applications to Multi-Party Protocols
Martin Hirt; Ueli Maurer; Daniel Tschudi; Vassilis Zikas

Network Oblivious Transfer
Ranjit Kumaresan; Srinivasan Raghuraman; Adam Sealfon

9:50 - 9:55
Track-switch break
9:55 - 11:10

Provable Security for Symmetric Cryptography (cont.)
Chair: Bart Preneel

XPX: Generalized Tweakable Even-Mansour with Improved Security Guarantees
Bart Mennink

Indifferentiability of 8-Round Feistel Networks
Yuanxi Dai; John Steinberger

EWCDM: An Efficient, Beyond-Birthday Secure, Nonce-Misuse Resistant MAC
Benoît Cogliati; Yannick Seurin

Secure Computation and Protocols I (cont.)
Chair: Sanjam Garg

On the Power of Secure Two-Party Computation
Carmit Hazay; Muthuramakrishnan Venkitasubramaniam

Secure Protocol Transformations
Yuval Ishai; Eyal Kushilevitz; Manoj Prabhakaran; Amit Sahai; Ching-Hua Yu

On the Communication required for Unconditionally Secure Multiplication
Ivan Damgård; Jesper Buus Nielsen; Antigoni Polychroniadou; Michael Raskin

11:10 - 11:40 Break - University Center Lagoon Plaza
11:40 - 12:40

Crypto 2016 Invited Presentation, Corwin Pavilion
Chair: Matt Robshaw

Brian Sniffen, Chief Security Architect

Akamai Technologies, Inc.

12:40 - 14:00 Lunch, De La Guerra Dining Commons
14:00 - 14:50

Asymmetric Cryptography and Cryptanalysis I
Chair: Mehdi Tibouchi

A subfield lattice attack on overstretched NTRU assumptions: Cryptanalysis of some FHE and Graded Encoding Schemes
Martin R. Albrecht; Shi Bai; Léo Ducas

Lattice-Based Fully Dynamic Multi-Key FHE with Short Ciphertexts
Zvika Brakerski; Renen Perlman

Chair: Mariana Raykova

Universal Obfuscation and Witness Encryption: Boosting Correctness and Combining Security
Prabhanjan Ananth; Aayush Jain; Moni Naor; Amit Sahai; Eylon Yogev

Obfuscation Combiners
Marc Fischlin; Amir Herzberg; Hod Bin Noon; Haya Shulman

14:50 - 14:55
Track-switch break
14:55 - 15:45

Asymmetric Cryptography and Cryptanalysis I (cont.)
Chair: Mehdi Tibouchi

A Practical Cryptanalysis of the Algebraic Eraser
Adi Ben-Zvi; Simon R. Blackburn; Boaz Tsaban

Cryptography with Auxiliary Input and Trapdoor from Constant-Noise LPN
Yu Yu; Jiang Zhang

Obfuscation (cont.)
Chair: Mariana Raykova

On Statistically Secure Obfuscation with Approximate Correctness
Zvika Brakerski; Christina Brzuska; Nils Fleischhacker

Revisiting the Cryptographic Hardness of Finding a Nash Equilibrium
Sanjam Garg; Omkant Pandey; Akshayaram Srinivasan

15:45 - 16:15 Break - University Center Lagoon Plaza
16:15 - 17:30

Cryptography in Theory and Practice
Chair: Steve Myers

The Multi-User Security of Authenticated Encryption: AES-GCM in TLS 1.3
Mihir Bellare; Björn Tackmann

A Modular Treatment of Cryptographic APIs: the Symmetric-Key Case
Thomas Shrimpton; Martijn Stam; Bogdan Warinschi

Encryption Switching Protocols
Geoffroy Couteau; Thomas Peters; David Pointcheval

Asymmetric Cryptography and Cryptanalysis II
Chair: David Pointcheval

Cryptanalysis of GGH15 Multilinear Maps
Jean-Sebastien Coron; Moon Sung Lee; Tancrede Lepoint; Mehdi Tibouchi

Annihilation Attacks for Multilinear Maps: Cryptanalysis of Indistinguishability Obfuscation over GGH13
Eric Miles; Amit Sahai; Mark Zhandry

Separate Separations of CPA and Circular Security (for Any Cycle Length)
Navid Alamati; Venkata Koppula; Chris Peikert; Brent Waters

19:00 - 21:00 Dinner, Anacapa Lawn

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

7:30 - 9:00 Breakfast, De La Guerra Dining Commons

Track A: Corwin Pavilion

Track B: Lotte Lehmann Hall
9:10 - 10:25

Compromised Systems
Chair: Payman Mohassel

Message Transmission with Reverse Firewalls – Secure Communication on Corrupted Machines
Yevgeniy Dodis; Ilya Mironov; Noah Stephens-Davidowitz

Big-Key Symmetric Encryption: Resisting Key Exfiltration
Mihir Bellare; Daniel Kane; Phillip Rogaway

Backdoors in Pseudorandom Number Generators: Possibility and Impossibility Results
Jean Paul Degabriele; Kenneth G Paterson; Jacob C. N. Schuldt; Joanne Woodage

Quantum Techniques
Chair: Abhi Shelat

Quantum Homomorphic Encryption for Polynomial-sized Circuits
Yfke Dulek; Christian Schaffner; Florian Speelman

Adaptive Versus Non-Adaptive Strategies in the Quantum Setting with Applications
Frédéric Dupuis; Serge Fehr; Philippe Lamontagne; Louis Salvail

Semantic Security and Indistinguishability in the Quantum World
Tommaso Gagliardoni; Andreas Hülsing; Christian Schaffner

10:25 - 10:55 Break - University Center Lagoon Plaza
10:55 - 11:45

Symmetric Cryptanalysis
Chair: Matt Robshaw

A 270 Attack on the Full MISTY1
Achiya Bar-On; Nathan Keller

Cryptanalysis of the FLIP Family of Stream Ciphers
Sébastien Duval; Virginie Lallemand; Yann Rotella

Spooky Encryption
Chair: Jonathan Katz

Spooky Encryption and its Applications
Yevgeniy Dodis; Shai Halevi; Ron D. Rothblum; Daniel Wichs

Spooky Interaction and its Discontents: Compilers for Succinct Two-Message Argument Systems
Cynthia Dwork; Moni Naor; Guy N. Rothblum

11:45 - 11:50
Track-switch break
11:50 - 12:40

Crypto 2016 Award Papers, Corwin Pavilion
Chair: Jonathan Katz

The Magic of ELFs
Mark Zhandry

Breaking the Circuit Size Barrier for Secure Computation Under DDH
Elette Boyle; Niv Gilboa; Yuval Ishai

12:40 - 14:00 Lunch, De La Guerra Dining Commons
14:00 - 18:00 Free afternoon
18:00 - 21:00 Dinner Reception, University Center Lagoon Plaza
19:00 - 19:30 IACR Award Ceremony, University Center Corwin Pavilion
19:30 - 23:00 Rump Session, University Center Corwin Pavilion
Chairs: Kenny Paterson and Martijn Stam

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

7:30 - 8:50 Breakfast, De La Guerra Dining Commons

Track A: Corwin Pavilion

Track B: Lotte Lehmann Hall
8:50 - 9:40

Algorithmic Number Theory
Chair: Pierre-Alain Fouque

Extended Tower Number Field Sieve: A New Complexity for the Medium Prime Case
Taechan Kim; Razvan Barbulescu

Efficient Algorithms for Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman
Craig Costello; Patrick Longa; Michael Naehrig


Secure Computation and Protocols II
Chair: Alessandra Scafuro

Adaptively Secure Garbled Circuits from One-Way Functions
Brett Hemenway; Zahra Jafargholi; Rafail Ostrovsky; Alessandra Scafuro; Daniel Wichs

Rate-1, Linear Time and Additively Homomorphic UC Commitments
Ignacio Cascudo; Ivan Damgård; Bernardo David; Nico Döttling; Jesper Buus Nielsen

9:40 - 9:45
Track-switch break
9:45 - 11:00

Symmetric Primitives
Chair: Joan Daemen

New Insights on AES-Like SPN Ciphers
Bing Sun; Meicheng Liu; Jian Guo; Longjiang Qu; Vincent Rijmen

Lightweight Multiplication in GF(2n) with Applications to MDS Matrices
Christof Beierle; Thorsten Kranz; Gregor Leander

Another View of the Division Property
Christina Boura; Anne Canteaut

Secure Computation and Protocols II (cont.)
Chair: Alessandra Scafuro

UC Commitments for Modular Protocol Design and Applications to Revocation and Attribute Tokens
Jan Camenisch; Maria Dubovitskaya; Alfredo Rial

Probabilistic Termination and Composability of Cryptographic Protocols
Ran Cohen; Sandro Coretti; Juan A. Garay; Vassilis Zikas

Concurrent Non-Malleable Commitments (and More) in 3 Rounds
Michele Ciampi; Rafail Ostrovsky; Luisa Siniscalchi; Ivan Visconti

11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break, Plaza outside Campbell Hall
11:30 - 12:30

Crypto 2016 Invited Presentation in Conjunction with CHES 2016
Campbell Hall
Chair: Benedikt Gierlichs

Paul Kocher
Cryptography Research a Division of Rambus

12:30 - 14:00 Lunch, De La Guerra Dining Commons
14:00 - 15:15

Asymmetric Cryptography
Chair: Nigel Smart

FHE Circuit Privacy Almost For Free
Florian Bourse; Rafael Del Pino; Michele Minelli; Hoeteck Wee

Optimal Security Proofs for Signatures from Identification Schemes
Eike Kiltz; Daniel Masny; Jiaxin Pan

Adversary-dependent Lossy Trapdoor Function from Hardness of Factoring Semi-smooth RSA Subgroup Moduli
Takashi Yamakawa; Shota Yamada; Goichiro Hanaoka; Noboru Kunihiro

IBE, ABE, and Functional Encryption
Chair: Melissa Chase

Programmable Hash Functions from Lattices: Short Signatures and IBEs with Small Key Sizes
Jiang Zhang; Yu Chen; Zhenfeng Zhang

Fully Secure Functional Encryption for Inner Products, from Standard Assumptions
Shweta Agrawal; Benoît Libert; Damien Stehlé

Circuit-ABE from LWE: Unbounded Attributes and Semi-Adaptive Security
Zvika Brakerski; Vinod Vaikuntanathan

15:15 - 15:45 Break - University Center Lagoon Plaza
15:45 - 16:35

Symmetric Cryptography
Chair: Patrick Schaumont

Cryptanalysis of a Theorem: Decomposing the Only Known Solution to the Big APN Problem
Léo Perrin; Aleksei Udovenko; Alex Biryukov

The SKINNY Family of Block Ciphers and its Low-Latency Variant MANTIS
Christof Beierle; Jérémy Jean; Stefan Kölbl; Gregor Leander; Amir Moradi; Thomas Peyrin; Yu Sasaki; Pascal Sasdrich; Siang Meng Sim

Automated Tools and Synthesis
Chair: Jonathan Katz

Design in Type-I, Run in Type-III: Fast and Scalable Bilinear-Type Conversion using Integer Programming
Masayuki Abe; Fumitaka Hoshino; Miyako Ohkubo

Linicrypt: A Model for Practical Cryptography
Brent Carmer; Mike Rosulek

16:45 - 17:45 IACR Membership Meeting, University Center Corwin Pavilion
18:00 - 19:30 Beach Barbeque, Goleta Beach
19:30 - 22:30 Crypto Café (with CHES)
Anacapa Formal Lounge and Anacapa Front Lawn

Thursday, August 18, 2016

7:30 - 8:50 Breakfast, De La Guerra Dining Commons

Track A: Corwin Pavilion

Track B: Lotte Lehmann Hall
8:50 - 10:05

Cryptanalytic Tools
Chair: Yannick Seurin

Automatic Search of Meet-in-the-Middle and Impossible Differential Attacks
Patrick Derbez; Pierre-Alain Fouque

Memory-Efficient Algorithms for Finding Needles in Haystacks
Itai Dinur; Orr Dunkelman; Nathan Keller; Adi Shamir

Breaking Symmetric Cryptosystems using Quantum Period Finding
Marc Kaplan; Gaëtan Leurent; Anthony Leverrier; María Naya-Plasencia

Zero Knowledge
Chair: Mike Rosulek

On the Relationship between Statistical Zero-Knowledge and Statistical Randomized Encodings
Benny Applebaum; Pavel Raykov

How to prove knowledge of small secrets
Carsten Baum; Ivan Damgård; Kasper Green Larsen; Michael Nielsen

Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proof of Algebraic and Non-Algebraic Statements with Applications to Privacy Preserving Credentials
Melissa Chase; Chaya Ganesh; Payman Mohassel

10:05 - 10:30 Break - University Center Lagoon Plaza

10:30 - 11:45
(Track A)

10:30 - 12:10
(Track B)

Hardware-oriented Cryptography
Chair: Elke De Mulder

Efficiently Computing Data-Independent Memory-Hard Functions
Joel Alwen; Jeremiah Blocki

Towards Sound Fresh Re-Keying with Hard (Physical) Learning Problems
Stefan Dziembowski; Sebastian Faust; Gottfried Herold; Anthony Journault; Daniel Masny; François-Xavier Standaert

ParTI - Towards Combined Hardware Countermeasures against Side-Channel and Fault-Injection Attacks
Tobias Schneider; Amir Moradi; Tim Güneysu

Chair: Manoj Prabhakaran

Fine-grained Cryptography
Akshay Degwekar; Vinod Vaikuntanathan; Prashant Nalini Vasudevan

TWORAM: Efficient Oblivious RAM in Two Rounds with Applications to Searchable Encryption
Sanjam Garg; Payman Mohassel; Charalampos Papamanthou

Bounded Indistinguishability and the Complexity of Recovering Secrets
Andrej Bogdanov; Yuval Ishai; Emanuele Viola; Christopher Williamson

Two Message Oblivious Evaluation of Cryptographic Functionalities
Nico Doettling; Nils Fleischhacker; Johannes Krupp; Dominique Schröder

11:45/12:10 – 14:00 Lunch, De La Guerra Dining Commons