Rump Session
The traditional rump session took place on Tuesday evening,
chaired by Arjen Lenstra.
The rump session was an informal session in which
participants give short presentations on recent results, work in progress, and
other topics of interest to the crypto community. Presentations that are not
purely technical in nature are also possible (and encouraged!).
18:30--19:30 | Collect Surprise on the Way to the "Bödelibad" Sports Hall |
19:00--19:30 | Buffet and "Ammitaler" Swiss Folklore Band |
19:30--19:37 | Eran Tromer and Adi Shamir: On Nosy People and Noisy Machines |
19:37--19:44 | Yehuda Lindell, Boaz Barak, and Salil Vadhan: Parallel Repetition of Blum's Proof of Hamiltonicity may be Zero-Knowledge |
19:44--19:50 | Bart Preneel: ECRYPT: A Network of Excellence on Cryptology |
19:50--19:57 | Renato Renner, Artur Ekert, and Matthias Christandl: A Generic Security Proof for Quantum Key-Distribution |
19:57--19:59 | Victor Shoup: Free Book for Sale |
19:59--20:06 | Cancelled |
20:06--20:09 | Tanja Lange: Announcement of Workshop on Special Purpose Cryptanalytic Hardware, CRAHW |
20:09--20:14 | Ronald Cramer and Ivan Damgård: Secret Sharing without Communication |
20:14--20:17 | John Kelsey: NIST Random Number Generation Workshop |
20:17--20:24 | Benny Pinkas: Fairplay -- A Secure Two-Party Computation System |
20:24--20:28 | David Naccache and Claire Whelan: 9/11: Who alerted the CIA? (And Other Secret Secrets) |
20:28--21:00 | BREAK: Buffet and "Ammitaler" Swiss Folklore Band |
21:00--21:07 | Jim Hughes: Bullet Prone Disks |
21:07--21:14 | Juan Garay, Phil MacKenzie, and Ke Yang: Secure Multi-Party Computation with Faulty Majority and Complete Fairness |
21:14--21:15 | Joe Kilian: Announcement of TCC 2005 |
21:15--21:22 | Manoj Prabhakaran and Amit Sahai: New Notions of Security: Universal Composability Without Trusted Set-Up |
21:22--21:26 | Serge Vaudenay: Breaking the Rösti-Graben |
21:26--21:33 | Greg Rose: Differential Power Analysis of CAVE |
21:33--21:37 | J. Lukovics: KHEOPS -- A Scheme to Create a Self-Synchronizing Stream Cipher from a Block Cipher |
21:37--21:44 | Carmi Gressel: The '49er Goldrush Saloon Stream Cipher |
21:44--21:47 | Jean-Jacques Quisquater, Frode Weierud, and Geoff Sullivan: Why we are in Interlaken? A NEMA Story |
21:47--24:00 | Conclusion: Buffet and "Ammitaler" Swiss Folklore Band |