20:10 |
Brent Waters |
Welcome (2 min)
20:12 |
Moni Naor |
Securing Vote Storage Mechanisms (5 min)
20:17 |
abhi shelat |
Cryptography from Sunspots (5 min)
20:22 |
Benny Pinkas |
Cryptanalysis of the Windows Random Number Generator (5 min)
20:27 |
Dan Bernstein and Tanja Lange |
Elliptic Strikes Back (6 min)
20:33 |
Serge Vaudenay |
E-Passport Survey (7 min)
20:40 |
Arjen Lenstra |
Kilobit Special Number Field Sieve Factoring (4 min)
20:44 |
Nigel Smart |
EuroCrypt and EuroCrapt (3 min)
20:47 |
Steven Galbraith |
Cryptography and Coding, Cirencester Conference (1 min)
20:48 |
Raphael Phan |
Asiacrypt 2007 (2 min)
20:50 |
Eiji Okamoto |
Pairing Conference Announcement (2 min)
20:52 |
Fabien Laguillaumie |
LLL+25 and AfricaCrypt (3 min)
20:55 |
Ivan Damgaard |
ICALP 2008 (2 min)
20:57 |
Aleksander Wittlin |
Tools for Cryptoanalysis (2 min)
20:59 |
Hugo Krawczyk |
21:00 |
*** BREAK *** |
21:25 |
Benny Pinkas |
Cryptographic and Physical Proofs of Sudoku Puzzles (7 min)
21:32 |
Vladimir Kolesnikov |
Mistyping in Password-Assisted Key Exchange (5 min)
21:37 |
John Kelsey |
How to Defeat Additive Checksums in Damgaard-Merkle Hashes (5 min)
21:42 |
James Hughes |
A Bounded IBE system -not- Based on Pairing (5 min)
Security In Storage Workshop '07
21:47 |
Kestutis Luksy |
Matrix Power S-Box Construction (5 min)
21:52 |
Marina Pudovkina |
Symmetry Groups Of Some Classes Of Functions (4 min)
21:56 |
Eike Kiltz |
Secure Hybrid Encryption from Weakened Key Encapsulation (4 min)
22:00 |
Dennis Hofheinz |
Key-Dependent Message Security in the Standard Model (4 min)
22:04 |
Werner Schindler |
A Stochastic Model for Particular Designs of Physical RNGs and Approach in Side-Channel Analysis (5 min)
22:09 |
Yevgeniy Dodis |
UC or Don't You See (5 min)
22:14 |
Gregory Bard |
Algebraic Cryptanalysis of Keeloq (4 min)
22:18 |
Nicolas Courtois |
New Frontiers in Symmetric Cryptanalysis (4 min)
22:22 |
Adam Smith |
Extracting Witnesses from Quantum Provers (5 min)