Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems 2010 (CHES 2010)
Santa Barbara, California, USA
Tuesday August 17th - Friday August 20th, 2010
Accepted Papers
- A high speed coprocessor for elliptic curve scalar multiplications over Fp
Nicolas Guillermin
DGA Information Superiority and IRMAR Université Rennes 1
- Quark: a lightweight hash
Jean-Philippe Aumasson and Luca Henzen and Willi Meier and Maria Naya-Plasencia
Nagravision SA / ETH Zurich / FHNW Windisch
- Coordinate Blinding over Large Prime Fields
Michael Tunstall and Marc Joye
University of Bristol / Technicolor
- Mixed Bases for Efficient Inversion in F_{((2^2)^2)^2} and Conversion Matrices of SubBytes of AES
Y. Nogami and K. Nekado and T. Toyota and N. Hongo and Y. Morikawa
Okayama University
- Efficient Techniques for High-Speed Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Patrick Longa and Catherine Gebotys
University of Waterloo
- XBX: eXternal Benchmarking eXtension for the SUPERCOP crypto benchmarking framework
Christian Wenzel-Benner and Jens Graef
ITK Engineering AG / LiNetCo GmbH
- The Glitch PUF: A New Delay-PUF Architecture Exploiting Glitch Shapes
Daisuke Suzuki and Koichi Shimizu
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation / Yokohama National University
- Public Key Perturbation of Randomized RSA Implementations
Alexandre Berzati and Cécile Canovas-Dumas and Louis Goubin
CEA Leti Minatec / Versailles Saint Quentin University
- Fault Sensitivity Analysis
Yang Li and Kazuo Sakiyama and Shigeto Gomisawa and Toshinori Fukunaga and Junko Takahashi and Kazuo Ohta
The university of Electro-Communications / Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
- Analysis and Improvement of the Random Delay Countermeasure of CHES 2009
Jean-Sebastien Coron and Ilya Kizhvatov
University of Luxembourg
- Algebraic Side-Channel Analysis in the Presence of Errors
Yossef Oren and Mario Kirschbaum and Thomas Popp and Avishai Wool
Tel-Aviv University / Graz University Of Technology
- Sponge-based pseudo-random number generators
Guido Bertoni and Joan Daemen and Michaël Peeters and Gilles Van Assche
STMicroelectronics / NXP Semiconductors
- Provably Secure Higher-Order Masking of AES
Matthieu Rivain and Emmanuel Prouff
CryptoExperts and Oberthur Technologies
- An Alternative to Error Correction for SRAM-Like PUFs
Maximilian Hofer and Christoph Boehm
Graz University Of Technology
- Side-channel Analysis of Six SHA-3 Candidates
Olivier Benoit and Thomas Peyrin
- 256 bit Standardized Crypto for 650 GE - GOST Revisited
Axel Poschmann and Huaxiong Wang and San Ling
Nanyang Technological University
- When Failure Analysis Meets Side-Channel Attacks
Jérôme Di-Battista and Jean-Christophe Courrège and Bruno Rouzeyre and Lionel Torres and Philippe Perdu
Thales / LIRMM / CNES
- ARMADILLO: a Multi-Purpose Cryptographic Primitive Dedicated to Hardware
Stéphane Badel, Nilay Dağtekin, Jorge Nakahara Jr, Khaled Ouafi, Nicolas Reffé, Pouyan Sepehrdad, Petr Sušil, Serge Vaudenay
EPFL / Oridao
- PRINTcipher: A Block Cipher for IC-Printing
Lars R. Knudsen and Gregor Leander and Axel Poschmann and Matt J.B. Robshaw
DTU Denmark / Nanyang Technological University / Orange Labs
- Correlation-Enhanced Power Analysis Collision Attack
Amir Moradi and Oliver Mischke and Thomas Eisenbarth
Ruhr University Bochum / Florida Atlantic University
- Developing a Hardware Evaluation Method for SHA-3 Candidates
Luca Henzen and Pietro Gendotti and Patrice Guillet and Enrico Pargaetzi and Martin Zoller and Frank K. Gurkaynak
ETH Zurich
- Flash Memory 'Bumping' Attacks
Sergei Skorobogatov
University of Cambridge
- Garbled Circuits for Leakage-Resilience: Hardware Implementation and Evaluation of One-Time Programs
Kimmo Järvinen and Vladimir Kolesnikov and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Thomas Schneider
Aalto University / Alcatel-Lucent Bell Laboratories / Ruhr-University Bochum
- New Results on Instruction Cache Attacks
Onur Aciicmez and Billy Bob Brumley and Philipp Grabher
Samsung Electronics / Aalto University School of Science and Technology / University of Bristol
- Fast Exhaustive Search for Polynomial Systems in F_2
Charles Bouillaguet and Hsieh-Chung Chen and Chen-Mou Cheng and Tony Chou and Ruben Niederhagen and Adi Shamir and Bo-Yin Yang
Ecole Normale Supérieure / Academia Sinica / Nat'l Taiwan University / Technische Universiteit Eindhoven / Weizmann Institute of Science
- Performance Analysis of the SHA-3 Candidates on Exotic Multi-Core Architectures
Joppe W. Bos and Deian Stefan
EPFL / The Cooper Union
- New High Entropy Element for FPGA Based True Random Number Generators
Michal Varchola and Milos Drutarovsky
Technical University of Kosice
- Co-Z Addition Formulae and Binary Ladders on Elliptic Curves
Raveen Ravinesh Goundar and Marc Joye and Atsuko Miyaji
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology / Technicolor
- Fair and Comprehensive Methodology for Comparing Hardware Performance of Fourteen Round Two SHA-3 Candidates using FPGAs
Kris Gaj, Ekawat Homsirikamol, Marcin Rogawski
George Mason University
- Self-Referencing: A Scalable Side-Channel Approach for Hardware Trojan Detection
Dongdong Du, Seetharam Narasimhan, Rajat Subhra Chakraborty, Swarup Bhunia
Case Western Reserve University