Wednesday, September 28 | |||
Time | Event | ||
17:30 - | Registration Nara National Museum | ||
18:00 - 20:30 | Welcome Reception Nara National Museum |
Thursday, September 29 | ||||
Time | Event | |||
Session | Authors | Title | ||
08:00 - | Registration | |||
08:45 - 09:00 | Opening Remarks Todai-ji Cultural Center | |||
09:00 - 10:15 | Session 1: FPGA Implementation Chair: Kris Gaj Todai-ji Cultural Center |
Philipp Grabher, Johann Großschädl, Simon Hoerder, Kimmo Järvinen, Dan Page, Stefan Tillich, and Marcin Wójcik | An Exploration of Mechanisms for Dynamic Cryptographic Instruction Set Extension | |
Mehrdad Majzoobi, Farinaz Koushanfar, and Srinivas Devadas | FPGA-based True Random Number Generation using Circuit Metastability with Adaptive Feedback Control | |||
Tim Güneysu and Amir Moradi | Generic Side-Channel Countermeasures for Reconfigurable Devices | |||
10:15 - 10:45 | Morning Break B1F Small Hall in Todai-ji Cultural Center | |||
10:45 - 12:25 | Session 2: AES Chair: Kazuo Sakiyama Todai-ji Cultural Center |
Christophe Clavier, Benoit Feix, Georges Gagnerot, Mylène Roussellet, and Vincent Verneuil | Improved Collision-Correlation Power Analysis on First Order Protected AES | |
Emmanuel Prouff and Thomas Roche | Higher-Order Glitches Free Implementation of the AES using Secure Multi-Party Computation Protocols | |||
Louis Goubin and Ange Martinelli | Protecting AES with Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme | |||
HeeSeok Kim, Seokhie Hong, and Jongin Lim | A Fast and Provably Secure Higher-Order Masking of AES S-box | |||
12:25 - 14:00 | Lunch Yumekaze Hiroba | |||
14:00 - 15:00 | Invited Talk I: Chair: Bart Preneel Todai-ji Cultural Center |
Ernie Brickell (Intel) | Technologies to Improve Platform Security | |
15:00 - 15:30 | Afternoon Break B1F Small Hall in Todai-ji Cultural Center | |||
15:30 - 16:45 | Session 3: Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems Chair: Chen-Mou Cheng Todai-ji Cultural Center |
Jonathan Taverne, Armando Faz-Hernández, Diego F. Aranha, Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez, Darrel Hankerson, and Julio López | Software Implementation of Binary Elliptic Curves: Impact of the Carry-less Multiplier on Scalar Multiplication | |
Daniel J. Bernstein, Niels Duif, Tanja Lange, Peter Schwabe, and Bo-Yin Yang | High-Speed High-Security Signatures | |||
Junfeng Fan, Benedikt Gierlichs, and Frederik Vercauteren | To Infinity and Beyond: Combined Attack on ECC using Points of Low Order | |||
16:45 - 22:00 | Excursion Heijyo Palace & Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan |
Friday, September 30 | |||
Time | Event | ||
Session | Authors | Title | |
08:15 - 08:45 | Deer Gathering Nara Park | ||
08:30 - | Registration | ||
09:00 - 10:15 | Session 4: Lattices Chair: Marc Joye Todai-ji Cultural Center |
Michael Schneider and Norman Göttert | Random Sampling for Short Lattice Vectors on Graphics Cards |
Po-Chun Kuo, Michael Schneider, Özgür Dagdelen, Jan Reichelt, Johannes Buchmann, Chen-Mou Cheng, and Bo-Yin Yang | Extreme Enumeration on GPU and in Clouds | ||
Éric Brier, David Naccache, Phong Q. Nguyen, and Mehdi Tibouchi | Modulus Fault Attacks against RSA-CRT Signatures | ||
10:15 - 10:45 | Morning Break B1F Small Hall in Todai-ji Cultural Center | ||
10:45 - 12:25 | Session 5: Side Channel Attacks Chair: Benedikt Gierlichs Todai-ji Cultural Center |
David Oswald and Christof Paar | Breaking Mifare DESFire MF3ICD40: Power Analysis and Templates in the Real World |
Mathieu Renauld, Dina Kamel, François-Xavier Standaert, and Denis Flandre | Information Theoretic and Security Analysis of a 65-nanometer DDSLL AES S-box | ||
Laurie Genelle, Emmanuel Prouff, and Michaël Quisquater | Thwarting Higher-Order Side Channel Analysis with Additive and Multiplicative Maskings | ||
Marcel Medwed and François-Xavier Standaert | Extractors against Side-Channel Attacks: Weak or Strong? | ||
12:25 - 14:00 | Lunch Yumekaze Hiroba | ||
14:00 - 15:00 | Invited Talk II: Chair: Tsuyoshi Takagi Todai-ji Cultural Center |
Tetsuya Tominaga (NTT Corporation) | Standardization Works for Security regarding the Electromagnetic Environment (Demo video) |
15:00 - 15:50 | Session 6: Fault Attacks Chair: Guido Bertoni Todai-ji Cultural Center |
Patrick Derbez, Pierre-Alain Fouque, and Delphine Leresteux | Meet-in-the-Middle and Impossible Differential Fault Analysis on AES |
Amir Moradi, Oliver Mischke, Christof Paar, Yang Li, Kazuo Ohta, and Kazuo Sakiyama | On the Power of Fault Sensitivity Analysis and Collision Side-Channel Attacks in a Combined Setting | ||
15:50 - 17:50 | Guided Tour in Nara Park | ||
18:45 - 21:30 | Banquet & Rump Session Hotel Nikko Nara |
Saturday, October 1 | ||||
Time | Event | |||
Session | Authors | Title | ||
08:30 - | Registration | |||
09:00 - 10:15 | Session 7: Lightweight Symmetric Algorithms Chair: Naofumi Homma Todai-ji Cultural Center |
Andrey Bogdanov, Miroslav Knežević, Gregor Leander, Deniz Toz, Kerem Varιcι, and Ingrid Verbauwhede | SPONGENT: A Lightweight Hash Function | |
Jian Guo, Thomas Peyrin, Axel Poschmann, and Matt Robshaw | The LED Block Cipher | |||
Kyoji Shibutani, Takanori Isobe, Harunaga Hiwatari, Atsushi Mitsuda, Toru Akishita, and Taizo Shirai | Piccolo: An Ultra-Lightweight Blockcipher | |||
10:15 - 10:45 | Morning Break B1F Small Hall in Todai-ji Cultural Center | |||
10:45 - 12:25 | Session 8: PUFs Chair: Helena Handschuh Todai-ji Cultural Center |
Meng-Day (Mandel) Yu, David M'Raihi, Richard Sowell, and Srinivas Devadas | Lightweight and Secure PUF Key Storage using Limits of Machine Learning | |
Stefan Katzenbeisser, Ünal Koçabas, Vincent van der Leest, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Geert-Jan Schrijen, Heike Schröder, and Christian Wachsmann | Recyclable PUFs: Logically Reconfigurable PUFs | |||
Dai Yamamoto, Kazuo Sakiyama, Mitsugu Iwamoto, Kazuo Ohta, Takao Ochiai, Masahiko Takenaka, and Kouichi Itoh | Uniqueness Enhancement of PUF Responses Based on the Locations of Random Outputting RS Latches | |||
Aswin Raghav Krishna, Seetharam Narasimhan, Xinmu Wang, and Swarup Bhunia | MECCA: A Robust Low-Overhead PUF using Embedded Memory Array | |||
12:25 - 14:00 | Lunch Yumekaze Hiroba | |||
14:00 - 15:40 | Session 9: Public-Key Cryptosystems Chair: Toru Akishita Todai-ji Cultural Center |
Ray C.C. Cheung, Sylvain Duquesne, Junfeng Fan, Nicolas Guillermin, Ingrid Verbauwhede, and Gavin Xiaoxu Yao | FPGA Implementation of Pairings using Residue Number System and Lazy Reduction | |
Santosh Ghosh, Dipanwita Roy Chowdhury, and Abhijit Das | High Speed Cryptoprocessor for ηT Pairing on 128-bit Secure Supersingular Elliptic Curves over Characteristic Two Fields | |||
Michael Hutter and Erich Wenger | Fast Multi-Precision Multiplication for Public-Key Cryptography on Embedded Microprocessors | |||
Albrecht Petzoldt, Enrico Thomae, Stanislav Bulygin, and Christopher Wolf | Small Public Keys and Fast Verification for Multivariate Quadratic Public Key Systems | |||
15:40 - 16:00 | Afternoon Break B1F Small Hall in Todai-ji Cultural Center | |||
16:00 - 16:50 | Session 10: Hash Functions Chair: Mitsuru Matsui Todai-ji Cultural Center |
Ekawat Homsirikamol, Marcin Rogawski, and Kris Gaj | Throughput vs. Area Trade-offs in High-Speed Architectures of Five Round 3 SHA-3 Candidates Implemented using Xilinx and Altera FPGAs | |
Joppe W. Bos, Onur Özen, and Martijn Stam | Efficient Hashing using the AES Instruction Set | |||
16:50 - 17:00 | Concluding Remarks Todai-ji Cultural Center |