Fast Software Encryption Workshop 2001

April 2-4, 2001   Royal Park Hotel Nikko, Yokohama, Japan


A Stay at Royal Park Hotel Nikko

Rooms in Royal Park Hotel Nikko have been reserved at a special rate for participants in FSE2001. This rate is only applied to participants registered with the registration form (see registration page). The rate includes breakfast, tax and services.

A single room 17000 Yen / night
A twin room (with two breakfasts) 28000 Yen / night


Other Hotels

For other hotels, NISHITETSU TRAVEL (travel agency) will help you. Send a fax or an e-mail to the following address to ask a list of available hotels in Yokohama. They will also try to find and reserve a hotel that meets your requirements. 

        Yokohama Branch
        1st FL, KRC BLDG
        18 Nihon-Ohdori, Naka-ku, Yokohama, 231-0021
        Tel: +81-45-201-2016 / Fax: +81-45-201-8038

Here are a couple of hotels suggested by NISHITETSU TRAVEL. The rate shown below, which includes breakfast, tax and services, will be applied when a reservation is made via NISHITETSU TRAVEL.

Sakuragi-cho Washington Hotel  (walking distance)
Sakuragi-cho 1-1-67, Naka-ku, Yokohama, 231-0062
Tel:+81-45-683-3111 / Fax:+81-45-683-3112

A single room 13200 Yen / night
A twin room (with two breakfasts) 23200 Yen / night

Breezbay Hotel  (walking distance)
Hanasaki-cho 1-22-2, Naka-ku, Yokohama, 231-0063
Tel:+81-45-253-5555 / Fax:+81-45-253-5511

A single room 12100 Yen / night
A twin room (with two breakfasts) 18000 Yen / night


Last updated in January 16, 2001

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