Fast Software Encryption Workshop 2001

April 2-4, 2001   Royal Park Hotel Nikko, Yokohama, Japan


Monday, April 2, 2001

    8:00-                Registration

    8:45-9:00        Welcome Remarks

  Session 1: Cryptanalysis of Block Ciphers I

    9:00-9:25        The Saturation Attack – a Bait for Twofish
                     Stefan Lucks

    9:25-9:50        Linear Cryptanalysis of Reduced Round Serpent
                     Eli Biham, Orr Dunkelman and Nathan Keller

    9:50-10:15      Cryptanalysis of the Mercy Block Cipher
                     Scott R. Fluhrer

    10:15-10:45    Break

Session 2: Hash Functions and Boolean Functions

    10:45-11:10    Producing Collisions for PANAMA
                     Vincent Rijmen, Bart Van Rompay, Bart Preneel and Joos Vandewalle

    11:10-11:35    The RIPEMDL and RIPEMDR improved variants of MD4 are not collision free
                     Christophe Debaert and Henri Gilbert

    11:35-12:00    New constructions of resilient Boolean functions with maximal nonlinearity
                     Yuriy Tarannikov

    12:00-13:35    Lunch

Session 3: Modes of Operations

    13:35-14:00    Optimized Self-Synchronizing Mode of Operation
                     Ammar Alkassar, Alexander Geraldy, Birgit Pfitzmann and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi

14:00-14:25    Fast Encryption and Authentication: XCBC Encryption and XECB Authentication Modes
   Virgil D. Gligor and Pompiliu Donescu

    14:25-14:50    Incremental Unforgeable Encryption
                     Enrico Buonanno, Jonathan Katz and Moti Yung

    14:50-15:20    Break

Session 4: Cryptanalysis of Stream Ciphers I

    15:20-15:45    ZIP Attacks with Reduced Known Plaintext
                     Michael Stay

    15:45-16:10    Cryptanalysis of the SEAL 3.0 Pseudorandom Function Family
                     Scott R. Fluhrer

    16:10-16:35    Cryptanalysis of SBLH
                         Goce Jakimoski and Ljupco Kocarev

    16:35-17:00    A Practical Attack on Broadcast RC4
                     Itsik Mantin and Adi Shamir

Tuesday, April 3, 2001

Session 5: Cryptanalysis of Block Ciphers II

    9:00-9:25        Improved SQUARE Attacks Against Reduced-Round HIEROCRYPT
                            Paulo S.L.M. Barreto, Vincent Rijmen, Jorge Nakahara Jr., Bart Preneel,
                            Joos Vandewalle and Hae Y. Kim

    9:25-9:50        Differential Cryptanalysis of Q
                     Eli Biham, Vladimir Furman, Michal Misztal and Vincent Rijmen

    9:50-10:15      Differential Cryptanalysis of Nimbus
                     Vladimir Furman

    10:15-10:45    Break

Session 6: Cryptanalysis of Stream Ciphers II

    10:45-11:10    Fast Correlation Attack Algorithm with List Decoding and an Application
                         Miodrag J. Mihaljevic, Marc P.C. Fossorier and Hideki Imai

    11:10-11:35    Bias in the LEVIATHAN Stream Cipher
                     Paul Crowley and Stefan Lucks

    11:35-12:00    Analysis of SSC2
                     Daniel Bleichenbacher and Willi Meier

    12:00-13:35    Lunch

Session 7: Pseudo-Randomness

    13:35-14:00    Round Security and Super-Pseudorandomness of MISTY type structure
                     Tetsu Iwata, Tomonobu Yoshino, Tomohiro Yuasa and Kaoru Kurosawa

    14:00-14:25    New Results on the Pseudorandomness of some Blockcipher Constructions
                     Henri Gilbert and Marine Minier

Session 8: FSE 2001 Special Talk

    14:25-15:00    NESSIE: A European Approach to Evaluate Cryptographic Algorithms
                     Bart Preneel

    15:00-15:30    Break

Session 9: Rump Talks

    15:30-             To be announced.  The deadline of submission: April 2 Monday 17:00

   19:00-22:00    Banquet

Wednesday, April 4, 2001

Session 10: Cryptanalysis of Block Ciphers III

    9:00-9:25        Related Key Attacks on Reduced Round KASUMI
                     Mark Blunden and Adrian Escott

    9:25-9:50        Security of Camellia against Truncated Differential Cryptanalysis
                     Masayuki Kanda and Tsutomu Matsumoto

    9:50-10:15      Impossible Differential Cryptanalysis of Zodiac
                     Deukjo Hong, Jaechul Sung, Shiho Moriai, Sangjin Lee and Jongin Lim

10:15-10:45    Break

Session 11: Design and Evaluation

    10:45-11:10    The Block Cipher SC2000
                     Takeshi Shimoyama, Hitoshi Yanami, Kazuhiro Yokoyama, Masahiko Takenaka,
                            Kouichi Itoh, Jun Yajima, Naoya Torii and Hidema Tanaka

    11:10-11:35    Flaws in differential cryptanalysis of Skipjack
                     Louis Granboulan

    11:35-12:00    Efficient Algorithms for Computing Differential Properties of Addition 
                     Helger Lipmaa and Shiho Moriai


Last updated in March 20, 2001

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