Accepted Papers
The list of accepted papers are also available in [pdf].FSE 2010 List of Accepted Papers
103. Cryptanalysis of ESSENCE
Maria Naya-Plasencia, Andrea Röck, Jean-Philippe Aumasson, Yann Laigle-Chapuy, Gaëtan Leurent, Willi Meier, Thomas Peyrin
104. Constructing Rate-1 MACs from Unpredictable Block Ciphers: PGV Model Revisited Liting Zhang, Wenling Wu, Peng Wang, Lei Zhang, Shuang Wu, Bo Liang
106. How to Thwart Birthday Attacks against MACs via Small Randomness
Kazuhiko Minematsu
110. Super-Sbox Cryptanalysis: Improved Attacks for AES-like Permutations
Henri Gilbert, Thomas Peyrin
113. Differential and Invertibility Properties of BLAKE (Short Presentation)
Jean-Philippe Aumasson, Jian Guo, Simon Knellwolf, Krystian Matusiewicz, Willi Meier
119. Rebound Attack on Reduced-Round Versions of the JH
Vincent Rijmen, Deniz Toz, Kerem Varici
122. Domain Extension for Enhanced Target Collision-Resistant Hash Functions
Ilya Mironov
123. Higher Order Differential Attack on Step-Reduced Variants of Luffa v1
Dai Watanabe, Yasuo Hatano, Tsuyoshi Yamada, Toshinobu Kaneko
124. A Unified Method for Improving PRF Bounds for a Class of Blockcipher based MACs
Mridul Nandi
129. Enhanced Security Notions for Dedicated-Key Hash Functions: Definitions and Relationships
Mohammad Reza Reyhanitabar, Willy Susilo, Yi Mu
133. Pseudo-cryptanalysis of the Original Blue Midnight Wish (Short Presentation)
Søren Steffen Thomsen
138. Rotational Cryptanalysis of ARX
Dmitry Khovratovich, Ivica Nikolic
139. Improving the Generalized Feistel
Tomoyasu Suzaki, Kazuhiko Minematsu
146. Security Analysis of the Mode of JH Hash Function
Rishiraj Bhattacharyya, Avradip Mandal, Mridul Nandi
151. Fast Software AES Encryption
Dag Arne Osvik, Joppe W. Bos, Deian Stefan, David Canright
152. Lightweight Privacy Preserving Authentication for RFID Based on a Stream Cipher
Olivier Billet, Jonathan Etrog, Henri Gilbert
153. Finding Preimages of Tiger Up to 23 Steps
Lei Wang, Yu Sasaki
155. Nonlinear Equivalence of Stream Ciphers
Sondre Rønjom, Carlos Cid
156. Attacking the Knudsen-Preneel Compression Functions
Onur Özen, Thomas Shrimpton, Martijn Stam
163. Another Look at Complementation Properties
Charles Bouillaguet, Orr Dunkelman, Gaëtan Leurent, Pierre-Alain Fouque
166. Cryptanalysis of the DECT Standard Cipher
Karsten Nohl, Erik Tews, Ralf-Philipp Weinmann
Note: The final version that will appear at the workshop and (pre-)proceedings is subject to change.