Program Committee Members
Program Committee
Masayuki Abe | NTT Secure Platform Labs, Japan |
Fabrice Benhamouda | ENS, France & IBM, USA |
Nir Bitansky | MIT, USA |
Zvika Brakerski | Weizmann Institute, Israel |
Nishanth Chandran | Microsoft Research, India |
Dana Dachman-Soled | University of Maryland, USA |
Nico Döttling | UC Berkeley, USA |
Leo Ducas | CWI Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Sebastian Faust | Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany |
Serge Fehr (Chair) | CWI Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Dario Fiore | IMDEA Software Institute, Spain |
Pierre-Alain Fouque | Rennes 1 University, France |
Georg Fuchsbauer | INRIA & ENS, France |
Sanjam Garg | UC Berkeley, USA |
Jens Groth | University College London, UK |
Carmit Hazay | Bar-Ilan University, Israel |
Dennis Hofheinz | KIT, Germany |
Tibor Jager | Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany |
Abhishek Jain | Johns Hopkins University, USA |
Marcel Keller | University of Bristol, UK |
Markulf Kohlweiss | Microsoft Research, UK |
Vadim Lyubashevsky | IBM Zurich, Switzerland |
Takahiro Matsuda | AIST, Japan |
Adam O'Neill | Georgetown University, USA |
Arpita Patra | Indian Institute of Science, India |
Ludovic Perret | Sorbonne University, UPMC & INRIA, France |
Christophe Petit | University of Oxford, UK |
Vanishree Rao | PARC, USA |
Gil Segev | Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel |
Alessandra Scafuro | Boston University & Northeastern University, USA |
Fang Song | University of Waterloo, Canada |
Daniele Venturi | University of Trento, Italy |
Ivan Visconti | University of Salerno, Italy |
Hoeteck Wee | ENS, France |
Vassilis Zikas | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA |