International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Damien Robert


SQIsignHD: New Dimensions in Cryptography
We introduce SQIsignHD, a new post-quantum digital signature scheme inspired by SQIsign. SQIsignHD exploits the recent algorithmic breakthrough underlying the attack on SIDH, which allows to efficiently represent isogenies of arbitrary degrees as components of a higher dimensional isogeny. SQIsignHD overcomes the main drawbacks of SQIsign. First, it scales well to high security levels, since the public parameters for SQIsignHD are easy to generate: the characteristic of the underlying field needs only be of the form $2^{f}3^{f'}-1$. Second, the signing procedure is simpler and more efficient. Our signing procedure implemented in C runs in 28 ms, which is a significant improvement compared to SQISign. Third, the scheme is easier to analyse, allowing for a much more compelling security reduction. Finally, the signature sizes are even more compact than (the already record-breaking) SQIsign, with compressed signatures as small as 109 bytes for the post-quantum NIST-1 level of security. These advantages may come at the expense of the verification, which now requires the computation of an isogeny in dimension $4$, a task whose optimised cost is still uncertain, as it has been the focus of very little attention. Our experimental \verb+sagemath+ implementation of the verification runs in 850 ms, indicating the potential cryptographic interest of dimension $4$ isogenies after optimisations and low level implementation.
Computing 2-isogenies between Kummer lines
Damien Robert Nicolas Sarkis
<p> We use theta groups to study $2$-isogenies between Kummer lines, with a particular focus on the Montgomery model. This allows us to recover known formulas, along with more efficient forms for translated isogenies, which require only $2S+2m_0$ for evaluation. We leverage these translated isogenies to build a hybrid ladder for scalar multiplication on Montgomery curves with rational $2$-torsion, which cost $3M+6S+2m_0$ per bit, compared to $5M+4S+1m_0$ for the standard Montgomery ladder. </p>
Breaking SIDH in Polynomial Time
Damien Robert
We show that we can break SIDH in (classical) polynomial time, even with a random starting curve~$E_0$.

Program Committees

Asiacrypt 2015