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Authors |
1 |
Short Pairing-based Non-interactive Zero-Knowledge Arguments
Jens Groth (University College London)
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Short Non-interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs
Jens Groth (University College London)
3 |
A Group Signature Scheme from Lattice Assumptions
Dov Gordon and Jonathan Katz (University of Maryland) and Vinod Vaikuntanathan (Microsoft Research)
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Advanced Meet-in-the-Middle Preimage Attacks: First Results on Full Tiger, and Improved Results on MD4 and SHA-2
Jian Guo, San Ling (Nanyang Technological University), Christian Rechberger (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), and Huaxiong Wang (Nanyang Technological University)
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A Byte-Based Guess and Determine Attack on SOSEMANUK
Xiutao Feng and Jun Liu and Zhaocun Zhou and Chuankun Wu and Dengguo Feng (Institute of Software of China)
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Improved Single-Key Attacks on 8-round AES-192 and AES-256
Orr Dunkelman, Nathan Keller, and Adi Shamir (Weizmann Institute of Science)
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Improved Generic Attacks on Unbalanced Feistel Schemes with Expanding Functions
Emmanuel Volte and Valerie Nachef (University of Cergy-Pontoise) and Jacques Patarin (Université de Versailles)
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Collision Attacks against the Knudsen-Preneel Compression Functions
Onur Özen and Martijn Stam (EPFL)
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Conditional Differential Cryptanalysis of NLFSR-based Cryptosystems
Simon Knellwolf and Willi Meier and Maria Naya-Plasencia (FHNW)
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Multiparty Computation for Modulo Reduction without Bit-Decomposition and A Generalization to Bit-Decomposition
Chao Ning and Qiuliang Xu (Shandong University)
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Faster Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Damien Stehlé (CNRS, ENS de Lyon) and Ron Steinfeld (Macquarie University)
12 |
The Semi-Generic Group Model and Applications to Pairing-Based Cryptography
Tibor Jager (Ruhr-University Bochum) and Andy Rupp (University of Trier)
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A Closer Look at Anonymity and Robustness in Encryption Schemes
Payman Mohassel (University of Calgary)
14 |
Non-Full-Active Super-Sbox Analysis: Applications to ECHO and Grøstl
Yu Sasaki (NTT Corporation), Yang Li, Lei Wang, Kazuo Sakiyama, Kazuo Ohta (The University of Electro-Communications)
15 |
Leakage Resilient ElGamal Encryption
Eike Kiltz and Krzysztof Pietrzak (CWI)
16 |
The World is Not Enough: Another Look on Second-Order DPA
F.-X. Standaert and N. Veyrat Charvillon and E. Oswald and B. Gierlichs and M. Medwed and M. Kasper and S. Mangard (UCL)
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Efficient Public-Key Cryptography in the Presence of Key Leakage
Yevgeniy Dodis and Kristiyan Haralambiev and Adriana Lopez-Alt and Daniel Wichs (NYU)
18 |
On the Static Diffie-Hellman Problem on Elliptic Curves over Extension Fields
Robert Granger (Dublin City University)
19 |
Finding Second Preimages of Short Messages for Hamsi-256
Thomas Fuhr (ANSSI and TELECOM-ParisTech)
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Efficient String-Commitment from Weak Bit-Commitment
Kai-Min Chung (Harvard University), Feng-Hao Liu (Brown Univiersity), Chi-Jen Lu (Academia Sinica), and Bo-Yin Yang (Academia Sinica)
21 |
The Degree of Regularity of HFE Systems
Vivien Dubois (DGA-MI) and Nicolas Gama (EPFL)
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Constant-Size Commitments to Polynomials and Their Applications
Aniket Kate (MPI-SWS), Gregory M. Zaverucha (Certicom Research), and Ian Goldberg (University of Waterloo)
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Linear-Complexity Private Set Intersection Protocols Secure in Malicious Model
Emiliano De Cristofaro (UC Irvine), Jihye Kim (Seoul National University), and Gene Tsudik (UC Irvine)
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Rotational Rebound Attacks on Reduced Skein
Dmitry Khovratovich (University of Luxembourg and Microsoft Research), Ivica Nikolic (University of Luxembourg), and Christian Rechberger (K.U. Leuven)
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Lattice-based Blind Signatures
Markus Rückert (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
26 |
A Forward-Secure Symmetric-Key Derivation Protocol - How to Improve Classical DUKPT
Eric Brier and Thomas Peyrin (Ingenico)
27 |
Structured Encryption and Controlled Disclosure
Melissa Chase and Seny Kamara (Microsoft Research)
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Limitations on Transformations from Composite-Order to Prime-Order Groups: The Case of Round-Optimal Blind Signatures
Sarah Meiklejohn and Hovav Shacham (UC San Diego) and David Mandell Freeman (Stanford University)
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General Perfectly Secure Message Transmission Using Linear Codes
Qiushi Yang and Yvo Desmedt (University College London)
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Random Oracles With(out) Programmability
Marc Fischlin (Darmstadt University of Technology), Anja Lehmann (IBM Research Zurich), Thomas Ristenpart (UCSD), Thomas Shrimpton (Portland State University), Martijn Stam (EPFL), and Stefano Tessaro (ETH Zurich) |
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Generic Compilers for Authenticated Key Exchange
Tibor Jager and Florian Kohlar and Sven Schäge and Jörg Schwenk (Ruhr-University Bochum)
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The Round Complexity of Verifiable Secret Sharing: The Statistical Case
Ranjit Kumaresan (UMD), Arpita Patra (IIT Madras), C. Pandu Rangan (IIT Madras)
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Computationally Secure Pattern Matching in the Presence of Malicious Adversaries
Carmit Hazay and Tomas Toft (Aarhus University)
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On Invertible Sampling and Adaptive Security
Yuval Ishai (Technion and UCLA), Abishek Kumarasubramanian (UCLA), Claudio Orlandi (Aarhus University) and Amit Sahai (UCLA)
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Optimistic Concurrent Zero Knowledge
Alon Rosen (IDC Herzliya) and abhi shelat (Virginia University)