Asiacrypt 2010 Rump Session Program
1900 - 1930: | Drinks and Food |
1930 - 1934: | Rump Session Chair |
1934 - 1941: | Cryptanalysis of Stream Cipher ZUC in the 3GPP Confidentiality & Integrity Algorithms 128-EEA3 & 128-EIA3 |
1941 - 1947: | How to Generate Random Keys from Channel Noise |
1947 - 1953: | Retro hits Crypto – or what can YOU do with one single plaintext |
1953 - 1959: | State Space convergence in the A5/1 keystream generator |
1959 - 2003: | Paring-based cryptography and other hidden secrets |
2003 - 2006: | ECRYPT Hash Workshop 2011 |
2006 - 2009: | Information Security Positions in UAE |
2011 - 2014: | Statistics from ASIACRYPT 2010 Submissions |
2014 - 2017: | FSE 2011 + SKEW 2011 |
2017 - 2019: | IACR Book Review |
2019 - 2045: | Break Time |
2045 - 2051: | The Blues for ALRED |
2051 - 2058: | An Optimal Attack On Cryptosystems With Pre/Post Whitening Keys |
2058 - 2103: | Scrutinizing rebound attacks: New Algorithms for improving the complexities… and a bit more |
2103 - 2106: | A New Subexponential Factoring Algorithm |
2106 - 2112: | The related key attack on the full GOST 28147-89 block cipher with four or two related keys |
2112 - 2118: | On Smart Cards Security |
2118 - 2124: | (If) Size Matters: Size-Hiding Private Set Intersection Emiliano De Cristofaro |
2124 - 2128: | Rump Session Chair |
2128 - 2200: | Drinks |
Asiacrypt 2010 Rump Session Call for Submissions:
Asiacrypt delegates are invited to submit the rump session abstracts via the Submission Form to the Rump Session Chair (Prof Ed Dawson) at ac2010-rumpsession@ntu.edu.sg by 9 AM on December 7. Presentations are invited in three categories:
A. New research in cryptology
B. Humorous cryptology presentation
C. Conference and other announcements