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Dormitory rooms
Most convenient but not always the poshest.
Once plans are finalized, there will be a link below.
Register for dorms
University Campus Hotel
Somewhere on Earth
Probably not in the ocean
Rates: guess ;)
Locals don't stay here. Hopefully you won't hear the
student parties while you're with us.
For those who choose not to stay on-site, the following is a list of
hotels that have provided room blocks for
Eurocrypt 2023. Those who choose to stay off-site are
responsible for making their own reservations. Early reservations are
advised since August is a popular tourist season for the area.
Extra Posh Hotel
The fancy downtown area
Fax: 444.127.1212
Rates: how much you got?
For the most discerning of conference attendees. Free breakfast,
wifi, and extra pillows. Even though we can't legally say it,
children explicitly unwelcome.
Acceptable Inn
In town
Rates: pocket change?
Some information on the internet led you to believe this is a
reasonable place to stay, and it is. Just don't expect luxury for
this price. We expect you to scavenge for breakfast. No mini
cereal boxes here!