Accepted Papers

Cryptanalysis and Computational Number Theory

  1. A practical key recovery attack on basic TCHo, Gregor Leander, Technical University of Denmark; Mathias Herrmann, HGI, Ruhr-University of Bochum
  2. Implicit Factoring: On Polynomial Time Factoring Given Only an Implicit Hint, Alexander May and Maike Ritzenhofen, HGI, Ruhr-University of Bochum
  3. The security of all bits using list decoding, Carla Rafols and Paz Morillo, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
  4. Subset-Restricted Random Walks for Pollard rho Method on GF(p^m), Minkyu Kim, Jung Hee Cheon, and Jin Hong, Seul National University
  5. A new lattice construction for partial key exposure attack for RSA, Yoshinori Aono, Tokyo Institute of Technology
  6. Fast Multibase Methods and Other Optimizations for Elliptic Curve Scalar Multiplication, Patrick Longa and Catherine Gebotys, University of Waterloo
  7. New Cryptosystems

  8. An algebraic surface cryptosystem, Koichiro Akiyama, Toshiba; Yasuhiro Goto, Hokkaido University of Education; Hideyuki Miyake, Toshiba
  9. Signatures

  10. Signing a Linear Subspace: Signature Schemes for Network Coding, Dan Boneh, Stanford; David Freeman, CWI and Universiteit Leiden; Jonathan Katz, University of Maryland; Brent Waters, University of Texas at Austin
  11. On the Theory and Practice of Personal Digital Signatures, Ivan Damgard and Gert Lassoe Mikkelsen, Aarhus University
  12. Identification of Multiple Invalid Signatures in Pairing-based Batched Signatures, Brian J. Matt, John Hopkins University
  13. Security of Blind Signatures Under Aborts, Marc Fischlin and Dominique Schroder, Darmstadt University of Technology
  14. Security of Sanitizable Signatures Revisited, Christina Brzuska, Marc Fischlin, Tobias Freudenreich, Anja Lehmann, Marcus Page, Jakob Schelbert, Dominique Schroder, and Florian Volk, Darmstadt University of Technology
  15. Zero-Knowledge

  16. Zero-Knowledge Proofs with Witness Elimination, Aggelos Kiayias and Hong-Sheng Zhou, University of Connecticut
  17. Verifiable Rotation of Homomorphic Encryptions, Sebastiaan de Hoogh, Berry Schoenmakers, Boris Skoric, and Jose Villegas, Technical University of Eindhoven
  18. Encryption

  19. Compact CCA-Secure Encryption for Messages of Arbitrary Length, Masayuki Abe, NTT; Eike Kiltz, CWI; Tatsuaki Okamoto, NTT
  20. CCA-Secure Proxy Re-Encryption without Pairings, Jun Shao and Zhenfu Cao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  21. Identity-Based Encryption

  22. Towards Black-Box Accountable Authority IBE with Short Ciphertexts and Private Keys, Benoit Libert and Damien Vergnaud, UCL Crypto Group and Ecole Normale Superieure
  23. Anonymous Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption with Constant Size Ciphertexts, Jae Hong Seo, Seoul National University; Tetsutaro Kobayashi, Miyako Ohkubo, and Koutarou Suzuki, NTT Labs, Tokyo
  24. Blind and Anonymous Identity-Based Encryption and Authorised Private Searches on Public-key Encrypted Data, Jan Camenisch, IBM Zurich; Markulf Kohlweiss and Alfredo Rial, Katholieke Universitit Leuven; Caroline Sheedy, Dublin City University
  25. Escrow-Free Identity-based Encryption, Sherman S.M. Chow, New York University
  26. Key Exchange

  27. Modeling Key Compromise Impersonation Attacks on Group Key Exchange Protocols, M. Choudary Gorantla, Colin Boyd, and Juan Manuel Gonzalez Nieto, Queensland University of Technology
  28. Multi-Party Protocols

  29. Distributed Public-Key Cryptography from Weak Secrets, Michel Abdalla, ENS; Xavier Boyen, Stanford; Celine Chevalier, ENS; David Pointcheval, ENS
  30. Multi-Party Computation with Omnipresent Adversary, Hossein Ghodosi, James Cook University; Josef Pieprzyk, Macquarie University
  31. Asynchronous Multiparty Computation: Theory and Implementation, Ivan Damgard, Martin Geisler, Mikkel Kroigaard, and Jesper Buus Nielsen, Aarhus University
  32. Group Signatures, Anonymous Credentials, Traitor-Tracing

  33. An Accumulator Based on Bilinear Maps and Efficient Revocation for Anonymous Credentials, Jan Camenisch, IBM Zurich; Markulf Kohlweiss, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Claudio Soriente, University of California at Irvine
  34. Revocable Group Signature Schemes with Constant Costs for Signing and Verifying, Toru Nakanishi, Hiroki Fujii, Yuta Hira, and Nobuo Funabiki, Okayama University
  35. Controlling Access to an Oblivious Database using Stateful Anonymous Credentials, Scott Coull, Matthew Green, and Susan Hohenberger, Johns Hopkins University
  36. Improving the Boneh-Franklin traitor tracing scheme, Pascal Junod, University of Applied Sciences - Western Switzerland; Alexandre Karlov and Arjen K. Lenstra, EPFL, Switzerland