Accepted Papers
Cryptanalysis and Computational Number Theory
- A practical key recovery attack on basic TCHo, Gregor Leander, Technical University of Denmark; Mathias Herrmann, HGI, Ruhr-University of Bochum
- Implicit Factoring: On Polynomial Time Factoring Given Only an Implicit Hint, Alexander May and Maike Ritzenhofen, HGI, Ruhr-University of Bochum
- The security of all bits using list decoding, Carla Rafols and Paz Morillo, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
- Subset-Restricted Random Walks for Pollard rho Method on GF(p^m), Minkyu Kim, Jung Hee Cheon, and Jin Hong, Seul National University
- A new lattice construction for partial key exposure attack for RSA, Yoshinori Aono, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Fast Multibase Methods and Other Optimizations for Elliptic Curve Scalar Multiplication, Patrick Longa and Catherine Gebotys, University of Waterloo
- An algebraic surface cryptosystem, Koichiro Akiyama, Toshiba; Yasuhiro Goto, Hokkaido University of Education; Hideyuki Miyake, Toshiba
- Signing a Linear Subspace: Signature Schemes for Network Coding, Dan Boneh, Stanford; David Freeman, CWI and Universiteit Leiden; Jonathan Katz, University of Maryland; Brent Waters, University of Texas at Austin
- On the Theory and Practice of Personal Digital Signatures, Ivan Damgard and Gert Lassoe Mikkelsen, Aarhus University
- Identification of Multiple Invalid Signatures in Pairing-based Batched Signatures, Brian J. Matt, John Hopkins University
- Security of Blind Signatures Under Aborts, Marc Fischlin and Dominique Schroder, Darmstadt University of Technology
- Security of Sanitizable Signatures Revisited, Christina Brzuska, Marc Fischlin, Tobias Freudenreich, Anja Lehmann, Marcus Page, Jakob Schelbert, Dominique Schroder, and Florian Volk, Darmstadt University of Technology
- Zero-Knowledge Proofs with Witness Elimination, Aggelos Kiayias and Hong-Sheng Zhou, University of Connecticut
- Verifiable Rotation of Homomorphic Encryptions, Sebastiaan de Hoogh, Berry Schoenmakers, Boris Skoric, and Jose Villegas, Technical University of Eindhoven
- Compact CCA-Secure Encryption for Messages of Arbitrary Length, Masayuki Abe, NTT; Eike Kiltz, CWI; Tatsuaki Okamoto, NTT
- CCA-Secure Proxy Re-Encryption without Pairings, Jun Shao and Zhenfu Cao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- Towards Black-Box Accountable Authority IBE with Short Ciphertexts and Private Keys, Benoit Libert and Damien Vergnaud, UCL Crypto Group and Ecole Normale Superieure
- Anonymous Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption with Constant Size Ciphertexts, Jae Hong Seo, Seoul National University; Tetsutaro Kobayashi, Miyako Ohkubo, and Koutarou Suzuki, NTT Labs, Tokyo
- Blind and Anonymous Identity-Based Encryption and Authorised Private Searches on Public-key Encrypted Data, Jan Camenisch, IBM Zurich; Markulf Kohlweiss and Alfredo Rial, Katholieke Universitit Leuven; Caroline Sheedy, Dublin City University
- Escrow-Free Identity-based Encryption, Sherman S.M. Chow, New York University
- Modeling Key Compromise Impersonation Attacks on Group Key Exchange Protocols, M. Choudary Gorantla, Colin Boyd, and Juan Manuel Gonzalez Nieto, Queensland University of Technology
- Distributed Public-Key Cryptography from Weak Secrets, Michel Abdalla, ENS; Xavier Boyen, Stanford; Celine Chevalier, ENS; David Pointcheval, ENS
- Multi-Party Computation with Omnipresent Adversary, Hossein Ghodosi, James Cook University; Josef Pieprzyk, Macquarie University
- Asynchronous Multiparty Computation: Theory and Implementation, Ivan Damgard, Martin Geisler, Mikkel Kroigaard, and Jesper Buus Nielsen, Aarhus University
- An Accumulator Based on Bilinear Maps and Efficient Revocation for Anonymous Credentials, Jan Camenisch, IBM Zurich; Markulf Kohlweiss, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Claudio Soriente, University of California at Irvine
- Revocable Group Signature Schemes with Constant Costs for Signing and Verifying, Toru Nakanishi, Hiroki Fujii, Yuta Hira, and Nobuo Funabiki, Okayama University
- Controlling Access to an Oblivious Database using Stateful Anonymous Credentials, Scott Coull, Matthew Green, and Susan Hohenberger, Johns Hopkins University
- Improving the Boneh-Franklin traitor tracing scheme, Pascal Junod, University of Applied Sciences - Western Switzerland; Alexandre Karlov and Arjen K. Lenstra, EPFL, Switzerland
New Cryptosystems
Identity-Based Encryption
Key Exchange
Multi-Party Protocols
Group Signatures, Anonymous Credentials, Traitor-Tracing