EUROCRYPT 2003: Warsaw, Poland
Sponsored by the
International Association of Cryptologic Research (IACR)
in cooperation with the
Institute of Mathematics and Cryptology, Faculty of
Cybernetics, Military University of Technology, Warsaw
General Chair
Jerzy Gawinecki,
Institute of Mathematics and Cryptology,
Faculty of Cybernetics,
Military University of Technology,
Kaliskiego Str. 2, 00-908 Warsaw, Poland
Program Chair
Eli Biham,
Computer Science Department,
Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology, Technion City,
Haifa 32000, Israel
by Eli Biham
Program Committee
Johannes Buchmann | ....... | TU Darmstadt, Germany |
Christian Cachin | ....... | IBM Research, Switzerland |
Don Coppersmith | ....... | IBM Research, USA |
Ronald Cramer | ....... | Aarhus, Denmark |
Joan Daemen | ....... | Protonworld, Belgium |
Yevgeniy Dodis | ....... | New York University, USA |
Cynthia Dwork | ....... | Microsoft, USA |
Juan Garay | ....... | Bell Labs, USA |
Helena Handschuh | ....... | Gemplus, France |
Stanisław Jarecki | ....... | Stanford, USA |
Kwangjo Kim | ....... | ICU, Korea |
Lars R. Knudsen | ....... | Technical University of Denmark |
Shiho Moriai | ....... | NTT, Japan |
Moni Naor | ....... | Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel |
Paul Van Oorschot | ....... | Carleton University, Canada |
Josef Pieprzyk | ....... | Macquarie University, Australia |
David Pointcheval | ....... | CNRS--ENS, France |
Matt Robshaw | ....... | Royal Holloway, UK |
Berry Schoenmakers | ....... | TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands |
Nigel Smart | ....... | University of Bristol, UK |
Douglas R. Stinson | ....... | Waterloo, Canada |
Serge Vaudenay | ....... | EPFL, Switzerland |
Other Contributors
Table of Contents
Cryptanalysis I
Antoine Joux
Cryptanalysis of the EMD Mode of Operation. (.ps) 1-16
BibTeX -
Pascal Junod
On the Optimality of Linear, Differential, and Sequential Distinguishers. (.ps) 17-32
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Alex Biryukov
Christophe De Cannière
An Braeken
Bart Preneel
A Toolbox for Cryptanalysis: Linear and Affine Equivalence Algorithms. (.ps) 33-50
Secure Multi-party Computation I
Matthias Fitzi
Martin Hirt
Thomas Holenstein
Jürg Wullschleger
Two-Threshold Broadcast and Detectable Multi-party Computation. (.ps) 51-67
BibTeX -
Ran Canetti
Eyal Kushilevitz
Yehuda Lindell
On the Limitations of Universally Composable Two-Party Computation without Set-up Assumptions. (.ps) 68-86
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Benny Pinkas
Fair Secure Two-Party Computation. (.ps) 87-105
Invited Talk I
Zero-Knowledge Protocols
Yunlei Zhao
Xiaotie Deng
Chan H. Lee
Hong Zhu
Resettable Zero-Knowledge in the Weak Public-Key Model. (.ps) 123-139
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Daniele Micciancio
Erez Petrank
Simulatable Commitments and Efficient Concurrent Zero-Knowledge. (.ps) 140-159
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Rafael Pass
Simulation in Quasi-Polynomial Time, and Its Application to Protocol Composition. (.ps) 160-176
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Juan A. Garay
Philip D. MacKenzie
Ke Yang
Strengthening Zero-Knowledge Protocols Using Signatures. (.ps) 177-194
Foundations and Complexity Theoretic Security
Gustav Hast
Nearly One-Sided Tests and the Goldreich-Levin Predicate. (.ps) 195-210
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Jonathan Katz
Efficient and Non-malleable Proofs of Plaintext Knowledge and Applications. (.ps) 211-228
Public Key Encryption
Daniel Augot
Matthieu Finiasz
A Public Key Encryption Scheme Based on the Polynomial Reconstruction Problem. (.ps) 229-240
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Yehuda Lindell
A Simpler Construction of CCA2-Secure Public-Key Encryption under General Assumptions. (.ps) 241-254
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Ran Canetti
Shai Halevi
Jonathan Katz
A Forward-Secure Public-Key Encryption Scheme. (.ps) 255-271
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Craig Gentry
Certificate-Based Encryption and the Certificate Revocation Problem. (.ps) 272-293
New Primitives
Luis von Ahn
Manuel Blum
Nicholas J. Hopper
John Langford
CAPTCHA: Using Hard AI Problems for Security. (.ps) 294-311
BibTeX -
Yevgeniy Dodis
Jee Hea An
Concealment and Its Applications to Authenticated Encryption. (.ps) 312-329
Cryptanalysis II
Patrik Ekdahl
Willi Meier
Thomas Johansson
Predicting the Shrinking Generator with Fixed Connections. (.ps) 330-344
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Nicolas Courtois
Willi Meier
Algebraic Attacks on Stream Ciphers with Linear Feedback. (.ps) 345-359
Elliptic Curves Cryptography
Reynald Lercier
David Lubicz
Counting Points on Elliptic Curves over Finite Fields of Small Characteristic in Quasi Quadratic Time. (.ps) 360-373
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Florian Hess
The GHS Attack Revisited. (.ps) 374-387
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Mathieu Ciet
Tanja Lange
Francesco Sica
Jean-Jacques Quisquater
Improved Algorithms for Efficient Arithmetic on Elliptic Curves Using Fast Endomorphisms. (.ps) 388-400
Digital Signatures
Eu-Jin Goh
Stanislaw Jarecki
A Signature Scheme as Secure as the Diffie-Hellman Problem. (.ps) 401-415
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Dan Boneh
Craig Gentry
Ben Lynn
Hovav Shacham
Aggregate and Verifiably Encrypted Signatures from Bilinear Maps. (.ps) 416-432
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Michael Szydlo
Hypercubic Lattice Reduction and Analysis of GGH and NTRU Signatures. (.ps) 433-448
Invited Talk II
Cryptanalysis III
Pierre-Alain Fouque
Guillaume Poupard
On the Security of RDSA. (.ps) 462-476
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Eonkyung Lee
Je Hong Park
Cryptanalysis of the Public-Key Encryption Based on Braid Groups. (.ps) 477-490
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Mihir Bellare
Tadayoshi Kohno
A Theoretical Treatment of Related-Key Attacks: RKA-PRPs, RKA-PRFs, and Applications. (.ps) 491-506
Key Exchange
Mario Di Raimondo
Rosario Gennaro
Provably Secure Threshold Password-Authenticated Key Exchange. (.ps) 507-523
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Rosario Gennaro
Yehuda Lindell
A Framework for Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange. (.ps) 524-543
Information Theoretic Cryptography
Ueli M. Maurer
Krzysztof Pietrzak
The Security of Many-Round Luby-Rackoff Pseudo-Random Permutations. (.ps) 544-561
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Renato Renner
Stefan Wolf
New Bounds in Secret-Key Agreement: The Gap between Formation and Secrecy Extraction. (.ps) 562-577
Secure Multi-party Computation II
Jonathan Katz
Rafail Ostrovsky
Adam Smith
Round Efficiency of Multi-party Computation with a Dishonest Majority. (.ps) 578-595
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Ronald Cramer
Serge Fehr
Yuval Ishai
Eyal Kushilevitz
Efficient Multi-party Computation over Rings. (.ps) 596-613
Group Signatures
Mihir Bellare
Daniele Micciancio
Bogdan Warinschi
Foundations of Group Signatures: Formal Definitions, Simplified Requirements, and a Construction Based on General Assumptions. 614-629
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Aggelos Kiayias
Moti Yung
Group Signatures from Traitor Tracing Schemes. (.ps) 630-648