The main conference venue, where the reception, main talks and rump session will take place, is the West Road Concert Hall in Cambridge. The lunches and banquet will be held in Robinson College, on Grange Road in Cambridge. Robinson College is the newest of the Colleges in Cambridge having only been opened in 1981.
We have also reserved 200 study bedrooms in Robinson College which are available to hire on a Bed and Breakfast basis. This offers exceedingly good value for money accomodation for the conference in modern (mostly ensuite) student accomodation. Please see the accomodation page for more details of this.
The West Road Concert Hall and Robinson College are within an easy five minutes walk of each other. And both are within a short 10-15 minute walk of the main centre of Cambridge, the Cambridge Backs and other colleges such as Kings and Trinity. The following image shows the location of the two venues in relation to the rest of the town.
View Cambridge Venue in a larger map
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