PKC 2015
Springer proceedings link
March 30
Welcome (9:00 - 9:05)
Public-Key Encryption (9:05 - 10:15)
Simulation-Based Selective Opening CCA Security from Key Encapsulation
Shengli Liu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Kenneth G. Paterson (Royal Holloway University)
On the Selective Opening Security of Practical Public-Key Encryption Schemes
Felix Heuer (Ruhr University Bochum)
Tibor Jager (Ruhr University Bochum)
Eike Kiltz (Ruhr University Bochum)
Sven Schäge (Ruhr University Bochum)
How Secure is Deterministic Encryption?
Mihir Bellare (UCSD)
Rafael Dowsley (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Sriram Keelveedhi
Coffee Break (10:15 - 10:45)
E-Cash (10:45 - 11:30)
Divisible E-Cash Made Practical
Sébastien Canard (Orange Labs)
David Pointcheval (École Normale Supérieure/CNRS/INRIA)
Olivier Sanders (Orange Labs and École Normale Supérieure/CNRS/INRIA)
Jacques Traoré (Orange Labs)
Anonymous Transferable E-Cash
Foteini Baldimtsi (Boston University)
Melissa Chase (Microsoft Research)
Georg Fuchsbauer (IST Austria)
Markulf Kohlweiss (Microsoft Research)
Invited Talk -- Antoine Joux (11:30 - 12:30)
Recent Advances in Algorithms for Computing Discrete Logarithms
Lunch (12:30 - 2:00)
Cryptanalysis (2:00 - 3:30)
Collision of random walks and a refined analysis of attacks on discrete logarithm
Shuji Kijima (Kyushu University)
Ravi Montenegro (University of Massachusetts, Lowell)
A Polynomial-Time Key-Recovery Attack on MQQ Cryptosystems
Jean-Charles Faugère (Sorbonne Universitès and INRIA
Danilo Gligoroski (NTNU)
Ludovic Perret (INRIA and CNRS)
Simona Samardjiska (NTNU and UKIM)
Enrico Thomae (Ruhr-University Bochum)
A Polynomial-Time Attack on the BBCRS Scheme
Alain Couvreur (INRIA & LIX, École Polytechnique)
Ayoub Otmani (University of Rouen)
Jean-Pierre Tillich (INRIA)
Valérie Gautier Umaña (Universidad del Rosario)
Algebraic Cryptanalysis of a Quantum Money Scheme -- the Noise-Free Case
Marta Conde Pena (Institute of Physical and Information Technologies - Spanish National Research Council)
Jean-Charles Faugère (INRIA and CNRS)
Ludovic Perret (Sorbonne Universites and INRIA)
Coffee Break (3:30 - 4:00)
Digital Signatures I (4:00 - 5:10)
Digital Signatures from Strong RSA without Prime Generation
David Cash (Rutgers University)
Rafael Dowsley (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Eike Kiltz (Ruhr University Bochum)
Short Signatures with Short Public Keys from Homomorphic Trapdoor Functions
Jacob Alperin-Sheriff (Georgia Tech)
Tightly-Secure Signatures from Chameleon Hash Functions
Olivier Blazy (Universite de Limoges)
Saqib A. Kakvi (Ruhr-University Bochum)
Eike Kiltz (Ruhr-University Bochum)
Jiaxin Pan (Ruhr-University Bochum)
March 31
Password-Based Authentication (9:00 - 10:10)
Two-Server Password-Authenticated Secret Sharing UC-Secure Against Transient Corruptions
Jan Camenisch (IBM Research - Zurich)
Robert R. Enderlein (IBM Research - Zurich)
Gregory Neven (IBM Research - Zurich)
Adaptive Witness Encryption and Asymmetric Password-Based Cryptography
Mihir Bellare (UCSD)
Viet Tung Hoang (University of Maryland, Georgetown University)
Public-Key Encryption Indistinguishable Under Plaintext-Checkable Attacks
Michel Abdalla (École Normale Supérieure)
Fabrice Benhamouda (École Normale Supérieure)
David Pointcheval (École Normale Supérieure)
Pairing-Based Cryptography (10:10 - 10:55)
Strongly-Optimal Structure Preserving Signatures from Type II Pairings: Synthesis and Lower Bounds
Gilles Barthe (IMDEA Software Institute)
Edvard Fagerholm (University of Pennsylvania)
Dario Fiore (IMDEA Software Institute)
Andre Scedrov (University of Pennsylvania)
Benedikt Schmidt (IMDEA Software Institute)
Mehdi Tibouchi (NTT Secure Platform Laboratories)
A Profitable Sub-Prime Loan: Obtaining the Advantages of Composite Order in Prime-Order Bilinear Groups
Allison B. Lewko (Columbia University)
Sarah Meiklejohn (UCL)
Coffee Break (10:55 - 11:20)
Digital Signatures II (11:20 - 12:30)
Simpler Efficient Group Signatures from Lattices
Phong Q. Nguyen (INRIA and Tsinghua University)
Jiang Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Zhenfeng Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Group Signatures from Lattices: Simpler, Tighter, Shorter, Ring-based
San Ling (Nanyang Technological University)
Khoa Nguyen (Nanyang Technological University)
Huaxiong Wang (Nanyang Technological University)
Secure Efficient History-Hiding Append-Only Signatures in the Standard Model
Benoît Libert (ENS Lyon)
Marc Joye (Technicolor)
Moti Yung (Google & Columbia University)
Thomas Peters (ENS)
Lunch (12:30 - 2:00)
Efficient Constructions (2:00 - 3:30)
One-Round Key Exchange with Strong Security: An Efficient and Generic Construction in the Standard Model
Florian Bergsma (Ruhr-University Bochum)
Tibor Jager (Ruhr-University Bochum)
Jörg Schwenk (Ruhr-University Bochum)
Additively Homomorphic UC commitments with Optimal Amortized Overhead
Ignacio Cascudo (Aarhus University)
Ivan Damgård (Aarhus University)
Bernardo David (Aarhus University)
Irene Giacomelli (Aarhus University)
Jesper Buus Nielsen (Aarhus University)
Roberto Trifiletti (Aarhus University)
Interactive Message-Locked Encryption and Secure Deduplication
Mihir Bellare (UCSD)
Sriram Keelveedhi
Faster ECC over GF(2^521 - 1)
Robert Granger (EPFL)
Michael Scott (CertiVox Labs)
Coffee Break (3:30 - 4:00)
Cryptography with Imperfect Keys (4:00 - 5:10)
Continuous Non-Malleable Key Derivation and Its Application to Related-Key Security
Baodong Qin (Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Southwest University of Science and Technology)
Shengli Liu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Tsz Hon Yuen (Huawei)
Robert H. Deng (Singapore Management University)
Kefei Chen (Hangzhou Normal University)
A Tamper and Leakage Resilient von Neumann Architecture
Sebastian Faust (EPFL)
Pratyay Mukherjee (Aarhus University)
Jesper Buus Nielsen (Aarhus University)
Daniele Venturi (Sapienza University of Rome)
Low Noise LPN: KDM Secure Public Key Encryption and Sample Amplification
Nico Döttling (Aarhus University)
April 1
Interactive Proofs (9:15 - 10:00)
Adaptive Proofs of Knowledge in the Random Oracle Model
David Bernhard (University of Bristol)
Bogdan Warinschi (University of Bristol)
Marc Fischlin (TU Darmstadt)
Making Sigma-Protocols Non-interactive without Random Oracles
Pyrros Chaidos (University College London)
Jens Groth (University College London)
Coffee Break (10:00 - 10:20)
Lattice-Based Cryptography (10:20 - 11:30)
Bootstrapping BGV Ciphertexts with a Wider Choice of p and q
Emmanuela Orsini (University of Bristol)
Joop van de Pol (University of Bristol)
Nigel P. Smart (University of Bristol)
Packing Messages and Optimizing Bootstrapping in GSW-FHE
Ryo Hiromasa (Kyoto University)
Masayuki Abe (NTT Secure Platform Laboratories)
Tatsuaki Okamoto (NTT Secure Platform Laboratories)
Simple Lattice Trapdoor Sampling from a Broad Class of Distributions
Vadim Lyubashevsky (Inria/ENS)
Daniel Wichs (Northeastern University)
Invited Talk -- Sanjam Garg (11:30 - 12:30)
New Advances in Obfuscation and its Applications
Lunch (12:30 - 2:00)
Identity-Based, Predicate, and Functional Encryption (2:00 - 3:30)
Simple Functional Encryption Schemes for Inner Products
Michel Abdalla (École Normale Supérieure)
Florian Bourse (École Normale Supérieure)
Angelo De Caro (École Normale Supérieure)
David Pointcheval (École Normale Supérieure)
Predicate Encryption for Multi-Dimensional Range Queries from Lattices
Romain Gay (ENS)
Pierrick Méaux (ENS, INRIA)
Hoeteck Wee (CNRS, ENS)
On the Practical Security of Inner Product Functional Encryption
Shashank Agrawal (UIUC)
Shweta Agrawal (IIT Delhi)
Saikrishna Badrinarayanan (UCLA)
Abishek Kumarasubramanian (Google)
Manoj Prabhakaran (UIUC)
Amit Sahai (UCLA)
Identity-Based Encryption with (Almost) Tight Security in the Multi-Instance, Multi-Ciphertext Setting
Dennis Hofheinz (KIT)
Jessica Koch (KIT)
Christoph Striecks (KIT)