Shanghai, China
Xuejia Lai and Kefei Chen (Eds.):
Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2006
12th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security
Shanghai, China
December 3-7, 2006
Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4284
Springer 2006
ISBN 3-540-49475-8 BibTeX
Preface by Xuejia Lai
sponsored by
the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR)
in cooperation with
the State Key Labs. of Information Security, Chinese Academy of Sciences (LOIS)
Lab for Cryptography and Information Security, Shanghai Jiaotong University (CIS/SJTU)
Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
General Chair
Dingyi Pei Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Program Chair
Xuejia Lai Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Organization Chair
Kefei Chen Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Paulo S.L.M. Barreto | University of Sao Paulo, Brasil |
Mihir Bellare | U.C. San Diego, US |
Lily Chen | NIST, US |
Ed Dawson | Queensland University of Technology, Australia |
Yvo G. Desmedt | University College London, UK |
Giovanni Di Crescenzo | Telcordia Technologies, US |
Cunsheng Ding | Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China |
Henri Gilbert | France Telecom R&D, France |
Guang Gong | University of Waterloo, Canada |
Antoine Joux | DGA and University Versailles St-Quentin, France |
Kwangjo Kim | ICU, Korea |
Kaoru Kurosawa | Ibaraki University, Japan |
Chi Sung Laih | National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan |
Tanja Lange | Technical University of Denmark |
Arjen K. Lenstra | EPFL, Switzerland |
Mulan Liu | Chinese Academy of Sciences, China |
Wenbo Mao | HP Labs, China |
Willi Meier | FHNW, Switzerland |
Kaisa Nyberg | Helsinki University of Technology and Nokia, Finland |
Kenny Paterson | Royal Holloway University of London, UK |
David Pointcheval | CNRS/ENS, Paris, France |
Bart Preneel | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium |
Raphael C.W. Phan | Swinburne University of Technology, Malaysia |
Phillip Rogaway | U.C. Davis, US and Mah Fah Luang University, Thailand |
Rei Safavi-Naini | University of Wollongong, Australia |
Kouichi Sakurai | Kyushu University, Japan |
Hovav Shacham | Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel |
Serge Vaudenay | EPFL, Switzerland |
Wenling Wu | LOIS, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China |
Moti Yung | Columbia University, US |
Jianying Zhou | Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore |
Attacks on Hash Functions
Christophe De Cannière
Christian Rechberger
Finding SHA-1 Characteristics: General Results and Applications , ( .ps ). 1-20
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Yusuke Naito
Yu Sasaki
Takeshi Shimoyama
Jun Yajima
Noboru Kunihiro
Kazuo Ohta
Improved Collision Search for SHA-0 , ( .ps ). 21-36
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Scott Contini
Yiqun Lisa Yin
Forgery and Partial Key-Recovery Attacks on HMAC and NMAC Using Hash Collisions , ( .ps ). 37-53
Stream Ciphers and Boolean Functions
Bin Zhang
Dengguo Feng
New Guess-and-Determine Attack on the Self-Shrinking Generator , ( .ps ). 54-68
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Souradyuti Paul
Bart Preneel
On the (In)security of Stream Ciphers Based on Arrays and Modular Addition , ( .ps ). 69-83
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Na Li
Wen-Feng Qi
Construction and Analysis of Boolean Functions of 2 t +1 Variables with Maximum Algebraic Immunity , ( .ps ). 84-98
Biometrics and ECC Computation
Qiming Li
Yagiz Sutcu
Nasir D. Memon
Secure Sketch for Biometric Templates , ( .ps ). 99-113
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Pierrick Gaudry
T. Houtmann
D. Kohel
Christophe Ritzenthaler
A. Weng
The 2-Adic CM Method for Genus 2 Curves with Application to Cryptography , ( .ps ). 114-129
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Roberto Maria Avanzi
Vassil S. Dimitrov
Christophe Doche
Francesco Sica
Extending Scalar Multiplication Using Double Bases , ( .ps ). 130-144
ID-Based Schemes
Sanjit Chatterjee
Palash Sarkar
HIBE With Short Public Parameters Without Random Oracle , ( .ps ). 145-160
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Nuttapong Attrapadung
Jun Furukawa
Hideki Imai
Forward-Secure and Searchable Broadcast Encryption with Short Ciphertexts and Private Keys , ( .ps ). 161-177
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David Galindo
Javier Herranz
Eike Kiltz
On the Generic Construction of Identity-Based Signatures with Additional Properties , ( .ps ). 178-193
Public-Key Schemes
Ron Steinfeld
Josef Pieprzyk
Huaxiong Wang
On the Provable Security of an Efficient RSA-Based Pseudorandom Generator , ( .ps ). 194-209
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Alexandra Boldyreva
Marc Fischlin
On the Security of OAEP , ( .ps ). 210-225
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Isamu Teranishi
Wakaha Ogata
Relationship Between Standard Model Plaintext Awareness and Message Hiding , ( .ps ). 226-240
RSA and Factorization
Gregor Leander
Andy Rupp
On the Equivalence of RSA and Factoring Regarding Generic Ring Algorithms , ( .ps ). 241-251
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Pascal Paillier
Jorge Luis Villar
Trading One-Wayness Against Chosen-Ciphertext Security in Factoring-Based Encryption , ( .ps ). 252-266
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Ellen Jochemsz
Alexander May
A Strategy for Finding Roots of Multivariate Polynomials with New Applications in Attacking RSA Variants , ( .ps ). 267-282
Construction of Hash Function
Donghoon Chang
Sangjin Lee
Mridul Nandi
Moti Yung
Indifferentiable Security Analysis of Popular Hash Functions with Prefix-Free Padding , ( .ps ). 283-298
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Mihir Bellare
Thomas Ristenpart
Multi-Property-Preserving Hash Domain Extension and the EMD Transform , ( .ps ). 299-314
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Thomas Peyrin
Henri Gilbert
Frédéric Muller
Matthew J. B. Robshaw
Combining Compression Functions and Block Cipher-Based Hash Functions , ( .ps ). 315-331
Michel Abdalla
David Pointcheval
A Scalable Password-Based Group Key Exchange Protocol in the Standard Model , ( .ps ). 332-347
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Ventzislav Nikov
Svetla Nikova
Bart Preneel
A Weakness in Some Oblivious Transfer and Zero-Knowledge Protocols , ( .ps ). 348-363
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Satoshi Obana
Toshinori Araki
Almost Optimum Secret Sharing Schemes Secure Against Cheating for Arbitrary Secret Distribution , ( .ps ). 364-379
Block Ciphers
Thomas Baignères
Matthieu Finiasz
KFC - The Krazy Feistel Cipher , ( .ps ). 380-395
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Jacques Patarin
Valérie Nachef
Côme Berbain
Generic Attacks on Unbalanced Feistel Schemes with Contracting Functions , ( .ps ). 396-411
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Eli Biham
Orr Dunkelman
Nathan Keller
New Cryptanalytic Results on IDEA , ( .ps ). 412-427
Kaoru Kurosawa
Tsuyoshi Takagi
New Approach for Selectively Convertible Undeniable Signature Schemes , ( .ps ). 428-443
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Jens Groth
Simulation-Sound NIZK Proofs for a Practical Language and Constant Size Group Signatures , ( .ps ). 444-459
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Zhengjun Cao
Analysis of One Popular Group Signature Scheme , ( .ps ). 460-466